Are USB fans viable for a grow tent?

Does it oscillate? Yeah, it looks like it would move air on multiple levels.

This is the car fan that looks like it would be awesome on the poles.

That fan I posted did oscillate, I just wished we had a similar option that was more durable and clamped. The ones we used as floor models burned out after a couple weeks of being left on

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The USB fans (5V) aren’t very powerful and are usually pretty cheaply made. Also if you run multiple you’ll need a USB power supply or a bunch of individual USB charger ends to power them. PC fans (12V) will have more power and will be more reliable over time, you could also run several from one PC power supply.

I think the 120V muffin fans posted earlier are the best, or clip fans

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i use the computer fans in places, there small and inexpensive to run, I have some 140’s that move as much air as the 120 volt clip ons. But I use them because i already have them. They also last longer then the clip ons i bought by years(comfort aire)


They can be used to move air around a small tent. However, like AC fans, you get good ones and crap ones. Some will be fine, some will be useless. Most USB fans will not be able to be used as exhaust fans etc where they need to develop suction or pressure. They can usually give a little suction but cant push against any pressure at all. You can also buy power boards with USB ports in them now which also helps.

We will be using inline fans to exhaust and intake if needed.

Sorry, I botched that part. I am only interested in air movement in the tent.

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Yeah when it comes to movement they are fine. For a bigger tent though you usually need a bit more power to get the throw distance. Sorry if you already mentioned, what size is your tent?

@Seamonkey84, I use one of these:

It works great. Hasn’t failed yet. However, the LEDs on the front panel require you to tape up the entire top cap to prevent red light leaking out. Mine looks like a soldier with a helmet on it now because of all the tape :slight_smile:

We are gonna be setting up a 5x5 and a 2x4. All the intake and exhaust will be handled by ac infinity 8" & 4" fans. Sorry, I really didn’t give enough details.

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hahahaha, all good. Yeah so in the 5x5 they might be a bit useless unless you can find a powerful one. In the 2x4 if you get decent ones then they should be good. However, i do like air circulation. I tend to use a bit more than the average.

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I like the thought of bulking up stems as well. It should help when they get loaded down.

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Yea I was using a smaller one like that. I had to even cover the buttons so light wouldn’t leak around the plastic frame. But it’s not tall enough, the taller ones are too wide to fit in with my containers.

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Yeah right. Its like playing Tetris sometimes when you grow in a tent or small space. I am constantly doing re designs to try and gain an extra square inch.

Yea, I though 3x3x6ft would be big enough, Until I saw what a 5 gal bucket looked like in it.


All i know is those amazon clip on fans that are 22 bucks are not worth it dont think it even moves air lol i happend to buy 2 never again haha


12v PC fans for me, for the amount of energy they use vs what the do air movement wise they put most ac axial and smaller towers to shame.


Maybe I should just make a panel to hang against the wall. It’ll have to have a backing since the exhaust pulls the tent walls in. It would prob be counter productive to mount them on the light fixture pointing down, blowing the heat down to the plants.

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I picked up some 5v Noctua fans, come with a usb connect among others… They are built for servers that run colling 24/7 move much more air than the AC Infinity 2x 4" Axial fans we run in the vertical farm, quiet and $40 CAD on amazon.

That being said these are merely used for circulating air to keep humidity down and motion in the canopy not as cooling, humidity or extraction/scent mitigation purposes


@TerpSneeze, now those look like some USB fans that would hold up! If they are made for servers, they should last a long time.


@firehead, I use 200mm fans like that but 12 volt (USB is 5 volt) and they are quiet and move decent air. Enough for a small clone tent. But not enough for a proper tent or space. Those Noctuas will probably be a lot better though. The specs on that site are a bit confusing. They are using commas for decimal places.
Just in case anyone is looking at those, they have a 3 pin header like a motherboard fan header. These are 5 volt fans and should not be plugged into a motherboard or equivalent port as they are 12 volt plugs and will kill one or both devices.
Plus if I am reading the specs right they are only 0.85 watts.