The UK blueberry auto grow show-not a competition šŸ™ƒ

There was a bit of chatter in my outdoor thread. And a few of us that i canā€™t even tag because one will be left out, decided we should do a ā€œdefinitely not competitive :rofl:ā€ comparative grow at different latitudes of the UK.

Provided @sense gets his beans we were looking at a Monday 19th June plant date. Any medium. Any nutrients. Only stipulation is they have to be run with the sun.

The seeds were bred by none other than @Bob13 so I imagine he will be winning this. I mean not winning cos its not a competition lol. But doing the best (winning but donā€™t tell esrgood4u) we donā€™t want him to get serious and become bankrupt.

Rather than having to sift through my posts in my personal thread. I thought it would be a better option to make a dedicated space for us all to post.

Tag your friends. They can come and see how much of a shambles my outdoor stuff is and have a jolly old chuckle about it. I dont mind. Plus be good to show the world what us brits can do without raping and pillaging land other than our own gardens :wink:

Picture from my thread. Not a competitor but the same beans that will be run.


Sounds interesting :thinking: :ok_hand:


Sounds like a plan to me. Iā€™ll tag along!


Probably an absolute shit show but will be a laugh brother.
@Esrgood4u its definitely not a competitionā€¦lol.


Always glad to have you on board bro. Is your space doing any better this time round. I know you had some struggles last time we spoke.


Looking forward to seeing who wins this non competitive grow off :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :rofl:



It wonā€™t be me as Iā€™m only gonna grow in 3l pots. Gonna stick 3 out as Iā€™ve got some other stuff I need to get started out there. Need to make the most of this mega hot summer. Supposedly gonna get even hotter in the coming weeks.
Meant to be raining Monday through Wednesday this week though. :roll_eyes:


Its not about the size. Its what you do with it :smirk: you will still probably end up with the best structure/bud formation. We know you can grow. Still no word off @Sense as to whether he has received his package or not. I chopped the JR in the loft yesterday so need to be starting some more too. Apparently the next 7 days we have some rain here. But sitting between 13c (lowest night temps) and 24c (highest day temps) hopefully it perks up again after that.


Apparently Iā€™m going to remain on sheisty restrictions unless I use the cola account. Think ive wasted enough of my time here geezers. Catch my bit of this defo not competition on rollitup. Still had the audacity to ask for patreon donations too :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

After this post wait 17 hours to post again. In the Mancā€™est possible accent. Suck your mum


Was your old account permanently banned @MCR0161??
I canā€™t Stand RIU. Itā€™s full of wankers with superiority complexes. The egotism is off the charts on each and every thread.
I donā€™t use any social media what so ever and OG is the only forum I use these days.
I donā€™t know if the trust level will ever be unlocked again but we can live in hope.
I know youā€™ve got a problem with censorship same as i do but sometimes itā€™s better to not say anything at all when your pissed off about something.
Hoping you change your mind bro :v:


Package arrived, letā€™s get this show on the road! What seeds we going for @Esrgood4u @MCR0161 was it the Blueberry Auto Thick


Bro there is a bit of a problem with @MCR0161 :arrow_up:
Iā€™ve got a bag of compost and a couple of 3l pots so Iā€™ll bang 3 of @Bob13 straight blueberry autos (closest ive got to the blueberry thick) out first thing tomorrow morning.


Oh bloody hell šŸ¤¦

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Itā€™s fine. Iā€™ll still do mine alongside yours buddy. Iā€™ve got my polytunnel sorted out so Iā€™ll have a slight advantage :sunglasses:

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Being real, how bad does a plant stink when itā€™s outdoors? :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :rofl:

I really want to get in on this gorw off :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
Iā€™ve got a single Auto seed I got as a freebie from Attitude and Iā€™m tempted to plant It.

Just canā€™t be arsed with the neighbours calling the police a single fucking auto :roll_eyes:



No idea, the step mum has balls tho for letting me


Iā€™m around it constantly so I canā€™t really say myself. My neighbour told me he could smell it past his wall of conifers last week. Conifers stink of pine like most weed does so Iā€™ve no idea how he could smell it. I think itā€™s more because he knows they are there.


Just tell your neighbours itā€™s CBD plants :+1:

Iā€™m not sure. The blackberry Moonrocksā€™ roots went dark and fell off, but sheā€™s shooting some nice white roots again, so maybe Iā€™ll still save her. Got one of 5 other seeds that have come up so far. One dud, 3 maybes. So we shall see.


Doubt theyā€™d know what that means :laughing: