Are we asking too much of weed?

Ingesting cbd oil, which is very common, can actually be hard on the liver. The particles of CBD are not small enough to be absorbed into the bloodstream and the liver ends up processing it. To avoid this one must ingest micronized Cbd, use a cream, or smoke cbd oil.or bud. All these methods are better at delivering cbd into your system too, bypassing the liver. I just learned this and figured I would share. Never knew cbd taken wrong can be bad for you in high doses.


Interesting, i havenā€™t heard of that before. Thanks

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I love this and you are right about so many things. It is 100% getting a little confusing out there with all this new information.

I would recommend this podcast to anyone trying to make sense of it all:

It can be a bit ā€œtechnicalā€ but they do a really great job of explaining the science behind cannabis and all the ins and outs + astigmatisms that go along with it. In the latest episode 2.5 they talk about product packaging and all the information that goes on it and how to interpret it the best way possibleā€¦ Itā€™s kind of crazy when you think that the science behind cannabis is really just sort of beginning since itā€™s been illegal to research cannabis for the most part up until recently.


Often I hear a horn blow outside my house in the morning.
Itā€™s usually someone who is having problems walking. I know this one lady who has to be carried around. That is until she gets on this good medicine.
I have this one that uses a can. She get out the car all stoved up and wobbly. After a few hits off the blunt, she will do heel clickers back to the car.
I knew this woman that had been bedridden for 3 years. She got on this medicine and 2 weeks later she purchased an exercise bicycle. Now I see this lady all the time running her own errands.
How about cannabis reversing glaucoma. There are a staggering amount of people who suffer from glaucoma. Not only does glaucoma cause vision problems, it is also painful.
Research tells that cannabis isnā€™t a cure for glaucoma. Maybe they should do some more research because I know several ophthalmologist who are specialists in their fields, witnesses how effective cannabis can be at treating glaucoma.
When cannabis is taken into the body, it reacts to each of our body systems as if it is checking to see if every is working properly.
Not only does cannabis effect or main body systems such as respiratory, circulatory, endocrine, skeletal, cardiovascular, urinary, it effects every system in the body.
What other medicine do you know that can do that. For sure no man made medicine can effect your body is so many ways. However, cannabis does it effortlessly.
It may seem that we are asking too much of cannabis, but in reality, it can handle many more problems than we give it credit.
Itā€™s easy to tell those who arenā€™t reaping the benefits of cannabis. They are the ones who look old for their age, or have mobility problems. People who readily take the chemicals that doctors pass out have dark dingy skin, dark eyes. And donā€™t look as spry as they should.
There isnā€™t a chemical med available that can cure anything. They only mask the symptoms and cause other problems as it disrupt body functions. Every medical official in the field know thisā€¦ but yet they still keep passing out those pillsā€¦ think itā€™s a game.
But for some reason one of the only medicine that really helps us, had been made illegal.
I like tell those against smoking cannabis, when itā€™s you, your kids, or your parents, I guarantee you will seek the help of cannabis. Just look around us and pay attention to how many of us are already using cannabis to solve out health problems. Peace brothers. Cannabis has been great form me in so many ways. Getting high is th last thing that Iā€™m thinking about when I smoke bud. But Iā€™m glad it does that as well to give this old mind a break from the constant stresses of this world.


I will just leave this here as a cool read for another reason to overgrow the world.

This is also an article where you need to connect the dots about your local grown for smoke or medicine, unfortunately, cannabis WILL uptake most everything present in the soil. Heavy metal testing is a MUST for organic growers or outdoor growers, especially if you live near giant agriculture farms that spray.

Cbd isnā€™t snake oil, problem is, you need close to minimum 300mg a DAY to see it working, and at the peak of the market that was impossible, however, now, you can find kilos non-detect THC for 300$. Thatā€™s a whole Lotta medicine!


This might be generalizing a little bit seeing as Iā€™m glow-in-the-dark white with blue eyes.

Then again, I have been taking weed for my dinginess.


Itā€™s just because youā€™re trying to turn yourself green like a ninja turtle.


