Authentic Genetics Seed Company

@GrownAtHighAltitude - I bet it still smokes up real nice. :grinning:


Similar situation here .Chop dry smoke repeat next season. Outdoors is for seed making only it seems in my area unless you grow Autos


Wow, I would be very tempted to dig her up and put it in a large pot to take inside. Sheā€™s kicking it hard!

I have the same problem this year. I have a bunch of volunteers this year and a couple are very sativa and just donā€™t seem like theyā€™ll make it in time. One is 10ā€™ tall, so not digging it up, lol.

I do have 4 Oaxaca that I left in pots just for that reason. They only just now started flowering, after all summer. It seemed to not get triggered until full 12/12 light hours. So, Iā€™ll be bringing them inside to see if I can finish them.

Iā€™m getting very lucky here this year with a nice long Indian Summer. The forecast for the next ten days keeps it in the high 70ā€™s with some low 40ā€™s in there at night. If I can make it two more weeks without a frost, Iā€™ll be golden I think.

I had read an article not long ago stating that weā€™re gonna have another La ninĆ”, 3 in a row, and they showed the probabilities of bad weather with us right in the middle meaning no bad weather for a while, just like last year. So, I gambled and planned my grow keeping that in mind. So far I have a bumper crop without any issues so far. Itā€™s been a long time since I had weather that was predictable.

Good luck getting it finished. peace


Durban Poison once again available at Authentic.


LOVE that movie!

I have a pack of their nl#5 Iā€™m willing to let go and cheaper than what they charge. I refuse to run his gear after the email I received. Nasty af and maybe my question wasnā€™t the way to go about it but regardless when you disrespect me Iā€™m done and wonā€™t recommend to anyone. But I do feel what they did was sketchy and plain out wrong. But some could think Iā€™m wrong. So buy this unopened pack lol or we can do a trade either way


ā€œAlso please keep in mind that the government kept Cogoā€™s involvement a secret for many years, according to his affidavit he clearly started cooperating with the government in 1989, yet they did not take his sworn affidavit until January 1994, because no doubt, they were using Cogo the whole time and Nevil would not have known what really was happening.ā€

A complete slanderous fabrication and one that Todd McCormick has experience with. McCormick claimed Imler had dropped the dime on McWilliamsā€™s operation. During the discovery process of his trial, McCormick had obtained a memo written by a West Hollywood Sheriffā€™s Department detective??? concerning information from a confidential informant who McCormick insisted was Imler. Dated five days before the Bel-Air bust, the memo contains no indication that the CI was Imler, who, in any event, was in Atlanta at a Methodist conference the week the informant squawked. Whatā€™s more, according to an affidavit from a DEA agent, the feds knew about the pot mansion two days before that memo when, on July 22, 1997, theyā€™d busted a woman named Susan Korski on a charge of possession of quantities of weed and cocaine. She fingered McCormick and said he was growing marijuana in a ā€œcastle-typeā€ house in Bel-Air.

The attempt to malign Imler as a snitch was obvious payback for the LACRC directorā€™s previous public criticism of the outlaw style of the Bel-Air grow and for his honesty in front of the grand jury. cogos signed affidavit was signed in 1990 . The 1994 affidavit was the 1990 affidavit that was attested to by the DEA and used for extradition from the netherlands. Green merchant was in 0ct 89 the affidavit was in feb march 1990. As stated in the court documents the DEA was purchasing seeds in 1987 and as far back as 1985. Cogo had 0 to do with OGM in fact in the court documents it shows that the DEA had all the list in spite of cogo turning in only 8 pages 29 per page. A far cry from 11,0000. The affidavit says cogo sent out 11.000. The affidavit is inaccurate. nevil was not responcible for the seed bank which was stated in the law book international law reports. Nevil didnt escape he was released and he fled to Thailand then to the Netherlands . Nevil had turned over his passport since he was a dutch citizen only to receive it back when he was released so he could travel to Thailand. Todd McCormick knows this and has stated it in his grow magazine article on Nevilā€¦ ā€œWhat is more alarming is that the DEA agents already had the addresses of the people who received the seeds during the time that Cogo was responsible for sending them. By knowing who the growers were, it was simply a matter of following them to their local gardening shop and implicating the garden store owners as conspirators in the manufacture of a controlled substance.ā€ Nevil was partners with Ben Dronkers . Nevil went to prison he was held at a remand center for prisoners that tried to commit suicide or could not handle prison. Nevil could come and go similar to work release here

As far as Watson is concerned whether he was directly attached to the DEA or notā€¦ he was indirectly attached thru a research license with Robert Clark and pate. ed selezni was the name not sam. ed selezni and ed rosenthal arrived in the Netherlands in 1985 as stated in the book The organized crime committee. studies in organized crime.


