Anyone know of available light sponsors?

1000w led (but only draws 90w at the wall :rofl:)


This kind of has been going on forever. 20 years ago I had a light something something 45. The thing was only 28 watts.

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I agree 100%, So many claims out there. Funny part is even if a great grower could pull that kind of result from the light there is now way a nube who doesnā€™t know any better will get anywhere close to it. Now who knows, top several times and train correctly it may be possible but I wonā€™t shill. If I have tried I will give an honest opinion, otherwise like now I have to say I donā€™t know. I will give this new light itā€™s props so far, for vegging it did amazing. Flowering started a little while ago and they are stretching now but I can only imagine it will do well with flower going by the smaller one I used last time. The FC 6500 and FC 8000 are basically the same light with more watts.

Now looking at their site now it does say 3GPW but they also suggest that is in a commercial setting with dialed in added Co2.

ā€œBorn for commercial cultivation with supplemental CO2 applications, FC8000 LED grow light supplies uniform PPFD averaging 1500Ī¼mol/mĀ²/s, sufficient to activate 100% photosynthesis and obtain maximum yield at different CO2 concentrations.ā€


Do you find that the more spaced out/ better spread of the LEDs allow you to get plants closer to the light than you otherwise might?


I gave Mars a lot of shit when they were on here as a sponsor because of the numbers they claimed. I try to protect the consumer (og members). Iā€™ll be honest though mars have stepped up their game and now use quality components. Personally Iā€™d now risk buying a mars light for my 2x2.
Honesty would likely sell more of their products.


I like my fce4800. Gets the job done in a 4x4


2.5 gpw good though???
Not meaning to hate on peopleā€™s lights. If your happy with your results then thatā€™s what matters. :+1:


I use a ts600 in a breeding tent.
It makes seeds lol. I cant answer anything technical about it. (Draw at the plug or weights)


Nah, my bests about 600g but Iā€™m not great with training/canopy management. Grows dank though, gonna get another here soon and move over to an 8x4 for flower

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I can tell you itā€™s not 600w or equivalent of a 600w has bro :rofl:
It prob has 300 leds that are capable of 2w each that equals the 600w but the diodes are only running at 0.5w each so at the wall itā€™s hitting maybe 150w if your lucky

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The 600s 100w


Iā€™ve grown an auto under it but I wouldnt use it for bud.

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I think all 100w qb lights are about the same tbh regardless of brand

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They all lie you mean?? :v:


My main lights are 5- hlg 260xl.
But again I dont know anything technical about those either

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Theyā€™re all fine for a 2x2 :man_shrugging:t2:


I do and the bar light style give a much better spread across the tent. The bars are also moveable so you can set things up the way you like. The FC 6500 actually folds.

Here are my plants under it now.

I donā€™t know man, one would have to be very good, have their grow totally dialed in and have the proper levels of monitored Co2. I donā€™t qualify for any of those criteria :rofl:

The TS600 is 100 watts.


If your happy then so am I :+1:


I have an HLG also and I donā€™t think they make gpw claims.

Itā€™s a nice light.


To be fair they look perfect. :+1:
Iā€™m waiting to be proved wrong.

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