Authentic Genetics Seed Company

I’ve very much enjoyed the NL#2 i did on the last run and have been happy with my purchases and results so far.


To be mad at a business for lowering their prices is something else man. Take a moment and listen to yourself. Regardless of your experience with the product, thats a ridiculous complaint to be making. The seeds i got from ag were all big fat good looking seeds and every single one i planted sprouted.about 12 total. First time thats ever happened for me.


That’s not Todd, it’s another OGer.


I trust AKBB and I trust Todd.

No need to stir up drama peeps, although the speculation on m10/PI is fascinating



I have never shipped a domestic package without tracking, so I know you’re lying.

Everybody who has actually gotten seeds from me, knows you’re full of it.

I have never charged exaggerated shipping costs, in fact, shipping was free for the last two years on my website.

I’ve been selling the original Haze seeds since I reproduced Skunkman’s stock in 2019 and everybody loves them.

Stop spreading lies and misinformation.

Todd McCormick

IG: Todd McCormick (@toddpmccormick) • Instagram photos and videos
IG: Authentic Genetics (@agseedco) • Instagram photos and videos

| Bajode5
September 25 |

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Years ago, when I discovered your brand, I was quite excited to see OHz in your catalogue. Together with a friend, we organised ourselves and made a purchase of 2 packages (Ohz and NL), when they cost 100 each.
You charged us exaggerated shipping costs, for a package without tracking and that when I received it I noticed it was a simple postal shipment (the cheapest, much less than what you asked us for, apart from the costs for seeds).
Well, I tolerated the bitter taste, but when I germinated your seeds to run them in parallel with a bunch of Haze, your seeds did not all burst, I think that out of 10 only 4 survived, where the survivors lacked vigour and I only kept one that weeks later ended up being a male (not outstanding).
It was discouraging for me when you later lowered the value of your seeds by half. It is evident that I did not return nor would I buy your products again.

All this without considering the controversy that your work with Haze dragged on.
On the other hand, I’ve been reading forums for years and I haven’t seen many reviews defending your work, at least not the thousands you claim to have.
Just my experience. By the way, the rest of the Haze I grew in parallel to your work ended up great, so I would largely rule out bad growing technique. A hug and take care of your money OG’s!


What is your beef? Looks like your package went outside the usa. Don’t leave now.


Hey man do you have any photos or documented grows from the GDP/indica hybrid? Was just taking a look at your website and noticed it… I’m currently running a GDP hybrid and always enjoy that strain in the lineage


Hi @Bajode5

Thanks for your reply, I thought you were a domestic grower within the United States, which is why I said that I’ve never shipped a domestic package without tracking because I haven’t.

International orders are different because I cannot get phytosanitary certificates for cannabis seeds and I am upfront with every International order before they make the payment so they know what’s going on as you can see from the message of mine that you posted. I told you upfront that I could not use tracking, but you went ahead with the order anyway and I still got you the seeds.

You were told before I ever sent you the seeds that I could not use tracking because I’ve always been upfront about that with international orders. There’s nothing I can do about it and you know it, and clearly, you still got the seeds because my method of shipping internationally without tracking works.

How can you write here that you were surprised that it was shipped without tracking, when clearly the message you just posted from me says that it will not be shipped with tracking?

As for saying that the genetics were anything but incredible just stuns me. You got Northern Lights #2 and original Haze, which are two of my best sellers and people love them.

And if you think paying $15 for shipping is exorbitant, try literally spending thousands of dollars to fly all the way from California to Amsterdam to meet up with Skunkman in order to get the original Haze seeds which you only had to pay $115 for including shipping delivered to your doorstep.

I feel like the younger generation is so entitled it’s ridiculous. You did not do any of the work to collect the genetics other than pay $100 plus $15 shipping and they literally arrived at your doorstep and still, that’s not good enough, because here you are complaining.

I make no apologies for charging you $15 for shipping back in 2021, and for the last two years shipping has been free on my website and I make no apologies for lowering the shipping prices either, as soon as I was able to lower the prices on shipping, I did that as well.

There is personal responsibility on you involved here, if you don’t want to pay $15 for shipping from California, don’t go through with the order, just live without the genetics and we’ll both be fine with it.

If you make the decision to go ahead with the deal, you can’t come back at me and complain three years later after you receive the seeds that you didn’t want to pay $15 for shipping to go from California to South America.

As for original Haze, the genetics are what they are, I did an open pollination reproduction in a greenhouse with no selection so that I would not have any influence on the variety other than reproducing it in a controlled environment. My two goals with the reproduction was not to bottleneck the genetics or influence the variety in anyway. The original Haze genetics are what they are and they are legendary for a reason.

It was well worth it for me to sit on an 11 1/2 hour flight to go all the way to Amsterdam to get the original Haze genetics from Skunkman at the cost of a lot more than $15 shipping because I love authentic Haze.

And I hate to say it, but entitled International customers like yourself are the exact reason why I stopped shipping internationally for the last few months. You don’t appreciate what’s being done for you and it shows.


Is there anywhere else I can order your gear from this side of the pond (Scotland) if you are no longer offering International?

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15 posts were merged into an existing topic: On the ideals of communism

You know, i was on the fence thinking he was cogo. But cogo butcher’s the English language in typing in a Rather unique neanderthal way. If it was Vegas, id double down on the riot possibility. Either that or someone very intimate with him (can’t imagine who’d be “intimate” with such a goon, but w/e)

I’ll be pretty annoyed if Todd dips for good, after having to deal with all this petty BS. this is why we can’t have nice things

this place really isn’t like this often. thanks for fighting the good fight. sorry about the peanut gallery. hope you come back/participate, but certainly understand if you don’t


i was interested in gdp , pure indica too , but the male could have a lot of influence in the cross, or not a lot. if i knew it came out something i think really want to blaze, maybe id try it. gdp was one of my favorites, but i dont know anything about the purest indica.

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I haven’t grown out the cross yet, but can say the purest indica knocked me on my ass and kept me there. Just… couldn’t… motivate…to…do…anything…
I still a have some in a jar from 8-9 months ago. Using it only occasionally, and successfully, for insomnia. If’n you like a heavy stone… you may find it in the purest indica.

I believe a member here donated a few packs of the gdp x purest indica for an upcoming auction to benefit another member in need… keep an eye out. :wink:


@ToddMcC I appreciate all the efforts that have allowed these plants to grow in my garden this season and I hope to pay that forward to future growers in time.

It’s wild for me to think that the seeds I create today might possibly be grown by people that aren’t even born yet! Hell yea, take a toke, get blazed, alter your perception.

Original Haze - 2 males and 1 female

Seems like she may have just started flowering.




Heck ya love a POTENT ASS indica sounds like it’s :fire::fire::fire: THANK U for the feedback @Ivy

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Why do my favorite threads get filled with goofballs trying to ruin the fun?


White labeling is taking random seeds and labeling them with a well known strain name and selling them. NOT growing someone elses seeds, making your own from those plants and then selling them. It’s fraudulent and low down. Thats why it’s insulting.


Dude, no. So you’re trying to say that Sensi White Label Bubble gum is just some random seeds labeled Bubblegum and people just happenstance can find bubblegum in those seeds? Interesting

Potato Chips get white labeled. Ketchup gets white labeled. Candles get white labeled. Air conditioning units get white labeled.

Have you ever purchased the store brand of something? Many blessings and much love