Aphid confirmation?

just want to make sure these are aphids and im not wrong on my identification and is anyone able to recommend where someone in canada can get spinosad

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Looks like aphids to me. I’ll PM you where I got my spinosad.

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Neem Oil should help get ride of them

Looks like I see a fungus nat, a few aphids, and a some larvae… neem oil will probably only help with the aphids though.

I’ve been telling some other people on here to try this homemade concoction I’ve been using and it would kill all of those bugs.

4 cups water
2 tablespoons of Tea Tree Castile Soap(Dr Woods)
2 tablespoons of Peppermint Castile soap(Dr Woods)
1/2 cup of 70% alcohol
1/2 tablespoon 1% Peroxide


nuke the aphids with some BTK, it’ll mummify their asses in a couple of days. Safers BTK you can get it at the hardware store.


im 2 weeks away from harvest so you mean use that on the veg plants right?

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i will look into this thank you!

also do u think the ones with wings can also be aphids just with wings because there so small and the fungus nats i had before were alot bigger. ?

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Yah I wouldn’t spray anything on blooming plants, but health canada says the btk is harmless to humans.

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I also use Safer spray for caterpillars and I’m in week 6-7 of Flower and just sprayed last night for the last time. Just don’t coat your buds whenever you spray anything because they can get too moist and that’s no bueno!

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It looks like 2 aphids and 3 fungus nats or fruit flies and one larvae rolling around doing his thing.

You picked that leaf off right??

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yes i did and squished them all lol