Anyone seen white pests like these before?


Outdoor grow; starting to notice these tiny white looking aphids maybe? Not sure what they are but there starting to be all over my stalks of my outdoor plants. Need help to identify.

There are a few baby ladybugs protecting my plants. But I’m noticing them more and more. Here’s the best photos I could get, that I found on my clones I took.


Hard to be sure in those pics but I think probably aphids .


If you squish one and it’s sticky, tacky, kinda, it’s aphids. Quite likely outdoors. They secrete a sticky substance called honeydew that sits on the plant and can lead to fungus setting in. You can spray off with jets of water or remove by hand. They go for the softer tissue which is where your outdoor plants are right now, growth wise, as in young and herbaceous. The other thing is ants clip their wings and mine them, moving them around the plant to soft tissue parts so they can feast on their honeydew poo. Not the worst pest but do keep an eye on and remove. They love my roses and are often on the soft tissue on the stem of newly developing rose buds.


Definitely aphids. I’ve been using Mpede horticultural soap and parasitoids on them. :v:


Yes too. :nerd_face: At this phase squishing them is much easier than with big plants, and is a good method because it spreads dead aphids around & even aphids don’t like dead aphids, it spreads bug illnesses, etc. But spraying is agood idea too. Sticky traps for indoor will help too.



It looks more like scale to me. Do they have legs, or do they just sort of stay in that spot (scale).

Q-Tips with a 50-50 mix of 70% Isopropyl Alcohol and water will wipe them off, and kill them. You will need to repeat several times.

A spray of the same would be effective for Aphids and most other soft bodied insects.


Thank you everyone for the replies really appreciate the help !

The photos I took of the little clones were the most visual pictures I could try and get of them.

They do look like they might have legs. Don’t notice any kind of sticky ness when I squish them… but can try again. Tiny translucent mother f’ers.

The problem is they are on my bigger plants that will soon be flowering. 3 ladybugs patrolling the plants but I looked today and they are still there. Look like tiny legs and wings on the buggers. I keep squishing them with my fingers and everyday; I’ll try spraying if need be.


Know that your options for spraying will greatly decrease as you get into the flowering cycle. By week 3 or so your options will be limited. Some if not all aphids are born pregnant. :v:


Okay awesome. Shitty timing because I leave for vacation next week. Keepin a very close eye on the big ones about to flower and hope those 3 ladybugs can keep up. Lol!


Leaf are they like this? Or more of a flat scale


Those little white ones look identical! What are those stiggy?

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You can use fresh water DE to combact them. If they are not in flower you can sprinkle it in the leaves then lightly mist the leaves, or if in flower you can sprinkle it on the soil. But only use the fresh water one. The salt walter one will damage plants. You can also make a foliar spray if they are in veg. This stuff kills all kinds of pests.


Baby aphids, wash them away with spray bottle
There are some natural soap sprays you can make also

Page to the part where they talk about natural soap insect spray

Just be careful with the soap on young and cloned plants
Water wash may be best for now . DE on soil sounds great too


Awesome. Thanks stiggy!

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Welcome anytime , we are a group here so no need to thank just me. You got off easy, aphids are easy to kill and control
Look out if you get them Nasty Russet Mites.
Good Luck


Those look like scales. Im sure of it too!! Aphids thats just too funny…LOL.

My experience tells me scales

Edit: i had the wrong name of insect…LOL
I was bottle baby!! Hahaha!

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They look like mealy bugs to me.


Might be dandruff too…


Thanks everyone for all the info!

I’m going with aphids; it’s what I thought but wanted to ask some fellow growers there opinions.

They are attacking my clones big time. But I would rather that then my big girls about to flower.

More pics on my clones ;


Just go to the hardware store and get a $15 bottle of Malathion or Sevin and knock them out in one spray.

Aphids/Scale/Mealybugs are easy.

Don’t dick around with bandaid-solutions and half-measures like soap, oils, and ladybugs. Those methods might kill some bugs, but won’t eliminate the infestation entirely. They’ll be right back lol. Do it right the first time and sleep easy knowing your problem is gone.

Here soon the crunchy “master grower” boiz will have a comment about “nasty chemicals” “man-made toxins” “synthetic poisons”, etc. So it goes; decide for yourself.