At home remedies? ..a Spray for mold

Since being a part of OG I rember seeing some concoctions for a preventative spray to introduce during pre flower for bud rot …

Upstate we r famous for rainy seasons when our buds r in their prime fattening up …

Anyways was just curious to a follower spray recipe to help in preventing mold !?

Thanks fellas I’m sure I’ll get some good responses :slightly_smiling_face:


i know to spray H202 and thats about it. but if anyones got a better idea…


I use Mycostop bio-fungicide, personally, but horticultural oil can be used as a prophylactic. The mycostop is a much better solution in my opinion: Oil really only lasts a week, and is washed off with rain, and then needs to be re-applied for continued protection.


how do you apply this? ive seen ppl apply it since seedling - but ive never touched it.


I start by sprinkling some into my rockwool cubes when I transplant clones to larger cubes and also dip the clones in a solution containing the mycostop at that time. A few days before going into flower I like to give the garden another foliar spray containing the mycostop and two weeks into flower I apply a final foliar application for good measure. I live near the coast so humidity is high so I need to stay vigilant with my IPM strategies.


If I see mold I cut it out aggressively. Once you go “hey is that bud rot?” It’s too late.

Best advice - choose earlier varieties for your climate or ones suited to wet weather.

I’m sure others have IPM ideas but that’s how I’d roll.

The strain options I have for outdoor success are very limited.


That’s why I made this post to get some answers lol I don’t want to get to that point

I’m already dreaming up a quick pop canopy for them they get 700 sun wich is great

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A weak citric acid solution might work as a preventive adjunct.


I also have read about diatomaceous earth

Here’s a good read

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What do you know about jadam? Or KNF? And things like horse tail , stinging nettle, yellow dock, and ginger and garlic there’s something I want to try that I haven’t gotten around to yet is a yellow onion ferment I might make it a vinager anyways onions have this high antifungal properties

Use it as a preventative and I haven’t had a touch of mold or mildew on any buds yet in two years (indoors):