Authentic Genetics Seed Company

No no offense taken dude, like I said, I just want to separate what we can take as truth from what is conjecture, and when it comes to the aspect of “skunk” expressions or genes or whatever I think it’s pretty clear the supposed shift from prevalence to disappearance has very little to do with Sam, or at least little more than tangentially.

I mean if you have an axe to grind against the guy, all the more reason to keep your information straight.

Like I said, no dog in this fight, but if I did I’d point out that by saying he erased “skunk” you are both playing to his ego and slandering him by giving him credit for something he didn’t do (nor did any one person have the capacity to). Neither of which helps you argument against him.

Whatever the truth is it’s messy and a double edged sword, because many of the modern varieties contain skunk 1 or haze in the lineage, and regardless of anything else he gave those to the Dutch banks and breeders that disseminated them and their progeny to growers across the globe. It’s life, not a movie, it’s bound to be messy and grey and not tied up in a tidy little package

I am on the side of logic and reason. From everything I have seen I know enough to be suspicious of Sam and not trust him, but the same can be said for most humans I encounter.

Lol. I normally don’t like to get into stuff like this too much, just really didn’t want to give credit for creating and destroying skunk to a man, because it is much larger than a person. People are just creatures, same as the other creatures on this planets. Us, ants, all just tiny specks in this massive universe. Some creatures do amazing things.

Plants, the planet, the universe, they were here long before us, and will be long after.


Ok, fair enough.
I agree with you.
I may have been a bit strong with my original statement.
It did make a pretty good poke at him though… :astonished:.LOL
I guess I wanted him to be known forever as the man who killed the skunk. :grimacing:
We could make a parody song…The day the skunkweed died…I was singin’ by by…

I feel bad about clogging up this thread with chat.
Feel free to move all of my comments to where you see fit.



There is no proof that cogo snitched on any one. period. ogm was in Oct 1989 cogos affidavit was in Feb-march of 1990. You must be reading Todd McCormick’s activist diatribe. if cogo is a snitch then what is high times? Steve Hagar, Rosenthal? you don’t think the government is doing the same thing now.? And how is McCormick being able to do the same thing? Nevil was busted in Australia 1988 according to international law book shortly before cogo so who set up who? For you to come out in a public forum and spew this Todd McCormick nonsense . You have no clue whats so ever of what this industry consist of who started it and why. snitches and rats do not sign affidavits . Todd relies on peoples ignorance and lack of reading skills and comprehension that would if they had them and were truly interested in the truth could see thru todds silly diatribe. And cogo and many others have challenged Todd openly to discuss why he goes to such a effort to malign people. … which he has done in the past on numerous occasions.Do you know or understand McCormick back ground?

do you understand that Nevil was not responsible for the seed bank? shall i post the evidence? or do you just want to stay in the dark? and help a bunch of government corporate stooges scapegoat cogo.? be careful for what you wish for scarecrow. reality will make you feel so foolish to malign someone you obviously don’t know. Todd McCormick:What is more alarming is that the DEA agents already had the addresses of the people who received the seeds during the time that Cogo was responsible for sending them. By knowing who the growers were, it was simply a matter of following them to their local gardening shop and implicating the garden store owners as conspirators in the manufacture of a controlled substance.

It’s all right here lol. You rat snitch lol. Pretty sad your old ass has to come in here and pretend to be someone else lol. Pathetic old man. Go on with your BS and lies. Truth is right here for everyone to see, and has been for YEARS


Oh lord he’s typing again. More BS and lies incoming lol

Reality is about to hit you back.

You don’t seem to be here to contribute to the community. Is there anything else you have beyond this thread?


thats cogos affidavit yes and whats your point? Do you think that was the whole case? you picked one affidavit to prove what? Steve Hagar Bram Frank Peter Gorman Ed Rosenthal were called by the grand jury that got the indictment on Nevil .Cogo was never on a grand jury against Nevil. Nevil was busted in Australia in 1988 shortly before Cogo. Cogo was turned in for growing in 1988 shortly after Nevil was busted. Cogo did 6 months lost his fertilizer company and his money and is now a felon. what happened to Nevil? nothing. Nevil was never on the run he left the Netherlands for Thailand. You people seem to listen to just about any conspiracy theories that’s put out there. Those that are doing the accusing are usually the ones doing the doing. Our group and cogo have all the evidence you don’t.

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YOUR affidavit, you old coot. The point is that you gave up the names and addresses of 238 people that you distributed seeds to while working for Nevil. You freely went to the authorities and GAVE them that info. They didn’t even need to turn you. All these years and your dumbass can’t figure that out? Stop bringing in High Times etc. They have nothing to do with you turning over names and addys to the feds. And seriously stop pretending to be anyone other than Cogo himself. No one gives a shit about that old fucker, no one talks about that old fucker, until YOU come on to forums and start talking about yourself. You just make yourself look like you should be in a nursing home with no internet access.

You dont have shit


Things were relatively quiet until you started throwing the accusations. Move along. We do not entertain on-going campaigns.


Where I come from and where I’ve been, once someone shows paperwork it’s over, either you stayed tough or you snitched. No question here which one Cogo did, and I wish he’d just take the fucking L and disappear, stop making these sock puppets that are incredibly lazy and transparent.

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im sorry son your not coherent and your going off on a name calling diatribe. And you are here in a forum telling the world about your growing experience and ordering seeds off your computer lol from todd lol you ding bats are turning yourself in lol. please grow up sonny if you want the facts about the industry you are involved in then show a little respect because at this moment you sound like a little butt hurt cult follower of todd.

Take care.


Nice move banning the twat @Northern_Loki. I hate people with an attitude like that.


I’d never even heard of Cogo before yesterday… this thread comprises all I know about him. I don’t think I care either, upon reflection. I don’t give out my real address to anyone, though, and this thread does help to remind me why. :wink:


I guess upon further reflection who went to jail served his time kept mouth shut? I wonder who made deals and turned others in?

Watch what people do, don’t listen to what they say.


Theres a seedbank today that everyone uses who stores everyones info and if you read the terms of use it mentions submitting this info to law enforcement


As far as Joe Pietri, I met his crew when I
first moved to WA.
His nephew was my landlord.
Lots of meth and no clue how to grow weed.

12/1 aka gaslamp timing schedule is very unnatural and is basically light poisoning the plant so it cant flower.
I feel 24/0 veg is far more natural. And you can use HID/LED for only 6 hours and a desk lamp for the other 18 hrs.


I remember something about that too.
That was long ago, I can not remember the specifics now.
Anyone know more of this?

I heard it as the gas lantern routine, not trying to step on toes, just bringing it up for nostalgia. …LOL

12-1 whatever you wanna call it.
The only thing good I found was it saved electricity.
But less light = less plant and watt for watt it seem to all equal out in the end anyway.
Plants do start to flower faster using it.
So in the end I see no value in using it.