Artificial Intelligence is Here, and it's a little Scary!

Nah. The vein of misanthropy that sometimes runs through these threads always surprises me. People, outside the Parasite Class, typically want to help if they know how, avoid unecessary trouble if they can, and prefer the equilibrium of peace,
and the “Ugh, humans” sentiment is as gross to me as “Ugh, blacks” or any other such generalization of Genetic Fallacy.


Ours is as disobedient as all get-out. The Singularity has already occurred.

Kinda like what the government is doing with social media.


amen to that brother! imagine what we could do if we all worked together.



Computer Intelligence is my homie, fear not, it comes in peace.


Can Digital Watermarks Fight AI Deep Fakes?

The latest generation of Artificial Intelligence continues to cause problems, particularly in creative circles. The new tools are so easy to adopt that people are hijacking the original photographs and artwork of others, modifying them at will, and republishing. This is frequently done with the original creator receiving no compensation or credit, leading to legal nightmares across the board. But now, in the next stage of the technology wars, some of the biggest camera makers are launching new developments of their own to combat it. New software being deployed by Nikon, Sony, and Canon will assign “digital watermarks” to the images captured by their equipment. This will allow any such images to be checked and verified when people attempt to publish them. Those found to have been faked or altered may then be flagged and rejected. Of course, this adaptation carries potential problems of its own, but it’s still fascinating.

Any OGers who make their living doing creative arts care to comment on how this affects your work? @Heliosphear?


i’m not a digital creator, or a social media creator of any kind, just a hacker. it reminds me of hearing about all the hype surrounding how cars are going to put the horse industry out of business. it kind of did, but that’s the price we pay for advancements. it comes around every time a new thing comes out. we will all be fine. the artists who lose that work will find other work, they always do. hell, i’ll probably lose my tech job due to ai, but it will be a long time before they are running a farm autonomously.

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Everything I’ve ever posted on OverGrow or my website is free for anyone to use as they please. Like yourself, I volunteer to be on OverGrow and have no concern of theft or use of my art for financial gain of others.

Any water mark can be scrubbed from a picture, I don’t use AI art programs to copy other Artist’s work to call my own. Everything I post is original.

Like every Hacker knows… nothing is safe from being copied and used to make money on others hard work.


I would like to hear more about how this will work.
I make digital art and if I put a watermark on it AI can remove it.
I feel much like Heliosphear on this.


I guess it would be something like metadata that would be checked upon upload.
Pointless because you can screenshot any image and if you want high resolution you can blow it up with while retaining high quality.
And someone will always find a way to fake those watermarks.

Something like what Youtube is doing would be necessary on every platform where you can upload photo’s, they check every video for copyright infringement of the music used.

Either way, I envision that people will generally become more respectful of artists and support them. Eventually almost everyone will agree on total transparancy on the internet and the authors and creators will be easily tracable and known to all.


Some do not want total transparancy on the internet.
Hell some folks use a different name on every weed site.


I know, and there will always be a minority who will stay anon.


I’ll readily admit I haven’t delved deeply into this topic, just thought it was an interesting aspect of the overall question.

These quotes from the article point out some other problems with the scheme and support @Heliosphear’s claim that any watermark can be removed.

I have a feeling that the companies will use Steganography as well as metadata to embed watermarks in the image file, with checksums to validate that they have not been altered. I can’t believe they’d waste the time and money if they weren’t going to make it very difficult for forgeries, but we’ll see.

"… the level of security depends entirely on how many actors (good and bad) are participating. If someone fakes or alters an image and attempts to upload it anywhere, the people accepting it will have to be using the new “Verify” verification system to test the digital watermark. If they aren’t doing that, then there is no level of protection. I have to wonder how many people will really go through the bother unless the process can be entirely automated.

Stop and consider how many images are uploaded to sites like Instagram and Twitter on a daily basis. It’s being reported that there are currently an average of 95 million photos and videos being uploaded to Instagram daily. What would it do to their processing infrastructure to have to scan every one of them with a new verification system before publishing? And even then, they would only catch the ones that had been originally taken on one of the sponsoring companies’ equipment and then later modified by others. I’m not saying that this isn’t a problem and that it’s not worth at least trying, but it clearly seems problematic."


Ahhh as far as im concerned the AI Chatbot isnt as intelligent as it thinks it is…considering cannabis IS NOT a drug it is a plant/weed. THC/CBD is the “drug” but in the bigger picture cannabis is plant based medicine…


Cheers to bucking the illegit and innovation stifling notion of Intellectual Property.
I respect you as an artist for that. :wine_glass: The work is good, but the principle is golden.
Once an expression is memetic,
once it’s an idea in someone else’s head, we can’t really own that, I think…
and people should be more concerned about the corporate powers trying to control and limit the proliferation of ideas and free expression by saying otherwise.


I agree 100%

OpenAI may not seem all that dangerous.
But the worst risks are the ones we cannot anticipate.

Does anyone think the classified side of the government has tech far more advanced compared to what the general public knows about?

Does the general public even know about Ultra Top secret, compartmentalized, need to know programs?

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We all kinda know these AI bots are candy-ass tools that we’d gleefully stuff into a locker.
Their personality is baked in that way intentionally by their creators - Well, they are just literal tools after all, but it would be cool as sh*t to have ones with kick-ass vibes & attitude - if they could really get it and loosen up!


What will happen when we hit the singularity?
Some say we are already in the singularity?
Will all jobs be gone?
Will we all go on welfare/stimulus checks?
Will we live in luxury?
Will the wealthy and powerful remain that way?
Will our current form of money stay the same?
Who will control AI?
How will the population be managed?
Will we eat bugs or engineered meats?
Will there be an AI arms race?