Anyone in the US go through with USDA APHIS eFile-ing procedure for C.Sativa (hemp seeds legally) seed imports?

I’m seeking any input or for others’ experience on the subject matter. This could be a general comment, or in-depth experience. This is pertinent to Non-Canada US imports. This also should open the space for commentary for integrating imports into current legal constructs and legally growing the plant, which probably will be required once looking at the looming federal legalization of the species.

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I don’t think anyone is too worried about that here. Tons of seeds and clones flying all over the world.


True. I’ll report back. I am interested in the plant for research and this is where I will have to state the seeds entered into the country at that specific time, from this or that vendor.


Not sure if this applies to your topic but I did have some canadian seeds withheld by Canadian Customs for not having a seed certificate.

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yeah, the phytosanitary certificate is a must for the US. Also, the USDA and DEA stopped regulating and confiscating these upon import which they did for decades. Unless obscured (maybe in sealed metal containers for transport?), hemp seeds really only need these phytosanitary certificates for US import. if obscured, they need a usda permit which isn’t very expensive

Interesting. This known seed dealer decided to just try and get another one through. Only took about 2.5 months to get the seeds I paid for.

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Some people decide to do this. I feel as though if there is an order above a certain weight, and the goal is to have these seeds enter into a legal and regulated system, than the aforementioned method is the way to go. If the goals is a home, personal, or otherwise, I understand, except! there is no trail to track the seeds back to origin legally, which is a must for research if legally conducted

or if there is an interest in integrating these into the current system in the US. most of what I have been working on acquiring is not currently in US seedbanks or their system