Authentic Genetics Seed Company

I think it’s more to it. Because 18-6 would be almost 2 days of light?? Lol I can’t remember how many we usual get

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Also a good way to sex them without going into flower

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You can flip to 12/12 til they show, then put em back in veg. It also adds branches.


12.8 for equatorial
16 for most regions.

You can sprout around 10 hrs and slowly increase during veg and have them veg with less than 16hrs of light.

But usually 16-18hrs is usual for veg when doing perpetual veg


This is false. I ran with 12/1 and 18/6 for 3 years.

The most negative side effect I had was when I put my Taos/Tahoe OG Kush cut under 12/1, it caused the internodal spacing to shrink to 1/4 inch. It was the craziest thing. I ran that way for 3 years transplanting to the outdoor garden just fine. Plants flowered under 8/16 just fine. The buds were always potent and the same size. Pretty much all other plants were fine with the exception of 1 or 2 seed phenotypes of random strains that would start to flower no matter what. 99% of everything else went great. Clones, seeds, etc.

The reason I switched back to 18/6 was to bring the OG back to normal node spacing and it worked fine. Everything is back to normal now. I would have kept with it had it not been for that. It is just this one cut (but it’s the best plant I’ve ever grown in 20+ years, so worth it).

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Which part if what I said is false?

Light poisoning plants is not a thing. My plants always flowered under the alternative light schedule. It is not the exact same thing as gas lantern technique due to the fixed photo period, versus natural seasonal lighting progression with the addition of 1 hour of light to reduce phytochrome levels.

It just simply isn’t true.

Everything else about Pietri is sus but he is mostly right about the light schedule. I bought the Greenhouse Management textbook to confirm the arguments he used to back up his claims. I’ve debated people on other forums until I was blue in the face. Nobody else was willing to actually jump in and try it. I was all-in for 3 years.

I experienced plants that seemed to finish quicker when vegging under 12/1 and then flowering under 8/16. Faster finish + 30-40% reduction in electricity costs. Like I said, if it wouldn’t have affected my OG like that, I probably would have kept going with it. For seed plants it is probably far superior to 24 or 18/6 and 12/12.


Hi, @GrownAtHighAltitude , I’m curious about that.
“I experienced plants that seemed to finish quicker when vegging under 12/1 and then flowering under 18/6.”
If I understand well, did you flower with 18/6? I always have believed that with photoperiodic plants that was not possible.
And with vegging with 12/1, means 12 hours light, 1 of night? For vegetative stage?
I tested 24/0 for seedlings/clones, 18/6 and 16/8 for vegetative. For flowering tried 12/12, 10/14, 8/16…
Can you explain your technique? Also I never heard of the gas lantern technique.


I meant to say 8/16, sorry.

Veg: 12/1 = 12 on, 5.5 off, 1 on, 5.5 off
Flower: 8/16 = 8 on, 16 off


Ah! well, the flowering times do not seem strange.
Vegetative… is other thing… Perhaps I will try to put some clones in a separate chamber and test it.

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It works because in darkness, phytochrome levels build up in the plant and in about 6-8 hours the levels are high enough to trigger a flowering response. By interrupting the darkness period, the phytochrome levels are reset preventing this response.

Cannabis can uptake about 8 hours of light before it can no longer use the energy.

There is a lot more written on Joe’s site, I wouldn’t buy any genetics from him, or any nutrients, or anything else.


Northern Lights #2 (notsure cut) pregnant with Metal Haze pollen


I think this may be referred to as Rubisco break.
That is from memory, it has been a while.

Well “X” amount of photons anyway.
The DLI plays a factor here too.
I forget now, but think there is a name for the protection mode plants go into when they get too much light.
But, I do agree plants can only use so much light before it becomes an issue.

I guess I had the same results as you did as far as an early finish.
I do not keep track of the number of flowering days so I can not be sure.
My plants started to flower faster.
And if the plants start to flower faster, they should in theory finish faster too.


Hey y’all!

so I read through first 250 posts in this thread, I will finish tomorrow, but if you were to grab a few packs of Authentic gear to run through a little later on, what would you recommend?

I really like the look of the Purest Indica IBL, Northern Lights #2 IBL, Northern Lights #5 IBL, Skunk no. 1, and the Original Haze 100% Colombian.

Any suggestions out of the ones I listed?

I’m sure I’ll snag most of them as I can afford it, but I wanted to start with a couple to try out his gear and see how it goes.


I just received NL #2 & 5, Skunk #1 and newly-listed Sweet Skunk. I thought hard about the Haze/NL2 cross as well as the Marihuana. I only grow outdoors and not sure I could flower out the Haze, only reason I didn’t pick that up.

Ordering was easy and fast to arrive, few days.

Already have some NL #1, but that’s from AKBB. Blew the rest of my seed budget with FDM and Badger’s Batch. Running in the red this year :rofl:


That’s pretty easy to do as Badger is awesome, and so is FDM.

And AKBB is killer I just haven’t tried his gear yet, but it’s high on my list too.

I’m leaning toward the Skunk No. 1 and either NL #5 or NL #2.

Want the Original Haze too, but may wait as I’ll have to really flip those young and train them, so they don’t grow into my lights inside…


I have read great things about the pine terps and effects of #2, which is why I went that direction this time. I like a paralyzing indica stone. The 5 is supposed to be more balanced and many people’s favorite. Tough decision if you can only do one, I’d pick #2 if I could have only had one of them, but those are the effects I am looking for.

The Skunks are more archival for me, I don’t think I’ll run them for another few seasons. They’ll be heading into the freezer. The NL is going to get run sooner.


I have a Purest Indica teen and a week old NL#2 from Authentic Genetics. The Purest Indica was left in a Solo cup for 7 weeks as I was too sick to garden for a while. It took being rootbound and over/under watered by my wife in stride and once transplanted, it took off.The NL was planted straight into soil and was up on the third day. It’s taking fairly strong light well and looking nice for a seedling. I have their NL#5 seeds and Skunk#1 as well and will run them this summer outside most likely.

Purest Indica plant


I like the look of that Purest Indica a lot man, maybe I’ll grab those as well, I don’t want to get just NL#2 as far as Indica from Authentic Genetics…

So now it’s looking like I’ll grab at least the Purest Indica, NL #2, Skunk No. 1, and possibly NL #5 for some hybrid options to hunt through as well…


Midday depression is the term.