Anyone suffering from depersonalization regularly?

Depending on your personality development it will change how the repressed emotion which is now converted to anxiety by the unconscious mind in an attempt to warn you about what happened before without you knowing what that was, the anxiety is expressed in different ways as the conscious mind tries to rationalize the fear/anxietry one is experiencing.

Some personalities create phobias, by projecting their fear onto situations or physical things due to what ever the unconscious mind believes is similar the the original indecent.

Here’s an example.

3 year old tommy is out with mom getting groceries, he cant get to the toilet quick enough and pees his pants, tommy suffers humiliation and and possible punishment followed by emotional distress, because the parent is not happy.

If this created a severe emotional response to how the parent behaves, tommys unconscious mind represses the indecent so tommy no longer has to remember and suffer from it. If this happens a few times tommys unconscious will start to prompt him to go to the toilet, before he goes out, so he doesn’t have to keep being made to feel bad from the humiliation and his moms anger.

Now as an adult tommy will get anxious before going out anywhere, and will go to the toilet before leaving the house just in case he repeats the mistake. tommies unconscious being a primitive mechanism recognizes that anything that is connected to expelling something from the body, is the same as peeing and it will create anxiety, guilt or whatever other emotions were connected to he original event, when his body wants to expel anything, this could be sneezing, spitting, vomiting when ill, or peeing and defecating or ejaculating. The unconscious considers them all as the same thing.

Depression is a symptom of prolonged anxiety, prolonged anxiety is a symptom of repressed events and emotions from early in life but not always.

I had a client who was compulsive obsessive about doors being locked properly she would re check them 4 or 5 times before being somewhat ok they were locked. This stemmed from a repressed memory that she abreacted to whilst in therapy with me. She was 15 years old and in a single occupation toilet in a store, she thought she had locked the door but hadn’t properly, and an elderly gentleman walked in on her and the resulting embarrassment was repressed but her unconscious mind created an anxiety so strong she felt compelled to keep checking any locked door to make sure it was.

I had another female client who was raped at the age of 5 by the families gardener in the shed. She reported before therapy that she did not trust men and had struggled with relationships and only got sexually excited when someone was touching her shoulder, or pinning her to the floor or when she was in a shed.

After she abreacted the repressed memory and learned what happened her conscious mind was able to rationalize the repressed memory and re organize the emotions connected to it and after about 6 months she reported that she was having a great and trusting relationship with her new boyfriend, and got sexually excited at the right time and situation.

We all carry a lot of repressed events and emotions around with us, they shape our fears and expectations in life, some it affects more than others.

If you are looking to resolve these problems linked to repressed incidents the fastest way is finding a Neuro Linguistic Practitioner, its a vastly superior therapy to psychoanalysis as you dont have to bring a lot of painful unknown memories up into the consciuose mind to re evaluate.


Question, so our brains way of like sifting through the trauma and healing is during REM sleep, in simple terms this is correct? What about the affect Cannabis has on that part of our sleep cycle, does this make healing from trauma or incidents that trigger us more difficult for our brains?

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I fight it everyday. Weed helps the most.


I have had it too…eapecially when taking lexapro. Weed sometimes does it but only in high dose.
Mix cbd weed with the thc and it will help. Imo
My worst are in some stressful fearful situations when i sort of black out and just go somewhere mentally but dont remember what i was doing later


Being around to many people. When the light is to my back and I can’t see. It’s a trigger for me. Old thoughts. I do have to take a pill. I hate it. If I don’t my brain will fry.


Thank you for sharing this. It’s so common and so silenced due to stigma or pawning it off on as just another bad seed. So much pain never gets worked through. When we are silent. It’s as if you were reading my clinical notes. So common, not unique Thank the universe for that. There is always Hope Peace. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:


The one constant I found with all my clients was that they thought they were the only ones suffering from their neurosis and felt embarrassed, scared and unable to tell anyone from fear of being thought crazy and the stigma that goes with psychological problems.

