Are you smoking decontaminated/remediated cannabis?

Haven’t drank in 35 years. I loved cheap beer. Nobody drank mine. I was the wrong guy for a beer run.
I’m assuming dispo weed? I can imagine some of the cleanest stuff the sell is still cantaminated, but tests within “accaptable levels”. All bugs eat, shit, and piss. On plants.


Does that stuff add smell and flavor?
Now I wonder if that is why some weed smell the way it does.
I assumed terps were added after.
I may be wrong here.

Has anyone tried this sorta thing?

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Maybe it just allows people to charge more. They spent more to grow it. Makes me think of all the flavored vape shit.
As I recall, a bunch of sugar substitutes weren’t so good for us. Different? Same thing?

I saw your instagram post and thought you may have some interest in chatting about this topic.

BTW come home soon your doggies miss ya… :pensive:


Thanks for the link @Dirt_Wizard
From the link provided.

Extraction is guaranteed to kill almost everything.: Using well-known extraction methods to kill microbial life through extreme temperature fluctuations or toxic environments. This is the only method of remediation approved by the Colorado Marijuana Enforcement Division and is guaranteed to kill almost everything.

I believe @JoeCrowe has informed us extraction does not kill some microbes mainly mold of some type.
Maybe he will leave a comment.


From the link…
All of these methods should require a producer to list it on their ingredient label.

I have never heard of a remediated cannabis label and most certainly never seen one.

If a product previously failed safety testing, or was remediated, it will not be evident to customers.

The producer could then remediate and retest the product as many times as necessary. :astonished: If and when it passes, labeling isn’t required to contain information about the failed tests or notify the customer that product was remediated.

I wonder how many times your store bought cannabis has been remediated?
It would seem they can do it over and over and over if they so choose.

If home grows become a thing of the past with schedule 3, everyone will be smoking this shit.

It pains me to say…most folks today are happy smoking remediated cannabis…WTF??


The MRA is requesting public input regarding the following questions:

  • Should businesses be required to notify consumers if products have been remediated?
    I say yes!
  • By what method should consumers be notified?
    A huge label that can not be missed.
  • Which products should be included in the remediation notification process?
    All of them!
  • What processes of remediation should require consumer notification, if any?
    All of them!
  • Should products that have not failed a safety compliance test but have been exposed to a remediation method require identification?
    Without a doubt.

I’ll tell you things…
crazy things.
I’ve done a remediation batch for an LP where I used my skills to produce uncontaminated rosin from botrytis plants. That kind of thing never hits the shelf though. Instead if a batch fails here, the company will hock it on the internet for 50 cents on the dollar. Not through “regular” channels. See, the product is “destroyed” on paper yet sold to chumps.
Now the stuff sold in stores passes “batch” testing at an approved lab. A huge quantity of the products sold in the store have two ingredients. One is cannabis and the other is flavor. Side note, they don’t tell you what “kind” of flavoring because, it could be diacetyl. So my friends went to the store and got some pre-rolls and a rosin cartridge. The pre-rolls both had “aroma” infused in the paper, and the rosin had “terpenes” added.
You could get a quick puff of flavor followed by the taste of ashes in your mouth.
“Tastes so bitter, it’s like ashes in my mouth” - Homer
The “acapulco gold” rosin tasted like carrots.
So how do my friends handle this? Easy - they go to the store and buy shit flavorless weed that I complain about. hah hah remember though… I easily crush those LP turds in a competition, so I’m super picky about my weeeeeeeeed. Then there are the “dark market” growers. Turds who spray myclobutanil and spinosad on their plants. It drives me nuts those people are still ALIVE let alone growing shit weed. Fuck them.
OK so it’s not all bad. I know…so many people with integrity. Ones working at Earthwolf or Dragonfly. Rosebud farms. People who are my friends! They are the connoisseurs of good weed.


I am NOT for any kinda of dispensary weed.
Doesn’t matter what the Michigan laws state. There ARE those who are out for profit only.
Yes it should all be labeled with what was used on it. Have you ever tried to read one of those labels if they do have them?

Have you ever seen remediated weed? Looks very different then anything I’ve grown. I would rather do without the added chemicals.
I use mine for medicine.
Dispensary weed will slowly kill you with all their chemical add inns to make it pretty or taste better… no thanks says this girl!

@shag just got home.:pray: Picked up the puppers! They are so happy! :blue_heart::heart::v:


Yo. This is so gross. I both can’t believe this and also expect nothing less from these cretins.


This is another issue we have today.
Weed so shitty you have to add flavor…WTF???

Diacetyl (2,3-butanedione) is a water-soluble electrophilic vapor that is associated with the development of severe bronchiolar injury in works exposed to high concentrations in the microwave popcorn industry

Folks have died from that shit, no wonder it burns your throat… :face_with_head_bandage:

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That kind of thing works as stated before:

They’ll sell it, only because someone else will buy it.

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