Cogoā€™s rat snitch ass doesnā€™t deserve any respect whatsoever. And the only person that defends Cogo on the forums is Cogo. Donā€™t you have anything better to do than get on forums and (pitifully) try to clear your tarnished name? 30 years later youā€™re still not owning up to the fact that youā€™re just a snitch ass loser narc rat. You ratted people out. Gave lists of names and addresses of 238 customers to the feds. Whether or not it was used as ammo in OGM is irrelevant. A snitch is a snitch.

Hereā€™s the affidavit for anyone that wants to get caught up. Fuck Cogo. Dude is a disgrace to the plant. community, and everything the real ones stood up for. Rat snitch mfer


Joe petri I believe his name is said McCormick is a snitch. Either was joe or someone on a YouTube podcast. Lol

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Whoā€™s cogo imo they all snitched lol well they all point fingers

Do you have any documents to support your claims?

IDK that I trust a word Joe Pietri says, besides everything else heā€™s done, heā€™s been involved in Phylos since the very early days, which ainā€™t a good mark in my book. But hereā€™s the podcast you were talking about, and the downloaded transcript in a searchable PDF file (thanks

Pietri Skunkfam podcast transcript 2022.pdf (139.0 KB)


I was just going by what I heard and I donā€™t think that messing with phylos has anything to do with what he said dude did. It was on a couple different podcasts. But for real I didnā€™t say he was I said I heard and dude goes way back further than I do.Iā€™m not out to start trouble I just wanted to get the nl#5 gone over how he acted towards me. Sorry if I got it wrong but I thought he said he saw papers idk


Pietri and Cogo are sketchy as fuck. Look at what Pietri charges for ā€œrare landrace seedsā€. $500 per pack.

Todd is always helpful with information, and the dude has brought out better genetics at more affordable prices. The NL2 from Greg is killer. Iā€™ve been happy with all the ON Haze crosses. Todd has advocated for cannabis for a very long time.

Thatā€™s all just BS.


NL2 x Purple Haze


He used to be Nevilā€™s distributer in the US, then he flipped on him and gave up the names and addresses of 238 people (confirmed) who bought seeds through him. Itā€™s up for debate about whether or not that info was used to suppress people in Operation Green Merchant. Itā€™s all there in the link I provided. This guy is Cogo. If you go on RIU and search for user Coco87769 youā€™ll see all the same post content as this guy. Easy to pick out. This dude only has 2 posts and itā€™s the same shit lol. No one talks about Cogo until Cogo goes on a forum and starts talking about himself lol. Itā€™s kind of sad.


Itā€™s not just forums, Iā€™ve seen him do that shit on Facebook and IG also.

I once asked a simple, non-confrontational question about the 12/1 and 8/16 light schedules on Pietriā€™s group and I got perma-banned after 1 week. Just one simple question, otherwise I was just lurking.

Red flags. Everywhere.


So it is true?

Just curious, what was your question?

Iā€™ve only had good experience when I have reached out to Todd, but switching the NL5 on his store from f2 to IBL with no explanationā€¦ā€¦.one of those labels (if not both) is clearly incorrect. I wanted to reach out about it, but do to some other things I was seeing at the time I felt like I would get an aggressive response to that one. I also feel like that is something that should come with an explanation as it happens, and that even having to ask about it is moving away from the kind of transparency Iā€™d like to see.

Ive got 2 of the NL5 going, one is incredibly short and wants to bush out real wide after topping, the other is quite tall and also branches nicely. Phenotypically they are quite different. 2 is a small sample size, but visually, sure as shit doesnā€™t seem like an IBL.

I also have his O haze going.

No complaints about the gear, but I just am not loving the lack of transparency when it comes to how he is labeling generations and why he is changing that. If he did explain at some point or someone has the answer I definitely am curious.

Edit: Iā€™ll also email Todd this week if no one knows the answer. The only reason I held off before is I was having enough poor interactions in real life didnā€™t need to deal with one on the internet too.


Hell yea. That link has a copy of his affidavit where he admits to willingly giving up 238 people he distributed seeds to while working for Nevil.

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