Authentic Genetics Seed Company

So stoked for the release of Purest Indica. It’s a legit old school broadleaf. Looking through Steven Murphy’s old book there are several photos that closely resemble it. The first few of them Todd has already pointed out on his feed. I just think it’s so cool we have a link to the past like this! Thanks Todd and Greg for making this biological time machine available!


@ToddMcC what are some more Mel Frank releases you have coming up. I like the chemdawg x gsc.


The Purest Indica literally IS Steve Murphy’s Afghani line and nothing else.


20% off right now at AG with code GROWMAGAZINE if that pushes anyone over the edge on a purchase


Thanks for putting up those pictures. Those actually look exactly like something that been held around me for some time in clone form. It seems to be some sort of stinky afghan or pak that grows stocky an very branchy an when in flower puts out a tremendous amount of resin. I will see if I can get a picture of a clone in veg.


Not the greatest picture, but the best I could get right now.


Shots fired!

Not sure what’s up with Riot deciding suddenly to go on an all out attack on Todd recently. I randomly decided to listen to one of his podcasts where he talks about strain history with Notsodog. I really only wanted to listen to it because of Notsodog and because I know he works closely with Caleb of CSI Humboldt and I am a big fan of Caleb’s work. In the episode Riot and Notso fire many shots at Todd claiming his seed company is based on lies and a lot of baseless accusations. They’re big accusations though and I wanted to come here to ask if any of you have knowledge on whether any of them hold water against Todd.

I’ve purchased a few packs from Todd. So have a lot of prominent breeders. It seems to me that Riot is trying to draw shine away from his work with the NL line since he’s working with Caleb to reproduce the exact same line. He’s seem like a bit of a bully to me and a bit money hungry also, trying to build a secret society of seed hoarders on Patreon and etc. I don’t know, I just feel bad for Todd after all he’s done for the cannabis community. I just don’t think it’s cool and wanted to get some opinions.


I’ve no dog in this fight, but what I have seen for myself is Todd’s stories change over time. I’ve also seen him remove content because it’s not going his way. That alone is enough to give me pause. Riot has done alot of stupid shit himself. But not everything he says is bullshit. Why would notsodog, bodhi, Caleb, fletch and so many others be close to him if it was all bullshit?


I think both have said things that give me pause and I’ve certainly seen Todd’s changing narratives. That said, Matt R spews so much BS it’s nuts. I don’t trust him one bit.


Ya I suppose that is a good point. I’ve been waiting for this next batch of NL5 but now I think I might hold out for CSI.


If you were to believe Matt, Todd’s repro is based on a small number of plants…how many? They don’t know, just speculate. But when notsodog agrees it makes me wonder. Personally I would be more inclined to go with CSIs work because he’s open about what he does, it’s documented, and he’s got a reputation for being a trusted breeder with proper ethics and procedures.
But now I find myself possibly throwing dirt in this thread so that’s all I’ll say on the subject in here.


Nobody was documenting anything in the early 70’s, ha. Maybe with notebooks.

I’ve only grown the OH x ON from @ToddMcC and got one old school keeper in 3 seeds. I hit her with someone else’s haze that produced a really cool cross I’m gonna try to re-create.

His seeds may not be today’s terp bombs, I don’t know yet, but he was definitely in place in those early years to get all sorts of historical strains.

Some of this current generation of breeders weren’t even born when most of Todd’s seeds were born originally. I always have to wonder how people that weren’t there would know. Things were a lot different in the US in 1970-80. No interwebs/cell phones. No offense. I’m only an old school smoker. peace


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again fuck Matt riot and riot seeds. His company is based on lies its funny how he tries to call people out but blocks anyone who brings up his past. Just Google riot seeds reviews and go through every forum that mentions him. He’s a POS!


Sales down? Start some controversy to remind people you still exist.

Chatter is the point. Scroll back and you’ll see mission accomplished.


It just never ends with Matt. Last week he went after mean gene and called him a liar etc this week… new target acquired in Todd Mccormick. I don’t care if Matt’s genetics are blessed by Bob Marley I’m not into supporting people who spend all their energy on lying and negging others. These attacks on Todd are just so transparently about him trying to get into the Northern Lights market. Makes me want to ask him if he thinks we’re idiots :rofl:


I don’t know him, so I can’t say if it’s just narcissistic personality or showmanship… maybe both. There are people that actually watch the Jersey shore though. That’s what I think he’s selling.

Or he might actually believe all the shit he spouts because he’s actually just a narcissist.


As long as people pay them attention and $$$ this bs is going to continue until big AG steps in.


Jokes on them! Everybody is clearly hung up on the past. :joy:


Matt riot is always this way. He makes shit up, (not only about others, but even his own strains), then goes on some platform and rants about how everyone’s stuff is fake except his. I know he thinks he’s some punk rocker, but the constant attitude gets old. He ends up looking like a little kid in a school yard, trying to show how hard he is by mouthing off to everyone.

Anyway, some of the OHaze have the frankincense terps, both in bud and smoke. Confirmed by myself after buying a home church incense kit, and two people I know who grew up Catholic on the East Coast. One of whom I tested without telling them what I was doing. I told them to go outside, smoked the Haze, then told them to come back in. First thing they said was, “mmm, what is that, incense?”


How old is he? Was he even sperm in the 70’s?