Be careful out there! Artificial thc

Some a hole was spraying his weed.with artificial thc…wouldn’t it be easier just to learn to grow and cure?


They had some fent laced weed show up around here.


About 20 years ago we were getting stuff laced with broken glass to make it look better. There was one summer it was so bad we would bring CDs with us to every deal. If the CD scratched when you rubbed the weed on it, no deal.




Why??? I was always of the opinion “you only get what you pay for” cause we generally didn’t get extra stuff with our buds. Synthetic opiods will kill me in quick order (severely allergic)… These friggen people lacing buds with garbage… GRRR… And broken glass? Seriously, who thinks of this stuff?

If anybody questions why I’d rather grow than purchase, that might be a good start. I like to live…


For real my buddies was getting weed from a ok dispensary. I told him it had been sprayed. We all got massive headache as soon as we hit it. Crap had us sick with a chemical high for hours. I never expected it coming from a dispensary.


Too many rooks entering market. Easier to fake it than make it.


A big nono is buying from someone who doesn’t smoke their own product I find. They tend to take liberties. Was out so bought an oz …shit burns my tongue. Probably too much sulfur but could be anything. Stll sitting in the bag.

better off in a dispo I guess.


I dunno… That shit in OK made it thru a dispensary as they weren’t testing for it and were alerted by user complaints…

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I remember running into this before. I had a complaint about the glass, and mentioned it to my dealer. He went on to say “sometimes bulbs burst during flower, it’s not done on purpose.” That was the last time I went through that guy. Even if it was a broken bulb, why would anyone think that’s safe?


Someone wasn’t up to compliance with a lab report didn’t have access to it or was to lazy and found a shady test lab that pumps up test reports for cash payoffs.This is just the tip of the iceberg with commercial and dispensary level handling of cannabis sales to the public.Now we have little pricks running around spiking shit with Chems.It’s a good argument point to just grow your own.


Broken bulb is worse. Who knows chemical combinations in hps bulbs.

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I vaguely remember this being a thing.

You never know what the person who grew the plant did during the life cycle of said plant. You never know what was on the plant and what was used to grow it or foliar feed it. Trash is the best place for weed like that, and a nice review online.

uh…no, I wish someone would have said that shit to me!

Most labs are paid under the table to “tweak” percentages. Unless its state funded, you can take the % of THC and CBD with a grain of salt from a dispensary.

Sodium, mercury and xenon, the arc tube is made of aluminum oxide ceramic which is resistant to the corrosive effects of alkalis like sodium.

All of which, when smoked… Makes you strong like bull. (sarcasm)


Shoot! Can see a plethora of mental illnesses right there! Within combustion!

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you’d be surprised with the advancements of dry herb vaporization technology, how many people still combust.

(my wife for instance has access to a volcano digit, but she prefers her bong.)


Myself for one!! Once I reach self sustainability, I’ll be moving to vaping! Got my Pax 2 though!! Never use it!! :laughing: :rofl: :flushed:


i tried the Pax 2 for a month, and it was a pain in the ass to operate and it was like i was sucking though a coffee straw.

(gave it to my neighbor, who still uses it.)


It can come in handy, especially when we need to be inconspicuous! But I agree, it feels as though it’s hard work for a hit! But I haven’t tried serious flower with it! Only street stuff! Still, a joint is hard to beat! Nice little fella who’s never in your way! (ok, maybe in your lungs’ way! :rofl:)!


I’ve been on a, press my own rosin / dabbing, kick right now. I haven’t touched my volcano in probably a year.


:clap: :clap: :clap: :pray: :laughing: :upside_down_face: :neutral_face: :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :thinking: :rofl: :hugs: One day I’ll get there!! Won’t take long it seems!