Are certain terpenes indicators of certain cannabinoids?

I haven’t been growing that long but I noticed that my CBD plants, and 1:1 THC:CBD plants had a bitter herbal smell to them. Same with this Iran landrace one I grew.
Landraces are also known for often containing CBD.

Could it be that certain terpenes indicate certain cannabinoids, or groups of cannabinoids?

Bitter herbs = CBD ?
Pine = THCV ?

Studying permaculture has taught me that everything in nature is based on patterns upon patterns…

Would be handy to have a chart for those of us who can’t get their buds tested.

It would be interesting to look at a big pool of test results and see if there are connections, patterns, recurrences. :nerd_face:


I don’t think it’s quite that simple. I grew Sebrings Revenge high CBD and it smelled and smoked incredibly sweet, like hard fruit candy sweet, but did not get you high at all.


now that i think about it. the fruitiest strains i’ve grown don’t get me that high. i know that’s not what you meant though.

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