Anyone update on COASTAL SEED'S?

Why have they not restocked on any of there beans for like the last two yrs?
Was it a 1x drop on ALL their gear?


The partners in Coastal had split up around that timeframe. Kagyu, I think, is continuing the tradename.


So where can I get some of the gear? I looked at SHN, And Allstate they have is a Burmese x


Oh and I looked at GLG and their sold out as well

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JBC might have some. But, yeah, many of their releases have been bought up.


Ok thanks bud, I hate that they had some original SSSC genetics , original Shelly hash plant (AKA Puck) I also NL x dumpster skunk I wanted. Thanx Loki for the quick response.


I was able to lock down some of DD’s gear and have his original release on screaming eagle as well as granny skunk, and Helena I missed the dominion skunk but consider myself lucky I’m gonna do an OP on all those mentioned above at some point and will drop a few beans on OG when I get set back up. I’m gonna start a few breeding projects as soon as get the chance.


Definitely interested in following along. I missed some of their high demand releases but did manage to obtain a couple of their crosses.


If you don’t mind me, which crosses were you able to obtain?


I have Dominion’s Granny Skunk, Munson, Freebird, Koughdrop. I think all via SHN.


Cool man, I’ve got the kough drop as well , might have to do some bean swapping with you when the time comes I’m interested in the Munson , also about to try to obtain the Polecat BX, the G-13 skunk.


By the way, Mr. Bob Hemphill and Hanna Bolt have a new label. Crickets and Cicada seeds. They were part of the Coastal collaboration before parting ways.


OMG thank you for that knowledge bomb! Mr.Hemphill has some ancient genetics.


How do I follow you or add you as a friend you and I dig the same gear I also have rainmandans 600w vero redwood vs light I’m gonna run these with you seem updated on leds as well . Thanx brother man.

P.s. I also have a bunch of SOS gear if your into landrace , ibl’s


You can click on a persons name to see their past posts and such. And, you can bookmark threads for easier retrieval and for notifications. No real mechanism to follow specific individuals, though.

Definitely looking forward to your runs. That’ll be cool to see.

Ohh, there is a whole contingent of OG folk that would chomping at the bit to hear what you have. Have you seen some of the breeder co-op runs? Would love to see more landrace and ibl seed expansion and preservation :wink:


I got some coastal seeds from them at the 2017 emerald cup at the fuck cancer booth. One is a cbd variety otto#1 the other is acdc crossed to a northern lights ,I think #5.

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Awesome man would you wanna trade for the Ac/DC x northern lights # 5? If so are they in original breeders pack and do you have pics?

Idk possibly depends what you have and what you intend to do with them. There in a little round container with a coastal seeds sticker. I wanted to do a preservation run and gift a bunch around here to the community but plate is full for awile.


That’s ALL I want to do is OP all my genetics I’m more into breeding and horticulture of cannabis I like to smoke but I only get too twice a year due to my job. I have posted a few links on my vault if you want to read through my past threads and comments.
But what I want to do is op all my stock before I trade beans I’m only interested in genetic preservation.
Thanx buddy if you ever get around to OP let me know which one of my strains you would be interested in and I’m gonna run a grow journal in a few weeks once I complete my grow room build out Allstate I like is electrical, a small plumbing job and some MDF board sealed and painted then I’m gonna start OP my stable.


I like the granny sk×dominion sk I have, and I have a few of open skunk f2s. Open skunk is ak beans skunk from 90s hit by granny skunk, dominion skunk, sunk sis, males from DD.