Home Grown VS. Dispensary

Have you ever been out in public and hear that same old BS “I get my stuff from the dispensary 30% and up for $60 an 8th” I’m thinking WHAT!! WHY!! Then… I already knew it was coming “I can get homegrown cheaper but it’s garbage”.
I get so mad about this. I just want to be like here try this.
I know I can not be the only one that gets irritated when they hear this. I would like to hear others thoughts on this.


Smile. Nod. Pull out something called full melt bubble hash they have never seen before. Enjoy.

If they want to spend their money I’m ok with that.


A couple I’ve times I would interject that the percentages are not always accurate.
As @Calyxander pointed out in his current events

Thanks for your work again @Calyxander!
I get that dispensary green might look prettier but is not always better.
I really think sometimes it’s in there head.



Your semi guilty of this!

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I guess I’ll wait to find out. Lol

That shit is funny as hell… I’ve only found a couple disp products with stellar cure! If anything the home growers I know need to work on the curing process as they have the cultivation under control. It would be nice if locals would grow more than White widow tho! Not that I have problem with WW but we need some diversity!

I’m not into +++THC %. There’s way more to it than that. Let the masses have their $60 8th. I’ll take a $60lb. Hehe!


For the most part in my experience most of the time it hasn’t so much been people saying home grown is garbage, usually their surprised more than anything we’ll that and are shocked when they find out price differences(I’m very anti dispensary prices $60 an 1/8 is obscene in my opinion)


My first grow coming back to Overgrow my buds were fluffy AF. I was feeling down. Using the same equipment not changing anything but the way I dried there was a big difference in my nuggs. I know genetics plays a big roll in this as well some are bad. Dry/cure process is key. 100%


I too don’t like the dispensary because I’m a grower. I can however see the appeal for the average individual.


According to the “lab” which has little oversight. I question most %'s because its in their benefit to give higher numbers to keep their clients coming back who prefer the higher numbers for them to sell to the final customer, who just reads numbers…

When I buy from my local guy, the $100 1/4’s are always better than the $60-$70 1/8’s. Occasionally he’d be like “this stuff is BANGING” and I give in and try, and have been disappointed. Learned to just stick to the $100 1/4’s, The last time he admitted he liked the cheaper stuff better himself LOL. And I am pretty hopeful that my own stuff will beat the crap outta whats available :smiley:


Imo… anyone cAn grow great weed! Sshhh! Don’t tell! Lol. We can make it as simple or difficult as we want!


It depends. Your friend probably thinks rock hard crystal laden indicas are the only thing that you can call weed.

Some of my favourites have been loose, airy, and foxtailed. If I showed these to your friend he would be “what the hell is this?”

I like indicas too but there is more too it than good/bad.

But there are lousy genetics too :man_shrugging:


As legal weed beco.es a thing…

“Window sill” autos will be in every household.


I hear it once a week
How amazing the dispo weed is up here
100 an oz for the cookie of the week.
I don’t say anything but usually chuckle about it later

The homegrown is garbage line is about 50years old and comes from people growing free sativa seeds found in their junk imported and grown under fluorescent lights.
I’d put my stuff up against any local dispo and I sure as fuck wouldn’t sell it for a 100 an oz lmao


This this this. Or it was grown under a bush by some 16 year old that pulled it at 5 weeks of flower.


Haha! I get a picture every cupola days from a grow friend. Is it ready, is it ready? Sent him to the store for a mag. Glass and sat him down for a talk.


When you see all milky and amber trichromes. Not hairs lol. More amber is more couch lock. Easy peasy


Very excellent point. It is all about preference. So true!
@4ftfarmer & @Torontoke yup yup! I have grown some horrible plants back in the day. I would be ashamed to move it. People do it anyway.

i haven’t seen $100 / z since… since… Damn like since college, so thats like 25 years ago. And it was pure seeds, stems and shake then, can’t imagine its any better now.

Might also be my location…


A couple likes for $200 Alex

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