ARE CBD Products now endangered?

Sorry for ranting, I do understand what CBD is and THCa THC etc. I also get why you would use it and its benefits to some people.
I’d be happier If the variants were well defined, as they probably are in forward thinking countries like Canada where the types are no doubt labelled properly.
Imagine all those types and ratios were all thrown together including the names and you had no idea what you’re going to get till you use it and won’t really know ever, that’s the UK currently.
I’d consider myself pretty clued up identifying just a few varieties like the original Haze types, skunks and definitely Afghani having grown thousands of that.
So last night got some Silver Haze, smelt pretty near but on smoking, it was just more damn cbd. It’s a nuisance here.
No haze taste whatsoever, wasn’t Haze at all.
I think some is definitely sprayed, I’ve took close up images and what looks like trichomes are actually microscopic plant material similar to a vegetable. If you had grown it you would expect it to be sticky it looks like a good coating of resin but it isn’t and close up it definitely isn’t resin glands.
I believed it to be often grown with PGR, which has ruined the bud and deformed the growth to gain weight at expense of usable safe product, it’s like fine looking bud but then again it’s to solid and tight. Unnatural.
Smell is artificial smells strong but wrong, I’m sure people here know what it would be but for me the advent of cbd ‘flower’ has caused it all and has ruined things here, more so with cbd hash, whilst only one type is legal here that has allowed it to saturate the market and its 80% cheaper, $450 per 36oz- compared to $4500 for real weed. so sellers don’t care what’s what if people are buying it at $190 per oz
You even have to study seed info now to spot if it’s a cbd type!
I think the original varieties could disappear too which is why I like the pure Afghani #1 from Sensi seeds. I’m sure it could match any new type strain cross for strength and effect,
However much Indica a plant you can read it as a % of Afghani. Anything less than 100% Indica is bred in just to soften the blow which is fair enough…
I suppose this is a problem anywhere weed is illegal if it contains thc…
it’s an amazing thing being free to grow and buy.

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@Afghaniman Yes you are right to be worried about it where you live. The CBD trend has opened the door to a whole range of different chemicals being sprayed on legal CBD hemp flowers. Most of it is grown in Eastern Europe and shipped all over.

I share the vast majority of what you’re saying (in this thread at least), and I have been called (not gently) many time “Nostradamus” to try to increase the awareness. On the destructive transformation of OUR genetics in barcods. Since the first apparition of fems in the market ^^

Back in OGv1, and no … better to let it blank. I just sent kilograms of seeds all over the world. The only lines that survived are the one bastardized in catalogs and not even sold as they really are.

It’s not pessimism, but the mercantile constraints aren’t obviously the way to preserve i think. True example, something i’ve sent in large quantities in south europe : Year one, a ghanian sold as south american (because too fast, 2 digits IBL). Year two, interrest lowered so the line was renamed “nigerian” after a little wave of interrest on the cannaweb. And guess what, when the “cookie fam” started to make some noise, this poor IBL was sold as a Durban Poison to fill the linked renewal of the interrest ^^ Zero noise. Zero people figuring out anything with the exact same plants stabilized as fuck under the nose. Worse, none spotted the skunk#1 outcross in the first versions … we have a long ride before this kind of funk can stop. But it’s not only on landraces now.

Even a skunk today, one of the most spreaded genetic of the world, is an enigma for now a big number of stoners. Some will even call it a landrace on sight because it doesn’t look like a Kush (true story)^^

With backward i don’t think that “saving” will change anything. Not saying that i tried the best way at all but by the education. It can push eventually a lot of stoners to care about one landrace in their set (my dream of old days, gone for good ^^); on the volume we can count on the usual 5%-10% that will keep it and make it evolve without destroying it. Always better than zero.

Teaching people how to recognize cultivars (even modern hybrids today, damned hell), their specificity of growth and manner to handle them … i think it can generate more hopes but also less shit show. I’m not even speaking about landraces just destroyed in chain by this absence of education … it’s an industrial genocide lol So you see it’s ambivalent. Good intentions can lead also at the same results that catalogs just renamed in loop, on lines enough long and hard to flower to never get problems in animating the sales on low months ^^

Growlogs of landraces is a good first step, at least to differentiate the shit show from the educated works. But a true effort of documentation with exhaustive referencement of phenotypes, cross references etc … nothing can beat it. And it can be in-temporal, a true asset insuring the continuity of lines and their real preservation.

I’m disagreeing a bit with your consideration about the CBD, and i’ve a relatable momentum of 2 years of a R&D entirely dedicated to this kind of needs. Not hiding behind the finger, bilateral exchange : tailored weed VS datas that improve knowledge on spectrum of cannabinoids. It was very cool both side, fantastic meets and journeys. Sad ones, a lot, and sunny ones.

And like landraces, i think it’s a torch to pass in loop. Even if you’re born in hell, this is not easy to involve yourself in this universe. I mean the ones that matter to my eyes, the ones never shown but used a lot as moral caution. My leather is thick but after the first year i was already wounded, it still affect me today. When you lost so much friends in such short time, and that it was planned, assumed with force and honor … second year I’ve made it on the knees sincerely. We helped the most we can at this time with my padawan of the moment. Sometimes there is no concert, no magical bagseed, no “harry potter” tales with unwanted success … but just people having fun when it’s not supposed to be possible.