When you work in the medical field you learn to notice things about people that they might not pay attention to themselves. The color, or brightness of the skin, the color of the eyes or how a person show their eyes, as well as how a person smells. Itā€™s been said that you are what you eat. I believe there is no truer statement than that.
Synthetics only momentarily trick the body in to thinking they are helping. Since they have no real medical benefits, it doesnā€™t take the body long to figure that the foreign substance is not beneficial. Thatā€™s why the body reacts quicklyā€¦. Side effectsā€¦to find a way to remedy the disfunction thatā€™s being caused by those synthetic chemicals medicines.


You make a good point. Thyroid cells are the only cells in the body that can absorb iodine, where as the endocannabinoid system runs throughout the entire body and can absorb cannabinoids nearly anywhere.

Being absorbed through the skin is not a novel property of cannabis but cannabis is far more beneficical than poison ivy.

I hope its not one of those things that people notice and are too polite to mention, like when your fly is down. Iā€™m definitely going to keep better track of my dinginess going forward :laughing:


I believe they arent stronger than concrete.
The compressive force they can withstand is roughly 150 to 500 psi, against more than 2500-4000 of concrete.

A woman walking in a stiletto heel can put ~1000 psi of pressure.

The environment part is really genius. Although we cant replace entirely concrete by now, we should use hempcrete where compressive forces arent a problem, ASAP.


Been really interesting what everyone has said. I was stoned when i started the topic so I was concerned I was unintelligible. I was correct but the general thought came through. With all the good cannabis is capable of Iā€™m concerned the snake oil salesman will taint it.

Someone mentioned that cbd can cause liver damage, I was not aware. However with all the people who will jump on the next fad without forethought or reasearch concerns me. Are we going to hear in 5-10 years people ruined their livers by indiscriminate cbd usage and cannabis as a whole suffers in the back lash.

Politicians tend to knee jerk in response to a angry and vocal minority ( remember the Moral Majorityā€™s influence under the Reagan administration)

I believe we need to be vigilant and educate others, live by example, and promote actual viable uses for this plant to improve society. Screw Mars , ainā€™t no weed on Mars. Yo Elon research weed if ya want to save the planet, not pack your bags and head to another planet to trash


Everything in moderation as my grandpa used to say.


Mine would include ā€œincluding moderation.ā€

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Weed is a great thing but it canā€™t cure cancer or some of the other things people claim regardless of what people try to claim. Sure itā€™s got many uses for pain and aches etc. But sorry it canā€™t be used to replace some of the fantastic pharmaceutical products in real life. Need surgery for a gallbladder or a hip replacement?? Would you prefer a joint or a anesthesiologist?? I know what Iā€™d choose. Sorry folks but weed isnā€™t a mystical cure all but it does have many other uses all of which Iā€™m sure are great.

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What about if the anesthesiologist was high?

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Definitely wouldnā€™t pick a joint for anesthesiology but medication from plants is is not an unknown concept. And Iā€™m guessing weed has allot of untapped potential. I feel like because it had been so illegal for so long it had definitely been delayed in discovering more uses but that seems to be changing.

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It could if it was grown right and had been bred for a purpose.

Iā€™ve tried hundreds of growers herb in the past decadeā€¦ Iā€™ve treated dozens of real ailments. One common thread is bud with extreme cottonmouth. A simple observation: Itā€™s not medicine if it doesnā€™t give you cottonmouth. Cottonmouth is at an all time low.

Maybe someday theyā€™ll figure out what terpene that is that numbs my patients spine? So I can monetize it and put big pharma out of business lol.

Remember kids, Al Capone could do anything he wanted, except monetize big pharmas sole competitor without giving their cut to the taxman.

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Smoking weed is basically a cure for not having cotton mouth. Nobel prize here we come.


WTF! ā€œcotton mouth is at an all time lowā€? :scream: How can we survive such horror!

We should demand our fair share of cotton :roll_eyes:

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Not sure what test hempcrete staff do to come up with the" stronger "part but That was the claim. Perhaps the flexibility hempcrete has causes it to get stress cracks less often?
After reading your post I did some more research on hempcrete and the information you get now is different than the information youā€™d get ten or 15 years ago. Iā€™m really surprised itā€™s use hasnā€™t taken off. If our leaders were truly concerned about climate change you would think they would be pushing this, yet we hear nothing at all.