Your mind has learned the trick well and it sounds like you are repressing a lot of stuff.

Yes it does with the symptoms, but not with the actual problem. Drugs just help you lower the symptom response to the repressed emotions, unfortunately they don’t allow those repressed incidents to get re evaluated in the conscious mind and resolved otherwise the world would be a much happier place for everyone if they did.

Yeah the dream state is interesting and complex.

I have differing thoughts as to what happens.

I think one part of dreaming is the unconscious mind trying to gently let the conscious mind know why they are experiencing the negative emotions impacting their life. Kind of an emotional release in a safe environment.

Sometimes it’s just the mind hearing stuff going on around you when sleeping, and it makes up a story to interpret it.

Sometimes it’s your mind trying to wake you up because you might need to go to the toilet, you might start dreaming about not being able to find one.

The problem with dream analysis, its very symbolic and symbols are different for people of different culture and their cultures belief structures as well as the different experiences that have shaped our minds and personality.

You have to go with the dominant emotion in the dream state, and then see what things represent to the individual through their eyes.

Then there is aquiring information from out of body states while sleeping, in different realities or dimensions.

Lucid dreaming or realizing you are dreaming and taking control of the dream experience, inviting in entities or spiritual beings, or people from history to give guidance is very rewarding when achieved with regular practice.

Psychedelics can speed up these practices but they can also be achieved through meditation and sleep training and you are not possibly creating further problems with altered reality perceptions, or triggering possible states of psychosis, when the mind goes into complete denial for what it thinks it is protecting you from.


That’s an interesting take! I agree with it being a crapshoot as far as the causes, i know there are common dreams of falling and losing teeth and these are mostly attributed to daily stressors.

lol I still remember when I would get sleep paralysis and my brain would wake up from a nightmare but I couldn’t move my body and would just lay in the dark truly believing a murderer was in my room. Thankfully, I learned to just accept that I was paralyzed or whatever, and to close my eyes(oddly the one physical part I could control) and go back to sleep.

Just anecdotal but I know when I don’t have cannabis in my system(like currently because I’m on a T-Break) because I will again start to dream, and I have those
Crazy vivid dreams where I am in control mostly, and I can even like reroll my choices in the dreams(sometimes) if I don’t like the outcome. I remember them when I wake up, and it’s almost like it was real. Sometimes a cool thing, but mostly it’s pretty horrible lol.

Thanks for your perspective :sunglasses:





noun: depersonalization; noun: depersonalisation; noun: de-personalization; noun: de-personalisation

  1. the action of divesting someone or something of human characteristics or individuality.
  • Psychiatry

a state in which one’s thoughts and feelings seem unreal or not to belong to oneself, or in which one loses all sense of identity.

Had to look this up because im such a burnout and couldnt say the word.

but no, cant say ive had that issue, even when taking heavy psychedelics.


The falling sensation is when your consciousness, in its energy bodies, gets pulled back into your body quickly. I experience this a lot when I have been out of body.

When you wake up and are paralyzed, this is a state I try to achieve in deep meditation prior to leaving my body when projecting. A lot of people see the dark shadow at the end of the bed, or the murderer as you call it.

That’s your energy bodies taking a time out while you sleep and your consciousness is separating from your physical body and then using those bodies to be in other realities.

According to Freudian psychiatry, dreams of having ones teeth pulled out or falling out is a castration complex.

The reason being, the person was possibly told off and threatened with having their genitals cut off, or tied in a knot on a regular basis for peeing the bed or childhood masturbation, creating the fear that if they keep doing it, snip snip.

What connection teeth has to do with ones genitals, I am not sure on that symbology lol.

I think weed keeps us in the deeper sleep states of theta and ceta, dreams usually happen in alpha when REM starts, and what I look for in clients when using hypnosis, as that’s when they are starting to enter into an altered state on consousness.