CBD alone isn’t the way, it even complicate the cases where the cure have to be short. It’s the prostitution of this plant to moron laws. As moron than professionals that swear by THC levels too (0.3% or “35%”). It’s possible to develop THC plants for people that can’t stand to be baked, it’s a matter of balance of cannabinoids. By example the high interaction between CBN/THCV on a plant that permit an accurate maturation is totally ignored, and is one of the most efficient combo to get rid of heavy opiates. I’m talking about morphine.

Under the cover of laws, look at what they’re doing : reconstituted weed. Let’s wash buds chemically, a litttle bane of terps, a little bane of cannabinoids (on demand) … all extracted from the trash can of grow ops, from a vegetal mass that smack the floor in term of grade and quality. On the name of the wellness of patients they strictly don’t give a damn fuck.

Hell another digression lost in the flow of OG ^^ Let’s call it a bottle in the sea to stimulate fresh thick leathers, landrace’s afficionados to educate stoners and stoners to stop to be fisted by lazyness.


Thanks for your patient responses to my frustrations.
Maybe I’m blaming cbd for issues it isn’t responsible for.
I do believe unethical use of pgr products and simple chemical spraying is probably the main cause of the bad stuff in the UK considering so many enjoy high cbd weed, they can’t possibly like the stuff we now have here now so maybe it’s not cbd weed and it’s just chemically adulterated.:pleading_face:


If you really want to know what you’re smoking then take a sample and send it to a lab for testing. It’s the only way to know for sure

I’m talking about CBD products (edibles) and actual naturally high CBD strains…Charlotte’s Web, etc… while CBD products are strictly Hemp…as my original post states- if they are able to force Hemp off the market, then you KNOW they are going after Marijuana next…stopping the schedule change…no de-criminalization, etc… IMO. Nothing should EVER be allowed to be sprayed on commercial weed to alter its potency or flavor etc…unless it is LABELED as "enhanced with artificial ingredients "… we should know EXACTLY what we are getting…
Hence why we grow/breed…and the only time I go to dispensaries is if we get low between harvests…

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I think this is a great thing. There were frankenvapes and sprayed cannabis all over many states just being sold everywhere. All that does is make actual cannabis look bad to the average person who doesn’t know much about it besides the latest news headline.

What they want is privatization just like everything else. The only ways to that right now are germline edited cannabis and patented synthesized versions.

One of the largest medical operations in my area is investing heavily into cannabinoid production from algae that has been bioengineered. It’s supposedly more efficient than growing cannabis. I think that’s probably the future for the big pharmaceutical companies


I had previously posted two companies doing it from yeast. I did not know about the algae but similar type of mechanism I am sure.

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Maybe I could grow THC in a fish tank.


Isnt it like that already underneath the funny names and cbd production has further exacerbated things by reintroducing the forgotten runt of the family, hemp, back into things.
There are ways to reduce thc in regular strains rather than potentially disrupt the whole ecosystem for the benefit of the few.


I really do not think you get what I am getting at…
I am talking about too much cross breeding to get that THC up over 30% to the point one strain has genetics of over 10 different strains, and screw the taste, aroma, and all the subtleties that distinguish the strains from one another.
We find the OPPOSITE issue here-- you can not GET CBD products unless you want hemp-based gummies.
This discussion has gotten so off-track and convoluted, that statements from some people are being attributed to others, or misinterpreted entirely…or assumptions being made based on what is availablein certain regions instead of ASKING or discussing it.


I think I do get you I just don’t agree that high THC strength over flavour is an issue, I see it as a positive thing to see opening up. You can look for strength or taste or both…
I think cbd in gummies and lack of cbd strains illustrates how unpopular cbd is.
It’s destined to be a marginal extract to be mixed with anything suitable to absorb it.

The title asks are cbd products in danger? My response is- I hope so…
I don’t think I’m missing the point unless my disagreeing with you at all is the issue?


Not at all… but the CBD thing was about specific products, NOT weed with high CBD- definitely not spraying that shit on weed.
Like I said-- different regions/countries have different productions/availability issues.
NEVER seen anything sprayed with that crap here…and you can not buy high CBD strains unless ya want to drive a couple hours to one of 3 major cities in the State with bigger dispensaries…Hence, growing our own.
It isn’t hemp, or crossed with hemp…
But my POINT was that if the Government can Ban or over-regulate CBD’s in the up-coming vote about it-- then Marijuana will be next in their crosshairs… and getting it OFF Schedule one and de-criminalized is less likely to happen.

And no need to be be snarky at someone just for trying to have a discussion or clarify their point…especially on a thread THEY started in the 1st place!

I was more exasperated than snarky at what I was misunderstanding.
Seems like cbd development has just given cannabis opponents more fuel for their fire.
Hope that’s not inflammatory 🫢


Welcome! @Afghaniman get in here, let’s break some bread.


Did you see the non weed CBD producing plant they found in Brazil? Once they figure extraction out that seems to be an easy way around this concern.

You know how you’re screening by PCR strains to detect their formal rate of hemp ? CBDa …

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that will never happen because like the old saying says, “you can’t put the genie back in the bottle”. to much money made on it to make it illegal. as for the deschedule, that’s a basically done deal, for the same reasons i stated above.

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