Tech career talk (or free seeds for knowledge)

So I’m getting out of blue collar work and wanting to move into the tech sector. I need bottom up advice on where to start with all of this as I’m doing it on the fly, right now. Technology in general, as it’s broadest possibilities, is the future of humanity in my eyes. We’ll always need the work that I’m leaving but technology can at the bare minimum make people’s lives like mine easier to where they’re not a slave for the entirety of their existence. And we can extrapolate that globally. We can’t even fathom what 50 years from now will look like, I need to be a part of this human advancement.

So, i need to start making an income to pay the bills as soon as possible, if anyone has advice on entry level or freelance jobs and where to find them. I used to be pretty decent with computers, couldn’t flat out write scripts for my games but I could edit someone else’s stuff enough to do exactly what I needed. 80-120 WPM depending on how active I’ve been at typing recently. I’m sure I could learn the basics of anything fairly quickly but I like thoroughly learning anything I seek out so I can learn the various ways of doing it and find the most effective and optimized way to accomplish whatever it is. Data entry, transcribing, writing articles, I’m sure I can do all kinds of basic shit.

Once I have an income I can focus on my education, Python, the C’s, Java, the basics and then I want to learn enough to be able to write apps for every day companies like the million that pop up every day or with every new product, that’s more income. What does it take to write algorithms? I gotta learn what I don’t know that I don’t know :rofl: eventually I’d like to be able to write something like chatgpt or at least contribute to it as part of a team like that. Can i host servers for people? How hard is that?

Photoshop and other programs like it, I’d love to make digital art one day or use technology to create cannabis seed art, do advertisements for whoever or photo and video editing. Seeds are absolutely stunning under a microscope, I think it’d be true cannabis art to have some on my walls. Need to build a website for OnTopOfTheWorld Genetics and get seed sales and art and tincture and everything going on there for a semi passive income.

So please, anyone with any amount of time and advice, I’d love to hear it so I can explore and research and learn, I need as much direction and information as I can get cause I have to make this work

I got lots of seeds for anyone with any help or knowledge that will get me to where im supporting my family from home with my new laptop.

Pure Michigan F3 and lots of crosses with it. Let’s help each other out.


Good luck with your new adventures, it sounds like an exciting (and a bit scary) time. My experience is you always come out better on the other end, hope that holds true for you too.

This is not an endorsement by any means, but if you can type that fast you might look into Rev transcription services. You won’t get rich but it’s some money coming in. A few years ago, while I was still working full time (:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:), I made enough in a few months to buy a new Gibson guitar. It’s all about the motivation I suppose. Good luck …


Appreciate the advice and well wishes, I’ve got nothing but time at the moment so if I can full time transcribe or whatever to get the bills paid then I’m achieving my current goal. Gonna check that out and hopefully I’ll have something semi solid figured out by weeks end.

Shoot me your info in a private message and I’ll get some seeds out to you


I understand the context, and your search for a lead or two.
But not really from where you’re starting and your inherent best battleground.

By example, piss-coding apple apps for kids in objective C is not the same thing at all than dealing with a neuronal network. And also not the same dedication and time to reach a productive point (in term of bills i mean).


I mean I’m more or less starting from scratch and jumping in head first so I’ve gotta accomplish things in order or it’ll all blow up in my face.

My first goal is doing whatever I can, remotely, to become financially independent and pay my bills from home. Guess it doesn’t really matter what it is. Data entry and transcribing and grinding grunt work like that seems like the most accessible way to start making money. I’m sure I could start making logos or something in photoshop relatively easily but idk how to advertise doing that, Google ads? Facebook networking?

Once my bills are paid every month I can focus on learning the basics like python, C, Javascript, etc.
I’ll dedicate as much time and energy as it takes to become proficient enough in whatever coding is necessary to achieve my final goals of being able to do complicated things like you’re referencing


The job market is a bit saturated at the moment im more in the Electronic repair and assembly gig now but i work around a lot of interns in the feild and and i see where everyone is heading at.Don’t let them lowball you and make yourself an integral part of the team they cant afford to lose.Its very competitive out there and i hope nothing but the best for you


@CapnCannabis I’m out of likes but I appreciate the well wishes. I’ve made harder things work than this I just gotta figure out all the steps I need to take and go through the process of going through those steps. It’s been so long a lot of this feels brand new and scary


You can usually find a fair amount of material on coding in Humble Bundles; they’re a pretty niche market, I guess, so they tend to stay available for a while and have some good deals. There’s one up now with a bunch of Python books that you might find interesting. There’s also some on cybersecurity, software architecture and game programming, and a decent software section where you can start collecting tools to play around with what you’ve learned. It’s not free, but pretty close.


Sign up for “Fiver”

My wife has used that site for having people create machine embroidery designs and logos. Basically a bunch of freelance graphic designers and computer nerds

Edit to say - I know I’m not giving career advice here, just some potential side hustles to pay the bills while you restart.


