Authentic Genetics Seed Company

I have twins of NL#2 as I thought one was not going to germinate and planted another seed in the cup. Two days later I got a surprise bonus plant.

Now I just have to figure out which one to keep or how to transplant them separately in a few weeks. Here’s one that’s a little bit older.


which seed bank?
(edit- I’ve noticed GLG has no publicly accessible terms and conditions document, which is odd to me)

the gas lantern technique was originally invented in the early 20th century by poinsettia farmers in san diego who needed to find a way to keep the poinsettias from flowering before the christmas season, so they would bloom right on time for people to buy them seasonally. They hung gas lanterns which provided enough light to keep the plants from flowering.

This is what that name references.


they look real leafy

They can, and that is deceptive, as the buds are quite airy. Part of it is due to growing outdoors vs in. A lot of people see indoor pics and expect outdoor grows to look the same… but they rarely do… at least not if the plants were grown outside their entire life cycle. It’s especially difficult with equilateral strains when you live in a very different environment from where they come from. Where I am right now, even in the summer the night temps dip into the low 50s or even 40s pretty frequently. That messes up a lot. So does wind. Some of those pics were of plants that were near a sort of cliff, and show a very pitiful attempt to block some very strong wind that was literally snapping the plants. Indoors you don’t get any of that… it’s a very friendly and very constant environment indoors… out, you get cold, wind, low light, etc, that really causes the plants to divert or flat-out lose a lot of the energy that would ideally be directed to creating ridiculously long and delicate bud structures.

For comparison, here’s some of Mac’s Zamal MC x THH repro grown in the same environment:

Doesn’t look anything like the pics he put up right?

And here’s some of my own things that are completely unrelated to AG but were grown at the same time. (The left male is the same Haze male though.)

All leafy bitches outdoors, but still very “sativa” in nature.


Had this guy’s number from the moment he walked in. Who’s maligning who?

What a bunch of BS. Todd is awesome and always answers questions if you ask him directly. He also always seems to provide actual research papers and other historical information to back up his statements. I’ve tested this personally with him multiple times over the years now.

Some people are just full of shit and they got nowhere else to direct it so they barf it up here to try and score some sort of brownie points. It really just makes them look stupid and uneducated.


Oh great, more nonsense from a day old account with an axe to grind.

Ad hominem attacks are nothing new, and boring af.

These NL2 seeds gave me 100% germination. I started 10 out of 50 this week. The test pheno from my outdoor garden is fire.


ad hominem attacks? no offense personally but that’s that’s not true…did you buy the seed from out of state? and had them shipped thru the mail if you did that’s illegal and who cares if they all germinated that’s a good thing…for the cops. Now you ordered seed thru the federal post and have identified yourself as doing so the internet has a 95 percent conviction rate you know…no offense to you just trying to get peoples heads out of where the sun don’t shine…that’s how people get busted

I have to assume a lot of us would have been disappeared by now if this were the case. Are you saying that everyone on here is also a cop masquerading as a grower? If so, why are you bothering to warn us? We already know and we’re getting ready to bust you.


If that’s the case I’m sure I’m on a watchlist…

As a lot of people are I’m sure.

I buy plenty of seed online from various states and my state does not allow growing but I keep to myself don’t sell anything and I’ve never had any problems.

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I am in a legal state and USDA interstate hemp transport laws apply. There is no way to distinguish a hemp seed from a THC producing variety.

More FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt) being spread.


This forum is hosted in the Czech Republic, iirc. It’s gonna be a lot of effort shooting this barrel, for very few fish. Subpoenaing foreign corporations or worse yet, trying to get their owners extradited is long, tedious work and there are much more important things they’re concerned with.


Do you even know what that means?

You came on here attacking the character of Todd McCormick.

Now you’ve decided to derail the conversation elsewhere.

You are a troll.


To be fair, that happens basically every day in one thread or another. :stuck_out_tongue: Seems like every single one of the old-timers has been called out as a rat who’s working with the government, at this point. It’s impossible to prove otherwise, and easy to spin up a rumor for character assassination of a business rival - since, you know, they’re all selling seeds and all claiming that the others are lying and selling fake genetics.


I wouldn’t be surprised if that was Ray Cogo again, or one of those idiots.

Looks like it’s been taken care of for now.



Thanks guys, now back to our regular programming!


I don’t get why people continue to live in the past. I choose to put all of my energy into living in the present. It’s all we have. Tomorrow never comes, and the past is gone. peace


I think maybe we are on watchlists. But, if I was selling pot, especially in any large scale, I sure as hell wouldn’t be posting and bragging about my pot life, here.

The govt. is looking for large scale operations who pay no taxes and are normally tied to some form of organized crime.

As long as I’m not selling pot, I’m not worried about it. My state has laws that I adhere to, and I don’t contribute to organized crime. I sleep pretty good.


I would venture to cream “speescees” based on typing and putting down… however it’s been quite a long while since he’s been seen…

While we’re on it, flag any offending posts and don’t engage, I don’t care who it is…the derailing of threads needs to come to a halt and engaging just makes cleanup work that much more lengthy to clean…

Carry on yall :grinning:


Oh wow, this person was posting on my thread about 808 Corn saying it’s NL1…trolling much ? And I’ve just grown out NL#2 from Todd McCormick and it is the old classic NL pinene from the 90’s. It’s very good and worth getting.