Apollo 11 x (F13 x Apollo 11) Grow Journal

Hey guys
I have planted a few Apollo 11 that I got from the generous @Howard.Crane and @Sebring.
My tent is 4 x 4 x 8, I am using a Viparspectra 1200W LED Full Spectrum Grow Light. Nutrients I am using is General Hydroponics Flora Grow, Bloom, Micro Combo. I put them into cups on January 27 and have transferred them to 3 gallon pots. I will keep us updated weekly on their progress. Also have a random bag seed from, who knows when. Only thing I know about it is that it musta been fire for me to save it. Here are a few pictures of the little ones.

Apollo 11 # 1

Apollo 11 # 2

Unknown bag seed


Oh, sweet! Just want to mention that it’s specifically Apollo 11 x (F13 x Apollo 11), but the mother was so Apollo-leaning that I used to just call it Apollo as shorthand, until that lead to some confusion…

That mother was one of my all time favorites, though. I really hope you end up with a pheno like that, it was fantastic! :smile:

Gorgeous plants so far!

I will be following along :popcorn:


Looks great! good luck hope you get what Howard is hoping for there


Really good so far. Keep it up. Looks like you have it dialed in.


One of my all time favorites, lets see how they turn out!


those are some happy and healthy looking plants! I’ll enjoy watching these grow! keep up the good work!


Subbed so I can see what real Apollo 11 looks like as I move through my A13 x A11 seed run.


Yo is this the Highlighter A11 x (F13 x A11)?

Pullin up a chair.


Hey guys
Here is a quick update. I think I forgot to say before that the plants are in Fox Farm Ocean soil.
Ok here we go, today is day 33 from seed. They have gotten tall and seem to be doing ok.

Apollo 11 # 1 ^^

Apollo 11 # 2 ^^

Last up is this unknown bag seed ^^


A quick update
This is day 54 from seed. One of the Apollo’s was a boy so I am left with this girl. She is looking pretty good. I will flip her in a week or so.

Apollo 11 number 1


Here is a quick update
Today is day 76 from seed and we are now at day 12 of flower. I did some low stress training on her seeings how I’m out the Point Breaks. She has really taken off since last check in. Here are a few pictures.

Apollo #2

Here are a few shots of my unknown bag seed.
I also did some LST on her too.

Unknown bag seed


Looking nice and healthy, great job! Hope she treats you well :wink:


Any updates on this? Was thinking of popping a couple and flowering ASAP, really out of boredom more than anything since I’m trying to run thru what i have at the moment, clone them til I’m able to test the smoke, etc. And it’ll be awhile til I start something new to look for keepers, so I have a few strains id be willing to pop and flower just for a little more variety. Curious how this finished for ya?


Looks like he should be around day 40 something of flower so he probably has 2 or 3 weeks left atleast

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Hey guys
Today is day 46 of flower, these were taken about 5 days ago. I have been dealing with some heat and humidity issues, nothing too serious though. I totally forgot to update this thread. I will be going till at least day 63(ish).

Apollo 11

Here are a few pics of the unknown bag seed I have going



What kind of smells are you getting? Anything interesting? Looking good :smile:


How many times did you top the highlighter? I’m getting so stoked for mine :grin:


I am getting a sweet and earthy smell from the tent. I topped the ‘11’ 2 or 3 times I believe. Sorry guys, not a great describer of the smell.