Lol yeah I don’t agree with the Freud belief, there’s too many accounts of women having those dreams for it to be solely based on gender. That’s an old-school way of thinking for sure. He’s a product of his time though, so I’m not trying to throw stones, I just know he was really weird about women in general.

The paralysis, that’s interesting that’s what you TRY to achieve haha, I dislike it very much. I haven’t had an episode in years though…from my POV that’s not a bad thing hah

I have yet to try hypnosis, they DO offer it through the VA, and if you use it in your practice, we’ll, that’s a pretty good voucher for me to at least try it out. I’m always looking to try new methods, so thanks for that!

It’s a very simple process, you will be dissapointed in that you will probably not notice anything other than being very relaxed and losing your sense of time lol.

The first time you will probably be more occupied mentally, evaluating what is happening, ratger than actually going into the state lol.

It’s something we do naturally, day dreaming is very similar. Normally we have 90 minutes of brain activity on one side and then there is like a slack tide where neither is dominant for 15 to 20 minutes, before switching to the other brain hemisphere, it’s called an ultradium body rythm.

You may notice this when you have a cold and one side of your nose is blocked after a while it will clear and the other side becomes congested, that’s your brain hemispheres switching dominance.

Hypnosis gets us into that slack tide part where neither hemisphere is dominant and both hemispheres function together. It allows for heightened senses and better access to both logical and emotional parts of the mind as well as to memories and problem solving activity.

Meditation is really self hypnosis, it’s the same altered state of consciousness.


Okay, I got you, do you have any recommendations for the thread, and me, for a good meditation program to follow or any suggestions to stick with it and become dedicated, not just motivated?

I have meditated for a long time, but always fall off the bandwagon lol. I think a good method I read recently was about starting out for 2 minutes every day and try not to think any thoughts, just exist. And to set a timer. It very much reminded me of a Buddhist Prayer circle I attended a decade ago, jeez, I need to find a temple near me to try that again, it was absolutely wonderful.

You say that about hypnosis, but I definitely understand that it’s not a cure, just like meditation, something I got to practice at every day. The brains an organ, but i swear, with all the stuff we train it to do and practice, its more of a muscle hahah

How long have you been practicing for, if you don’t mind me asking?

Meditation I have been doing since a young child before I even new what it was.

Hypnotherapy and psychotherapy I was practicing for 11 years 1985 to 1996 when my daughter was born.

I stopped as I dealt with a lot of child abuse victims, and after my daughter was born it started to affect me badly, being very empathic and developing other psychic abilities, due to all the meditation I had been doing.

Up to 3 hours at a time by then, experimenting with Astral and Etheric projection, remote viewing and energy healing.

We had to move to a bigger house as well, in a cheaper area to live, and I lost the desire to start a new practice elsewhere and went into learning about computers and software.

I am now like you and don’t do it regularly.

I really enjoy it to much when I get in the bliss state, and lose all body sensation and pain, and I can stay in that state for hours if I am not careful which is not very productive for my life atm.

I have reached a stage now where I don’t reslly need to sit down and formally do it, its so natural to me now, I am almost constantly in alpha brain wave with my eyes open.

If you are struggling to do meditation regularly forcing it will not help much I don’t think.

If you have goals that you really want to achieve, this can help motivate you provided meditation or hypnosis are the right tools to achieve those goals, but any positive thoughts will help attract what you want in life.

Learn the basics of Neuro Linguistic Programming, to help with positive language phrasing, so you are not using negative programming words that cause failure, words are very powerful and the universe or God if you want to use that label, is a creative mechanism it does not know how not to create so negative non creating words are ignored.

Example, I don’t want to _______ ( fill in the blanks) don’t, cant, wont and not are all negative words and will be ignored by your unconscious mind and when that happens your left with, …
I want ____ whatever it was you didn’t want.

So don’t focus on the things you don’t want, only what your desired end scenario is for you and the universal good of all. Create and experience the emotion that you feel you will have, once you have the desired outcome.