I’ve been in tech for most of my career (programming, hosting, building on-line apps) . At this point, I’d counsel anybody who’ll listen to become an electrician (or an electrical engineer). …So, maybe heading in the opposite direction from what you’re looking at. A lot of the services associated with technology will – before long – be handled by artificial intelligence. So will a lot of creative endeavors (such as writing content). What can’t be done by AI will continue to be outsourced to developing nations, where technology is ~not quite~ as far along as it is in the world-leading economies. But cut-rate tech is so much cheaper and improving so quickly that – unless you’re working at the tip of the high-tech spear – you’ll be competing with people willing accept a fraction of your pay.

That said… Your weed looks delicious! :star_struck: So, if you’re intent on getting into tech, I’d advise sticking, as much as possible, with open source resources. You can learn a lot about EVERYTHING nowadays just sticking with Internet-based instructional materials. The knowledge base for open sourced applications is huge and always growing. And there’s a well-established community of programmers contributing to its continued success. If you want to learn about hosting, you can start your own hosting business by becoming a RESELLER of one of the many facilities offering Website hosting.

Maybe familiarize yourself with Linux; learn php and MySQL, and you’ll be off to the races in no time. (But competing with others in the same field, many of whom are willing to work for pennies on the dollar.)

In any case, GOOD LUCK! It sounds like you’ve got the ambition to succeed. :+1:


Like the last response, I believe about the same & I’d say learning more about AI would be ur best bet going forward.

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My best advice is to figure out what you want to do first, then make moves in that direction. You mention scripting and also mention graphic design. Those 2 things are on opposite ends of the spectrum. If you want to do scripting or work witb scripts you can start as an entry level help desk, and then become a sponge and move into sysadmin type rolls after support.
My path was military > menial manual labor type jobs > help desk > sysadmin/network admin > consultant for a specific product. Hit me up if you have any questions, but you need to decide on what you want to do first.


Python is a good one to learn. Start there.
Also JavaScript. I hate it with a passion, but if you can program javascript you can always find a job.
Don’t bother with Java (yes, similar named language as JavaScript, but totally unrelated)

Also, don’t waste your time with the C family anymore. If you really wanted to do hardcore low level programming (in the spirit of C) learn Rust instead.

Learning networking and data communications can also lead to high paying gigs.


Can’t really talk about programming but I can certainly talk through career changes in a tech/education field. I recently abruptly changed my entire career path and have never been happier! Its never too late, and swing for the fences and apply for jobs you dont think you are qualified for. Everyone is hiring for soft skills and the ability of employees to learn and grow, so cast your net wide and you will be rewarded. My dms are always open if you wanna chat further!


Agreed, if you want to be a dev or devops python is good to learn. Powershell is another good one if you want to go the Windows sysadmin route. Learning Linux can also be a plus.


don’t waste your time with sys admin or network admin or any admin jobs. i’ve been trying to get one of those for a while with 12 years recent experience so i can get a retirement that’s better than playing the powerball. i wouldn’t bother too much with ai either, it’s too new and you’re too inexperienced to get started right now, but it is new and everyone is also new so it may not be a bad time. same with programming since ai is starting to make it really easy for others to do, so you’re already behind the power curve for making money with it, but also, the ai could help you learn faster.

if you want to get into security i’ll get some links together, all sorts of free practice to see if you like it. i’ll also link to a book i wrote, well i have a draft of the first half, for tech support that has some decent info to start with. when i get the troubleshooting section done it will be a good resource.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

my book


I appreciate everyone’s direction and advice, I hope more keeps coming in so I can continue to fine tune my plan. The different perspectives from different sectors of the field are insightful as well. Those of you that offered extra insights I may be contacting you soon for extra advice. I’ll also be taking advantage of those resources posted when I get home to my laptop from my daughter’s cheer practice

@CapnCannabis @Cormoran @Tripl3fastaction @MrGreenJeans @Forest_Organic @JustANobody @firehead @sprinklememaynee @sfzombie13

Shoot me your addresses in a message if you guys want some seeds for your help! Also forgive my being out of likes


Anytime, feel free to reach out. I’m sure you’ll get a lot of different perspectives/experiences on this which are all valid.


Was more than happy to try and give a fellow Geek some love.The beans sound great but not needed.Spread the Karma ,Overgrow the world with Love homie.


Best of luck man!! One of my classmates is currently working with the DoD at Fort Shafter here in Hawai’i. I know that he built his way up by taking cyber security classes, coding, and started as basically a civilian contracted for basic IT and after like a year they thought he was an asset and trained him along with their enlisted members in cyber security. I’ll try and message him to see if I can get an actual play by play because he’s basically the head of IT and Cyber security there now and runs classes for the enlisted members.