Are we asking too much of weed?

Too many other Powers into play and Big Boys with thier hands tied into the industry to lobby and muck up the progress.Imagine being a bigwig in some company and having what society was forced to believe was nothing but criminals now being a major competitor and a possible end all to your way of buisness (Think of DuPont and Cannabis in the 1930s).You would think someone would adopt the process of using hemp and incorporate it into evolving into a relative and modern approach to your buisness.I blame years of propaganda for a lot of this and itā€™s going to take years to fix the problems.


T h c and probably other cannabinoids do a couple things to cancer. Most cells in the human body have a lifespan and then they die. Cancer cells have no such self destruct mechanism and they live a very long time. THC tells these cancer cells to commit suicide in essence. In addition, thc and more than likely other cannabinoids shrink the capillaries that feed cancerous tumors. Without a line of Supply the tumor will die . You probably heard the expression Kill the body and the head will die.
I know of a first-hand account where an elderly lady was absolutely cured of cancer by marijuana alone. She had cancer that had gone from her lymph nodes where it started into her entire body, including her brain and all organs. Upon discovering the spread of this cancer her doctor arranged for palliative care and told her to go home to die. She had been given last rites three or four times and was wasting away to nothing with bed sores the size of fists on her bottom and back. Her son was the treasurer of the Outlaws biker gang and had access to plenty of marijuana. Finally he could not stand seeing his mother this way any longer and he began making her marijuana tea. Within a week she gained some appetite and he began feeding her food loaded with marijuana. Her bed sores disappeared. She soon began to gain strength and got out of bed to begin cooking for herself, always with cannabisā€¦about 1/4 lb/ week.
Gaining more and more energy she began cooking for the family as well as herself, always using cannabis for her own food and keeping separate the food for the family. Two years later she went back to see her doctor for a visit. When she walked in he had a visible look of shock on his face as he asked her what she was doing there. She replied that she has come to pay him a visit when he clarified and asked her what she was doing alive. He told her that she should have died two years before. Then she told her doctor about the marijuana treatment her son had given her. This led to the doctor taking blood samples and discovering that she was entirely cancer-free. She lived seven years after being given those last rights and passed away peacefully in her sleep in her 90s. Cannabis can cure cancer. I wonā€™t say it can cure all cancers, but it is particularly good at treating and even curing some of them including brain cancer, lymph node cancer, blood cancers like leukemia, lung cancer, stomach cancer, skin cancer, pancreatic cancer. If I was diagnosed with terminal cancer this is the route I would choose.
The suggested treatment is 60 G of hash oil ingested as quickly as possible , but in no longer a time period than 2 months. Eating cannabis is the only effective way of targeting cancer with cannabis. Smoking it can make you feel better and give you an appetite but it cannot kill it. Whole plant medicine is best for this. Hash oil eaten( starting with a rice sized portion and increasing as able )or ground marijuana in food are the recommended canna treatments.

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And it never ends. Cannabis is just ONE SMALL PART of the world. FFSakes itā€™s not what Jesus will use to save the world or prevent the common cold. Itā€™s a great thing and has lots of uses. So does petroleum. And gunpowder. Seriously some people really need to get a grip on life. Iā€™m done with this rat hole topic.