Anyone remember the Jack pipe?

Love the grain on the bottom by his signature! Nice piece @buckaroobonsai ! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Here’s a double barreled pipe for ya:


Kurt Cobain woulda loved that pipe :grimacing:

About the Jack pipe. I never had one so let’s keep it clear that in this case I’m an absolute armchair specialist. But it seems to me that the “double venturi double vortex barrel ricochet” thing is a whole lotta fancy words to make something more easily marketable among stoners who the bulk of probably don’t even properly know what a Venturi valve or effect actually is.

I won’t say there’s not a venturi action going on in this pipe. But I will say that by that same principle, every bong has a venturi action going on in the downstem. Because all “venture principle” really means is the fact that a reduction in diameter will cause a higher speed of the product being transfered through that diameter. This causes a local diminished pressure, which in Venturi valves is used to suck in a stream from a secondary source.

Basically a venture valve looks kinda like this: ===>–’--<=== with the — being the smaller diameter part and the ’ being the secondary source that is pulled into the main stream ====

I struggle to find the ricochet part. And I also struggle to find the vortex part feasible, assuming the bores are both a simple straight bore.


The pipe is still available to buy, 69-99 bucks, going to order one myself


Great pipe for your pocket @Jetdro! I love mine. Where’d you find em for that price?

As for the venturi effect, it’s a simple principle of restricting flow. In turn causing a nice cool pull. Too bad Jack isn’t around to tell us more. He wasn’t known to not do his research.
It also tastes good each time I light it. Can’t say that for many devices. It’s all about packing it well and it helps that the lid snuffs it out perfectly.

Jack Herer’s Double Barrel Pipe
In 1998, when Herer was visiting Jacksonville, Florida, he met a marijuana activist who showed him a unique pipe made from aluminum. “Each hit was the perfect hit. But there was a problem; it got hotter and hotter and hotter and hotter,” Herer told me in an interview from his Northern California home in 2006. Herer and one of his sons have sold more than 30,000 units in the past nine years. The unique paraphernalia is marketed as a “double barrel, double venturi, ricocheting vortex” effect pipe.

Designed for Cool Hits
It just so happened that, at the time he discovered the aluminum pipe in Jacksonville, Herer owned a small company that manufactured pipes. He and his employees experimented with a variety of designs, all driven by the central goal of avoiding the heat buildup of the aluminum model.

After six months of obsessive experimentation—involving more than 700 test units—Herer and his compatriots finally held in their hands a pocketable wooden pipe capable of delivering the Holy Grail of toking: Cool hits—every hit. The air dynamics of this “double-barrel” (double-hole) smoking implement deliver air that’s 1/3 the temperature of a standard, one-hole pipe.

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All this in a pipe that never requires cleaning (the design inherently retards resin buildup) and consumes only 1-1.5 percent of a gram of herb per hit (each bowl delivers 30-40 hits). Herer explained how conventional, single-hole pipes burn 15-30 percent of a gram in only one or two hits. “We got it cooler than a water bong. And it never gets dirty! After nine years, they’re still not dirty,” Herer told me.

Another fact that, on the surface, seems too good to be true: Not only does the pipe deliver up to a few dozen hits off a single—albeit elaborately packed—bowl, but each hit is fresh. In other words, the pipe’s air flow dynamics mean you’re never smoking ash. “Each hit is the first hit. 90 percent of each hit is green,” said Herer. Perfect for parties and group settings where you don’t want to be rude to your guests.

Slow Packing Only Dry Pot
With all of the amazing qualities of stretching your herb supply and requiring no cleaning for literally a decade, all in a pocketable form factor that delivers hits cooler than a water bong. What’s the catch? Not price ($60 US). “You have to use dry, cured pot. Which is what you should smoke anyway,” Herer said.

These unique pipes must also be carefully and diligently packed, layer after layer, using a regimented technique involving a special wooden packing tool. Be warned: This pipe isn’t a quick toke before the concert when you’re running late. Impatient potheads won’t be thrilled with the time required to pack the bowl, an exercise somewhat symbolic of Herer’s personal spirituality toward the herb.

How To Use a Jack Herer Pipe
To enjoy the benefits of one of Herer’s greatest non-literary contributions to the culture, one must properly pack the bowl. As Herer told me, “You don’t know Jack if you don’t know how to pack the pipe.”

Collect 1/3 to 1/2 of a gram of dry cannabis.
Crush/grind the herb and separate it into six equal piles. These will be used to pack the bowl, layer-by-layer.
Place the first of the piles into the bowl. Smash it down with your finger to create an even layer across the screen.
Using the narrow end of the wooden packing tool, apply pressure to the edges of the bowl. Herer recommends considering the bowl as the face of a clock and compressing it at eight different spots (corresponding to a cycle of 12:00, 3:00, 6:00, and 9:00 followed by a round of 1:30, 4:20, 7:30, and 10:30).
Repeat this process until the bowl is full.
When lighting the pipe, hit only a corner; don’t torch the entire bowl. The self-carbureting action of the pipe means it typically stays lit long enough to casually pass down the line without everyone scrambling for a Bic.


Where are they available to order?

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From original makers , just google it

I ended up rounding up all my protos , have 5🙈, all in disorder . Made one functional pipe from them ,


A coat hanger wire works absolutely perfect for the lost poker. Just cut to size and grind the tip to a point a little hot shrink tubing around one end Presto Presto.