Terpine categories

What do you think of Kevin Jodrey’s terpine category divisions of Fuel, Earth, Fruity, and Floral?

If you use them what would some commonly available examples be?

Do you think these categories are useful? Sufficient? Is skunk/burnt tire considered Fuel. What would cheese be?


I’m not familiar or an expert, but it seems a bit limited to me. What about citrus, pepper and pine? Those are related to some very specific terpenes that I wouldn’t consider to be part of those other 4.

Skunk smells come from thiols, which are sulfur containing terpenes.


^ yes those, and also what about cat piss? There’s also ammonia weed out there too.


Lots more out there .


That’s the best one I’ve seen yet. The worst was the one from DJ Short. Love his work, but…


I find the terpene profiles to be much larger then the limited categories he has narrowed them down to. Thats about as stripped down as it can get and even then I would include herbal as seperate from earthy or floral . The Skunk smell definetly comes from the right combination of thiols and mycrene. The plant based alcohols have a effect on how the terpenes are presented. I’ve had straight camphor smelling nugs. I had some random black leaved plants that smelled like Salsbury steak. What about the chocolate and coffee notes. Cannabis’s unlimited possibilities of terpene combinations is rather incredible. Not to mention climate, growing conditions and methods will influence the plants terpene profiles. Every strain has a sweet spot in terms of humidity, nutrients etc. You realy have to get a strain dialed in to see what its potential is.


Excellent chart. Thank you.


I had a sour lsd of Bogs that smelled like liverwurst.


I have bogs sourblutooth drying now that hits me in the nose with a big ol whiff of sour pickles interesting haven’t smelled anything like that either .


@Ftlob’s plant is curing but at harvest it smelled like garlic-onion-haze-berry :confused: the garlic-onion has gone away or changed…more to come. :sweat_smile:

@Mongobongo where’d ya get that chart? :wink: The seedfinder charts work pretty good…

@AllOra I’ll ‘ditto’ all of the above; There’s more than one terpene in a bud…and more than just terpenes as noted…e.g. esters & what not – the chemistry is out of my league. But there’s an ‘entourage’ effect with high as well as flavor & aroma.

Take food as a parallel… that sandwich :hamburger: has a lof complexity. :joy:

From start to finish, the genetics, the terroir, the grower, the harvesting & handling will all tweak how that seed expresses. :yin_yang: It’s both great & a challenge for cultivating/breeding; cloning is even subject to slight differences.

And then there’s the variety of people’s senses :rolling_eyes: so there’ll never be a “periodic table” IMO.

This, (i believe) is where art & craft take over & expereience shines.

I am curious what cannabis-friendly people in the perfume manufacturing field could tell us. :thinking:



I think it’s useful as a way of making a common language to describe different varieties of cannabis. When tasting beer you often have these pre-defined descriptions like roast or bread that are useful for describing the brew.