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What is the most current, easiest, effective, and economical way to send seeds?

I see these cardboard coin holders with what looks like hose grommets to protect the seeds so I’m just assuming, an oring inside a coin holder in an envelope with a non machinable stamp would be the protocol, but that is just me assuming… What are the cool kids doing?

Coin flips and hose washers. Like this:

No non machinable stamp required.


Regular stamps work? No crushed ones?

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100% success rate

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Sweet thank you.

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How many of those can I fit in an envelope before it tips the scale?

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I haven’t weighed it but for stealth purposes I stop at 3.


Perfect thank you.


3.5oz for letter size envelope per stamp.

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Look like a cut then, you need a recurrent male to balance.

I’m not fond of this combo (terps), so i will use a Black Widow to soften a bit without hitting much the global shape. Then balance it in progeny with one of both to find the sweet spot.

To go full throttle in the expression i will use a Neville Haze tempered with the Nepalese. Not easy but it can be kewl ^^

Condiment (pepper) or beads ^^ Just to throw something exotic for 50-100 seeds cases lol

Who have tested to mix male’s pollen with dry sift hash ? ^^

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I have not mixed pollen with dry sift but I would imagine that if it is intended for smoking purposes it would impart a serious harshness. Pollen is up to 60% protein and burning protein is harsh. I would think it would be similar to burning hair.

I have considered collecting cannabis pollen as a seasoning for my kitchen cabinet. I have one male that makes pollen that has a black pepper aroma and flavor. It would honestly make a great culinary spice.


Storing pollen is fine. I prefer to make it as I go but either way.

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I like perlite small or large but grodan Rockwool first up , well after germination… germination I use 1 cup water around 19-25 degrees Celsius seems best…soak for about 12 to 24hours…then in tissue wet until tap root pops…not too long tap root or it will snap…keep moist in -heated areas beware of drying…tap water here is quality sono need to adjust or even ph test…then Rockwool…if Rockwool not available jiffy pellets are easy to find… Rockwool not soaked say a little squeeze of excess water then pop in seed tap root down…easy

Edit this was a reply to starting seeds medium

Medical cannabis here now legal…I have experience but afraid to admit my experience in a resume…what would be the best approach?

As long as it’s not too wet it should be fine. Damp not soaked.

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Haha classic

I’ve submitted resume’s with my clandestine (some of it anyway) past experience to legal industry organizations before. It can really go either way. If the owners still have a stigma and think it’s drugs and look down on stoners (more growers than you might think) then your illegal history will be a turn off. If they are real people with an understanding of this world they will see your experience as a gold mine, treasure trove.

Legality is still all grey area but I don’t think there is anywhere in America that legalization has occurred and people are still being held accountable and being punished for the bogus "crimes of the past.

Shine on you crazy diamond. Your weed resume is finally worth something in the real world. If I was looking to hire a grower for a legal business, I sure as shit would want to know about their experience.


Thanks for the reply… good info and details and as foreigner put it, I will case each job and not soak my resume just under sell as chili farming the odd cannabis plant here and there for my uncle who needs pain relief or something of that vein…till it’s obvious they want more experienced operators.

Thanks pollen Charlie and foreigner

How is it possible to have anxiety in smoking weed ?

Real question. Feeling baked for me is opposite with feeling anxiety, no matter what.
I discovered lastly that it was real, not just a lefty manner to say “if it don’t end with a nap, it’s bad weed for me”.

Let’s try here to have some lights about it. I’m interested to make patterns with such profiles of stoners, their eventual use of CBD to counteract this problematic (aside or not), the worse weeds they experienced for this … anything helping to understand by procuration.

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I get anxious too with many strains even some indicas… not as much the older I got though…high school finished parties (here called Schoolies)had a bag of Mullumbimby madness…I think a Pure sativa… some bad things happened like I got bashed and rolled for my wallet with all my cash… anyway couldn’t smoke weed any sativa mostly would send me nuts…

Now I can handle any sativa and actually need the most potent strains to get stoned… not sure why

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