ARE CBD Products now endangered?

I do not usually post links, but this just pisses me off.
These ‘3-cocktail lunch hour’ bitches telling people 'Oh you can’t have/buy/use/make that, because there’s a TRACE of THC (delta 8,Delta 9 or THCV- which is not even psychoactive) even though it is from HEMP!
IF this bitch Congresswoman get’s this passed- it is a death knell for rescheduling and decriminalization of Cannabis Sativa.
Even if you do not like, approve of or use CBD products-- it is an ‘‘easy in’’ for all these radical anti-pot Legislators!!


This is being done at the SAME TIME as talk of converting cannabis to a Schedule 3 drug. This is being done on purpose to bring THC cannabis(and HEMP) completely under the control of Big Pharma.


I didn’t read the whole thing but it appears to just be going after THCA? Am I missing something? Still keeping the THC at .3% for hemp right?

Right? What does schedule 3 mean? A prescription and you gotta pickup your bud at the pharmacy?

Well that’s bullshit!

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kind of hard to tell from the propaganda. it would be nice to see the actual amendment. i’ll see if i can find a link to that.

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This is it I think

The amendment to the Farm Bill wants to eliminate any product with ANY measurable THC- without specificity as to WHICH THC Cannabinoid …so everything would be effected, even if it is just hemp.
I currently use CBD/CBN/THCV and Hemp CBD (10mg) and THC (1mg) from Hemp…they help me with the pain and nausea I’m currently dealing with.
I can not take NSAIDS or most pain meds due to other medical conditions, and I refuse to use opioids.
So yeah-- let’s take away a harmless OTC product and force people onto addictive pharmaceuticals that destroy their livers, kidneys, etc…
Big Pharma can bite my ass!!
Oh yes–and LOVE that bit about "As determined by the Secretary…’’ REALLY?
So- lts give ONE power-hungry asshat the pen and a blank document that will affect at LEAST 1/2 the population.


It’s total D9 including THCA. That’s basically what most states define as hemp. No more than 0.3% total THC

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without the original bill it’s real hard to follow. here is a link to a page where you can find the farm bill but it’s almost 1000 pages. at least it didn’t mess with seeds.

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We’re just talking about this amendment not the whole farm bill. They are going after the THCA loophole. It’s obviously not an attack on the whole hemp industry.


the amendment says to take out some language and insert other language. without looking at what the language was you can’t tell how they changed it. all the articles say it does this or that but not one of them quoted the original bill nor the amendment.

Careful someone will say this is fearmongering. :rofl:
For the record, I am in agreement with you here, it could very well go that way.

They are trying to separate the 2 types of cannabis.
Fiber and cannabinoid types.

The 2018 Farm Bill broadly defined hemp, resulting in a surge of intoxicating hemp-derived products entering the market. The new draft, however, establishes clear distinctions:

“Hemp Grown for Cannabinoid Extraction: The term ‘hemp grown for cannabinoid extraction’ means any hemp grown for purposes of extracting cannabinoids intended for human or animal consumption, inhalation, or topical use.”

“Industrial Hemp: The term ‘industrial hemp’ means hemp— (A) grown for the use of the stalk of the plant, fiber produced from such a stalk, or any other non-cannabinoid derivative, mixture, preparation, or manufacture of such a stalk; (B) grown for the use of the whole grain, oil, cake, nut, hull, or any other non-cannabinoid compound, derivative, mixture, preparation, or manufacture of the seeds of such plant,derived%20products%20entering%20the%20market .

The House’s draft text, totaling 942 pages, is available here.


Shag, Take a close look at what Schedule 3 really means for drug variety cannabis. When I made the above statement, looking at both bills from the 30,00ft view(ie zoomed all the way out). That’s why I mentioned Schedule 3 in the same post. There is no way in hell the 2 different bills are being steam rolled through, around the same time and are happening in separate vacuums. This is a Pincer-2 pronged approach. The problem is that we are often too close the subject to see the whole picture.

Meanwhile, elsewhere…


Sir, currently, under the federal system as a schedule I narcotic, your choice was basically prison or lack of enforcement.

Changing it to schedule III is an improvement, even if it’s not good enough


Improvement yes but it does nothing for growers. I just see the legalization process as a giant cage match of people trying to get control and ownership of this plant.


the one you linked to looks just like mine except mine is 954 pages. i wonder what the difference is?

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Well said. Yes like a cage match.

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This is not about Pot-- only Hemp… But the 2 ARE connected in that, if they Ban Cannabinoid products from Hemp, then they will NOT likely pass the Biden Schedule change…which IS a big step to getting Pot legalized!

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I can see your perspective clearly, Zandra. Yet, it is important to remember that same government has continued to erode the Bill of Rights and won’t stop until we collectively make them bend to our will. LOBBYISTS for Big Pharma are the driving forces behind both bills. They already control all of the pharmacies, cannabis(psychoactive or not) will simply another product in their warehouse. Big Pharma does nobody any favors.


Exactly! Schedule 1 is not any use for medicinal use so reschedule to 3 and now big pharma can exclusively pimp CBD as medicine and regulate the hell out of it so others get in trouble tryin to sell. Schedule 3 wasn’t for us the citizen at all. For blind people it seems great but isn’t. Putting cannabis in with Tylenol 3( which contains codeine yes an addictive opiate) doesn’t help us in anyway except for maybe those charges with crimes of a schedule 1 drug. For us it is truely a slap in the face. Decriminalization would be to help the citizens schedule 3 is to open market to big pharma then bam CBD except from big pharma and bang corner the market more taxes and more regulations. Imho it’s the government pissing in my Cheerios!