What's up with michigan weed?

i noticed that some of the dispensary weed from michigan burns funny. leaves a silky ash that doesn’t break down like normal ash. hard to explain. it also has a kind of aftertaste. had three or four different brands but don’t have the names of any except house of dank, el chivo. good smoke, don’t get me wrong, but the ash is funny. also if i smoke more than a few bowls in a day i get a headache. i was wondering if anyone else has noticed this. maybe something in the water in a few places or something like that.


Not from Michigan, but that doesn’t sound good. Maybe sprayed with those terps concentrate or something else. I’d be careful with funny ash and headaches.


when “brix” hit the market here it was the same except that some weed even burned funny (sparkling like a wonder candle)

Do you have the possibility to make some macros of that buds?


i can try. my son in law is a photographer. he can if i can’t but it will take a bit longer.


Herb picked early is usually headache inducing…

The ash is concerning though…


One of the exact reasons I stay away from dispensaries. Most are harvested early, and not cured properly to get it “rushed” to market. And who knows what is done with it once the test results come back. The whole crop isn’t sent in for testing, just a sample, then held for the results to come back. There has been word of some dispensaries adding “terps” to their flower so that it tastes better.


When I first saw/smelled treated dispo weed, I went to my grow area, got my loupe out, and all over the buds, were these weird square ? um pebble looking lumps. Laying on the bud.
It was some type of fake smell.
The lady that came to our house, told us she got it down in the DC area, from a friend that lives down there.
She was across from us, at our table, and took like a nono second to fill the room with this fake ass stench.
I gave her the loupe to see what I was talking about.
So she also had a few pre-rolled joints, I took one hit off that and said NOPE, not for me.
It did NOT have the horrible smell, just a bland worthless taste to it.
No Thanks my shitty home grown is just fine.


This is sad. I’ve never had herb grown in Michigan either from growmies or dispos.

What saddens me the most is how fucking amazing all the genetics that I have gotten and grown out from Michigan breeders that is pure nitro… so hearing the accessible weed there is this… well, damn that’s depressing.


only some of it, some i have gotten is great. that’s why i wish i had the packaging from all of the bad shit, but the person who brought it here did away with that for ‘reasons’. now i mainly get ours from the wv dispensary and they have a couple of really good strains that i stick to. can’t wait on that license to legally grow industrial hemp next year. no more store bought weed for me.

i looked at it under a loupe and a magnifier and you can tell something was sprayed on it and it dried, a gummy looking residue that looks different from the other two wv strains. can’t wait til it’s gone, it’s starting to make my throat hurt. hope it don’t kill me. if it does, someone warn others and document what it was. only half kidding…


Maybe they are spraying fake terps on them? Bound to happen at some point :face_vomiting:


Just like anywhere with large scale licensed growers, you will find some terrible cannabis here. You’ll also find some of the best you’ve ever had. If you actually look at and smell what you’re buying before you buy it (why the hell wouldn’t you) it’s pretty easy to find great flower, and also turn down bad flower.


That happens a lot with store bought weed round here.
I think is is old remediated weed with no taste and smell then they add terps to it to make it more appealing.

Or it may be something added while the weed is growing like a sugar product or something to add flavor…not sure really but I have been asking what otheres thought about this sorta thing, but I have not gotten much feedback.

I refuse to smoke the shit myself, some folks think I am a weed snob, but I don’t know what I am smoking and I know my body does not like it at all.
I grow outdoors and indoors and I have never had that issue with what I grow.


What really makes me laugh is remember when you would roll one up and people would go whats that?You would tell them it was your homegrown and they would turn thier nose up at it because it wasnt Hydro or commercial weed back in the day.Now with all the Frankenweed they are whipping together in all the overpriced Dispos with all the terp sauce amd what ever shit thier spraying the weed with, a little rougher looking homegrown dont seem so bad now does it lol.How the tables have turned.


I got weed in Colorado that when you opened up a nug there were purple stripes inside. I asked about it and someone said the dispensary might have used pgr plant growth regulator. The weed I get tastes good and burns normal ash. I would be worried otherwise.


is the dispo licensed? if so, probably not pgr. there is some level of regulations and inspections in co. i have never had any co bud that seemed juiced up. some of it wasn’t great bud, but most was fantastic. even the lower shelves.


I wonder if the headaches are related to heavily cloned cultivars. :thinking:

The only time I got hangovers from my home grown organic bud was from Mr. Nice NL5xAfghan, and they clone their stuff en masse.

However, could also be related to munchies and blood sugar levels when falling asleep.

Perhaps the combination of both, along with dehydration.


not a chance. the only variable that changed was the weed type. time of day, meals, hydration, place, nothing. there is one strain in wv that gives me a headache as well, but the ash wasn’t funny. i looked at it under the scope and you could see some sticky stuff on it that wasn’t on the other two strains i had to compare to. the tip to look at it magnified was what solved it. that license can’t come soon enough.


if you get a major surgery they will test you for metabolism of cannabis…and for a lot of other stuff to make sure they don’t kill you with drugs. i tested as a low metabolizer. i always thought that related to me being pretty high the next day. weed hangover is not a headache imo.


Hmm…i mean i guess it depends on which dispensary and which producer because i have been to 20+ dispensaries across the state starting with the very first couple that opened back when medical was legalized in '08 all the way to the newest recreational shops that just opened last month and overall the quality has been exceedingly impressive and still trending up. I will say the few times it has been bad it has been BAD and in MI THC %'s are just a novelty they print on the package they have no practical meaning because the industry has no statewide standards in testing methodology, no requirements for testing verification, no statewide lab accreditation criteria, plus the individual detailed lab reports are not accessible to the patients/customers because the details are “proprietary information” leading to little to no transparency in real cannabinoid and terpene levels…BUT there has only been maybe 3-4times I’ve encountered flower that was regrettable and it was purchased by somebody shopping with me but after being passed over by my wife and i because it looked obviously iffy…there is a trend thats become a little more common here of “frosted buds” or infused flower where they sprinkle .25g of some kief or thca crystalline or sand on some ok flower and then price it at like $30\g…i guess maybe thats what you could be seeing with the jeweller’s loupe…what exactly did the stuff on the buds look like


it’s hard to describe. some sort of sticky looking syrup-like stuff that was amber or brownish in color. not all over it, just in spots. and yes, it was cheap weed $100 oz. it’s all gone now or i’d go look again. yeah, i’ve gotten mainly good smoke from mi, but four or five times it gave me headaches when i smoked too much of it. i think i just smoke too much now. damn prescriptions.

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