ARE CBD Products now endangered?

True. When you read the fine print, you see the dirt
" The DEA’s rescheduling of cannabis will not end or alter marijuana-specific federal penalties, including quantity-based mandatory minimum sentences, according to the Congressional Research Service."

Say What???


The farm bill effectively legalized psychoactive cannabis and the world didn’t burn down. We should be going the other way and removing the thc delta language - the hemp laws and restrictions make fine “cannabis” laws and restrictions.

that we don’t make this simple shift highlights my meta frustration with our lawmakers in general. everything gotta be controlled from top down dipshits.


Yep…I agree…nothing to the contrary in my statements…


Gather all the good cbd genetics just in case this goes bad :slightly_frowning_face:


now that is the single best idea i have heard in the past three months! now we need to start preservation runs of cbd and thcv strains. i have a few seeds but not enough to preserve. i can do an open pollination run but not until at least the fall.


This threw me off for a second. I’m like, where’s zandra come from? Whoops, it’s their username.

Sorry, I’m probably just stoned.

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I can’t believe they still think marijuana hurts people more than their egos. Isn’t this the 21 century?? Don’t we have surveillance everywhere?? I mean, it’s clearly marijuana that caused 9/11 and the stupendous national debt and the concurrent wars we provide aid to (we’re even aiding both sides of the Israeli conflict). Don’t they think greenbacks being green makes sense at all??

Surely people having good lives is unpatriotic!

Im very upset by this. I will have to stock up before it’s made illegal in PA. :rage:

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one other thing we need to do, and i’ve been hesitant to do it because it’s not easy and i’m busy as hell now and don’t want to waste my free time on the internet working, is marking all the hemp related threads with a tag of hemp so they can track it here and give hemp it’s own section if there is enough traffic. with all these developments recently and the rise of interest in cbd and thcv, i think it deserves to be in it’s own category. admittedly, i’m too lazy to make that happen by myself but when i asked about it six months or so ago that was what i was told to do to address it. i’ll start now though, just need some help is all. thanx and have a great weekend.

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We have to make our voices heard through our vote. Choose wisely in your state!!


I really wish cbd had never become a thing, in UK where it’s legal it has infiltrated the weed market to such a degree people think it’s real weed when it’s a poor unhealthy impersonation. It’s provided a way to sell to the unwitting a product that is not what it appears to be. I really despise the stuff and the way it is so easy to buy online while the genuine article is so much harder to get now. The way people can’t differentiate anymore.
There is next to no real weed in UK now all through cbd.

Are you talking about sprayed hemp flowers or actual CBD extracts? I think people are calling everything CBD now and it gets confusing


I don’t think you really understand what CBD IS??

It is part of ALL cannabis…even if usually in tiny amounts…though many Marijuana strains are being developed to have quite high CBD levels to help with help pain…
PROCESSED CBD Products are used by MANY of us who can not tolerate high THC in ANY form, or who can not afford to’‘pop positive’’ on a drug test.

Most dispensary weed in the U.S is becoming so generic-- All they care about is getting the Highest THC you can get. It almost all smells/looks the same.
I tuely believe that, within15 years or so- if we aren’t careful/diligent and SAVE some of the older Landrace and Heirloom genetics, all the great strains will be pretty much gone.
All you’ll get to do is choose '‘Mostly Indica, Sativa, 50/50, 60/40’ and what flavor terpene you want…and even THAT will be limited due to all the crossing.
The name/genetics of the plant won’t mean shit- because they will have been crossed and re-crossed so many times- it’ll all be the same franken-weed with a list of genetics a mile long.


There is a lot of people here working hard to keep that from happening. I encourage you and everyone else to join forces and keep that from happening. Even if you just save one variety from extinction it’s a huge win for all of us


Who cares, cannabis will be legal federally come next year. :+1:

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Really? What planet are you living on?

The best one.

How do you know it’s the best one if you’ve never been to any others?

Believe me-we already have/do… we have catalogued over 40 landrace/heirloom strains in our collection, have done several preservation grows, and that is what we now breed…more of the Landraces. Only thing we grow that isn’t is strictly for Draigs personal use…


Yeah…but remember .only about 1/3 of the members here are even in the U.S, o that does not apply to them!.. and many live in places it may NEVER be legal!