Anyone in Newcastle hook a brother up?

The fog is defo thick on the Tyne @Esrgood4u rattling mess tryna paint the mast on the ship high af :sweat_smile: I’m out of body laughing at myself. Told the Boss I’m not doing that yet. Gonna have to not wake and bake. Whatever the Cindy smelling one is is fucking dank af :heart_eyes:



That’s making me feel clostraphobic looking at those pictures lol.


It’s not for everyone. But it’s a whole different vibe on the water. I’m a big fan. So is the girlfriend. She’s shorter than me so i imagine it’s easier for her :joy:


I gave you a few different strains bro. Purple lemonade, ghost rose (stinky bud from @ReikoX), Trizzlers (@Mr.Sparkle) that is strong af but grew fluffy on me for some reason and some supposed lemon haze I bought a while back that I’d put in a bucket to cure a little bit and totally forgot I had it :rofl:
How was the 5th :wink: “strain”?

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I was 6ft 5 when we lived in the UK, I have shrunk 1.5 inches since then, I couldn’t handle much longer than a couple of hours in old pubs with low beams, always smashing my mush on them lol. Some 14th century pubs I have been in actually not far from you in the Lake District. I would have to sit or constantly stand with my knees bent, and my head on one side of my shoulders lmao.


I get claustrophobic also bro. Likely why I became a roofer :rofl:


Why I have a 16ft cathedral ceiling in the house lol.

If the lake district was in Canada it would be called the pond area lol.


I’m smoking the purple lemonade now. Is nice. Fruity smoke. TBf not a single one is bad in anyway at all. But the Cindy type is perfect as far as my preference goes. As for the 5th strain. We were up till well the day after. Banged a lot and didn’t go work :sweat_smile: I’d rate it but next time i visit Manny I’ll see my mate and me and you can have a night and see :100::sunglasses:

@Shadey I’m 6ft bang on. The height inside here is about 4 ft. I reckon me and you can empathize on those pubs :joy:
The lakes is quite nice. TBf Newcastle is growing on me but I’m fucked if i can understand what anyone’s saying. Walked through the pedestrian tunnel before. Control room left their Comms on. Sounded like some black ops shit. Place is madness


There’s a mast needs painting here bro :sweat_smile: ladder tied on wonky floor with 6mm string :muscle: great fun


That wasn’t from my usual friend. That was from my barber mate. “Friend” only does small sizes like i explained. :rofl:
Glad it was OK though.

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I have been working in a low room under our stairs, I am just making it damp proof and have put up a small stud wall on the outside wall, and gyprocked it all around as well as the ceiling. It’s 9ftLx 7ftW x 47 inches high. It crippled me in 3 days, I was just working for an hour then breaking for a couple then just doing another hour a day lol.

Just took me 2 hours to tape and joint it, and my neck is starting to really give me grief now.

I am going to work on my truck the next couple of days, and finish of the sanding and putting the subfloor under the stairs after a good rest. It would do my neck in completely if I had to be in there for long gone periods.


It wasn’t bad. Can’t grumble as it goes but still be good to show you Manny stuff. Might have to small sample your ‘friends’ stuff soon


6mm is better than 0mm :joy:


I’ve been in all kinds of positions i shouldn’t be lately. But it’s a needs must situation. Sounds like you’re overdoing it too bro. Smoke a fatty and contemplate for a while :100:


I am :crazy_face:

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I’ve been framing out a flat roof and laying rubber this past week or so. Had to create a funnel effect so the water runs into a gully at the front of the building. 9m x 7m with 3 different falls. Had to insulate it with 100mm kingspan. Once all the framework and boards were screwed down I had to get the rubber up a ladder fully extended 3 floors. Had a rope around it and two people locking it tight on the roof as I took 1 step at a time pushing it up. Took around 30 minutes to get it to the top. EPDM is heavy AF. Needless to say once it was up I went straight home to bed :rofl:
On a "brighter"note I got one hell of a tan from the foil while fitting the kingspan.


I have carried 50ft x6ft rolls of epdm on a roof, don’t think I could carry one up a ladder, you need to get a zoom boom man, they save a lot of hard work, it would do me head in when we worked on high buildings and had to pull everything up by rope. Good back and bycept work out lol.


We’ve got two zoom booms. Ones called James and the other is called Paul :rofl:
We’re just a small company that employs 6 people in total so expensive tools like that isn’t economical. We do own a tile bumper lift though thankfully. The type of person I am I can’t sit back and watch the labourers do all the heavy work so I always pitch in.


There not that economical full stop lol. Especially when the cheap as company doesn’t service them. Just waits for something to break, and then moans about 12 guys standing around with nothing to do like its their fault lol.