There is a lot miss information about meditation people think they have to have no thoughts while doing it and it creates a failure scenario, as it’s almost impossible not to have thoughts coming into your mind when you first start, your unconscious mind does not like it as it opens doors so will constantly try to sabotage you. Anxiety is a distraction tool of the unconscious to stop you focusing on finding what it’s hiding from you.

The trick is to allow the thoughts to come and go without examining them, unless you are trying to understand a behaviour or thought pattern, like a rock on the beach the waves roll over it but do not affect it.

Just start practicing sitting very still, that in itself is difficult for some, then when you can sit perfectly still for 10 to 30 minutes start to focus on your breathing, making it slower and deeper going right down into the bottom of your diaphragm.

I recommend the Wimm Hoff breathing technique you can find lots of his stuff on YouTube, the cold water therapy is not nessacary for the breathing side of his stuff.

Once you finished 4 or 5 rounds your brain and body will be really oxygenated and go into deep relaxation.

Meditation and hypnosis is really just strong singular focus in the present, now. When you can hold that focus, past or possible future events no longer can affect your thinking or psychological behaviour.

A friend of my wife’s and I, visited 3 weeks ago, she has had a lot of bad shit happen in her life, so we usually get into a counselling scenario.

I gave her a little positive chant to do. I use a similar one myself.

For the universal good of all, I could certainly use a lot more happiness in my life now. For the universal good of all, I certainly expect a lot more happiness to flow to me now.

Words that have no directive like, I wonder what xxx would be like, seem to work well for me.

While saying this, create the emotional feeling you want, by remembering a very happy emotional time you have experienced. Rinse and repeat as many times a day as you like.

Within a week she called my wife and said, I can’t believe what is happening in my life now, reversed negative use is OK. The instruction now becomes, I believe :wink:

Everything in her life with 2 of her daughters had turned to shit, and why she came for a visit, but within a week of using the chant all the huge problems had resolved themselves without all the involvement she was dreading for herself.

The law of attraction is a powerful thing and our minds are transmitters and receivers that create our reality. This is an ongoing experiment for me at the moment and is working in some areas not so much in others but that’s because of the negative programming I am still clearing out.

Everyone is different and different things work better for some than others, everyone needs to find what works and motivates them to improve themselves, and stay motivated, if that’s what they need at this time. Sometimes the status quo is what’s needed and correct for this moment in time, if time exists lol.

I find I can let things slide back into past habbits, when I am feeling good or better about a situation, as the need is no longer required so much.


Beautiful stuff there, thank you for the deep dive. I will have to bookmark this to read more in depth later, thank you for the knowledge.


No problem man if you have questions you think I can help with, and not comfortable to put in public, just shoot me a pm I will do the best I can to point you in the tight direction :+1:


I have bad dreams. Head trauma. Last night was bad. Lol. More fireworks. Thought I was in a war zone. Had some bad food yesterday. Still feeling off key today.

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Sorry to hear that. When I’m feeling anxious, really the only thing that will calm me down is manual exercise or labor of some kind till I can’t think straight. I know you got a bad knee though so that’s not much of an option.

Bodies of water have a lot of healing power in them, if you could get to a pool. Even just grounding by being barefoot in the yard help me sometimes.

If I can’t shake it, I usually let myself just be okay with not being able to function, because I know I’m messed up mentally, so I will just call it an early night and go lay in the bed. Got to give yourself the same breaks and allowances you woukd give to someone else suffering ya know?

I hope you wake up in a better place my friend

TBI sucks. It’s extremely debilitating, I’m sorry you have to go through that.


Friday. I know it’s been messing with my head. Lol

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Occasionally, but in my case just a symptom of my bpd, I actually kinda welcome it a bit I’m either way to in my head or completely out of it. Observation from perceived externality feels easier than living in the moment a lot of the time.

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