Depending on your personality development it will change how the repressed emotion which is now converted to anxiety by the unconscious mind in an attempt to warn you about what happened before without you knowing what that was, the anxiety is expressed in different ways as the conscious mind tries to rationalize the fear/anxietry one is experiencing.
Some personalities create phobias, by projecting their fear onto situations or physical things due to what ever the unconscious mind believes is similar the the original indecent.
Here’s an example.
3 year old tommy is out with mom getting groceries, he cant get to the toilet quick enough and pees his pants, tommy suffers humiliation and and possible punishment followed by emotional distress, because the parent is not happy.
If this created a severe emotional response to how the parent behaves, tommys unconscious mind represses the indecent so tommy no longer has to remember and suffer from it. If this happens a few times tommys unconscious will start to prompt him to go to the toilet, before he goes out, so he doesn’t have to keep being made to feel bad from the humiliation and his moms anger.
Now as an adult tommy will get anxious before going out anywhere, and will go to the toilet before leaving the house just in case he repeats the mistake. tommies unconscious being a primitive mechanism recognizes that anything that is connected to expelling something from the body, is the same as peeing and it will create anxiety, guilt or whatever other emotions were connected to he original event, when his body wants to expel anything, this could be sneezing, spitting, vomiting when ill, or peeing and defecating or ejaculating. The unconscious considers them all as the same thing.
Depression is a symptom of prolonged anxiety, prolonged anxiety is a symptom of repressed events and emotions from early in life but not always.
I had a client who was compulsive obsessive about doors being locked properly she would re check them 4 or 5 times before being somewhat ok they were locked. This stemmed from a repressed memory that she abreacted to whilst in therapy with me. She was 15 years old and in a single occupation toilet in a store, she thought she had locked the door but hadn’t properly, and an elderly gentleman walked in on her and the resulting embarrassment was repressed but her unconscious mind created an anxiety so strong she felt compelled to keep checking any locked door to make sure it was.
I had another female client who was raped at the age of 5 by the families gardener in the shed. She reported before therapy that she did not trust men and had struggled with relationships and only got sexually excited when someone was touching her shoulder, or pinning her to the floor or when she was in a shed.
After she abreacted the repressed memory and learned what happened her conscious mind was able to rationalize the repressed memory and re organize the emotions connected to it and after about 6 months she reported that she was having a great and trusting relationship with her new boyfriend, and got sexually excited at the right time and situation.
We all carry a lot of repressed events and emotions around with us, they shape our fears and expectations in life, some it affects more than others.
If you are looking to resolve these problems linked to repressed incidents the fastest way is finding a Neuro Linguistic Practitioner, its a vastly superior therapy to psychoanalysis as you dont have to bring a lot of painful unknown memories up into the consciuose mind to re evaluate.