Authentic Genetics Seed Company

Thanks for the compliment, it really makes me happy that you’re enjoying the genetics because that’s the whole point.

Well, to say it bluntly, there is no pricing strategy, this is me just freestyling the whole way through as I don’t know any other way to do it. I don’t have investors and I do 90% of the work myself. As I get more customers, I lower prices because there is more support behind me, it’s plain and simple.

I make no apologies for working on lowering the prices because I’m hardly finished doing it.

The only reason I’m not charging the high seed prices that other people are charging is because I’m not greedy and I have very different goals in doing this than just making money, I want to Haze the world.

I started out with a few dozen customers (mostly my friends who had known me for years) and it has grown incredibly over the years to now over 13,000 growers in all 50 states and 23 countries, but it sure didn’t start off that way.

The people who were lucky enough to get in on the initial drops of Original Haze, NL#5, Original Skunk #1, NL#2 and NL#5, were in the first few hundred growers because growth started slow. At the beginning this was a very expensive endeavor that put me in debt for a year-plus before I ever sold a single seed. I started with no marketing and was simply growing through word-of-mouth.

Since before I started selling seeds, I always wanted to work to get the prices down, and I’ve been doing it every chance I get. I started at $10 and $20 (granted, the $20 seeds were literally 23 years old at the time and from Mel Frank) and then I went down to $5.00 and $3.33 and now $2.00 when I can, which depends on the quantity I have on hand. I will never sell seeds at some of the ridiculous high prices that I see other people selling seeds for. I don’t like the way other people have been doing business in the seed industry and I still don’t.

My goal is to make cultivating high quality cannabis more affordable to everybody who wants to do it. My overall goal is to get seed prices down to a dollar a pack for 10 seeds, yes, just $.10 a seed, but I have a long way to go and I would need a lot of growers behind me to be able to pull that off.

The more growers I get behind me, the lower the prices are going to go.

That said, I still believe that getting 10 seeds for $100 and then being able to sex and select your favorite female and grow her for the rest of your life is a bargain by any measure.

If you know what you’re doing, you can keep a plant going for more than a couple decades as I have done with OG Kush. I was given the cutting in November 2004 after I got out of prison and I’m smoking some of it as I write this. Every pack of seeds you get can be an investment that benefits you for the rest of your life if you know how to handle it.

I think the whole community is fortunate that I was able to get these authentic genetics directly from Skunkman Sam, Mel Frank, and Seattle Greg, and I’m doing my best to get them into the community so that growers like us on Overgrow, will have these genetics in-hand before the cannabis companies come along in droves and try to patent them as some jerk-off recently did in Oregon with original Haze using less than 10 seeds (Google it).

My whole goal is to keep what I call, “The Primary Colors of Cannabis" in public domain so that generations from now, growers can still be growing the building blocks of modern cannabis and reimagining the hybrids of cannabis that we currently have now. Instead of selecting for speed of flowering and yield of flower, let’s select for highest quality, regardless of the flowering time so we can really have some connoisseur quality cannabis in the community instead of all mostly mids that finish flowering in under 10 weeks.

As for why I don’t spend more of my time posting about individual plants is because I’m so damn busy getting seeds to people and giving them the opportunity to discover what they do on their own, which is way more valuable than me saying what I have and people not believing it, which is what happened with original Haze. I had people who had never touched any of the seeds that I’d ever grown, telling other people that I don’t have original Haze, which was absolute BS, and the community also knows that now because they have had the opportunity to grow original Haze from me themselves.

The same thing happened with Original Skunk #1 when I reproduced the seeds from Mel Frank that were 23 years old at that point and only reproduced in 1996, after Mel Frank got them in 1988 from Skunkman. They still smelled acrid to me and I reported on it when I released them in 2020, and a lot of people didn’t believe me, but it’s been my best selling variety since I released it because now we all know that it still makes thiols.

The community now knows (since 2001) what a thiol is and not only does those old Afghan-leaning Skunk #1 seeds make thiols, so does the Purest Indica and the Northern Lights #2 that I got from Seattle Greg. He said those seeds went into his sister’s freezer before he met Nevil which dates it sometime no later than 1983, and anybody who has grown Purest Indica will tell you that they look Neanderthal in comparison to modern cannabis, they are leafy, thick and finish flowering extremely fast and when you break up the buds, your fingers literally smell like old-school hashish because of the thiols and terpenes combined.

I’m not trying to stand on a soap box getting people to listen to me anymore, I let the genetics do the talking and word-of-mouth gets around, and if they weren’t what they are, which is amazing, I wouldn’t be so busy dealing seeds to growers in all 50 states and then some.

I’m really glad that you are enjoying the genetics because that is the whole point. But to see you say that you received eight packs of seeds for around $500 from me, which is 80 seeds that cost average just $6.25 each, I think you would be saying thank you instead of expecting more. You’re getting the highest quality genetics for an incredible price. If you realized how much work this is and how expensive this is to do for the community, you would be willing to pay three times as much to get those genetics that I’ve given them to you for. In order to get just the original Haze genetics from Skunkman, I had to fly half-way around the world and smuggle the seeds home at the cost of thousands of dollars. I turned it around so that growers are now able to get the same genetics delevered to their door for fifty or a hundred dollars.

The genetics that you got are gold and you got them for a very small amount of money.

I sat in prison for five years for growing flowers in my backyard and because I would not cooperate against my friends, and I swore to myself as I sat there that when I got out of prison, I would be the Johnny Appleseed of cannabis seeds.

Much love to you and yours…


Hello @ToddMcC. I plan on popping a back of the NL#5 within the next few weeks. Any tips on how to feed her


I might add I am usually a coco/salt grower but have a nice batch of amended soil cooking. If I remember correctly you grow outdoors in soil so I was just wondering if you see better expressions in soil or hydro for the NL#5 in particular.


For the past, maybe five years, I’ve been using Roots Organic LUSH and practically no other nutrients when growing seedless with 6.3 Ph water.

It is a complete mix that can sustain the plant for a couple months and I have found that I really like the results for flowering plants that take less than 10 weeks, which NL#5 does.

I started using less nutrients after reading in 2019 that humic acid can reduce cannabinoids across the board and it caused me to rethink overfeeding, which is so easy to do.

See here:

Published online 2019 Jun 17. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2019.00736

PMCID: PMC6589925
PMID: 31263470

Impact of N, P, K, and Humic Acid Supplementation on the Chemical Profile of Medical Cannabis (Cannabis sativa L)

That said, I’ve also been someone that likes to supplement growth nutrients during week six of flowering, and then switch back to flowering nutrients because I think the plants like the extra nitrogen boost right before final bloom.

If you would like the cannabis you grow to smell not as sweet, try experimenting with supplementing sulfur as a fertilizer during flowering. I started doing that after reading about the hops industry manipulating the thiol content in hops to create a skunkier beer.

I just asked ChatGPT to explain how it works to me, and this was its answer (because hops and cannabis are closley related, this information applies):

I asked: "How does sulfur create enhanced thiol production in hops?”

CHATGPT 4o answer:

Sulfur plays a critical role in the enhanced production of thiols in hops through several biochemical processes. Thiols are sulfur-containing compounds that contribute to the unique aroma and flavor profiles in hops, especially in beer brewing, providing tropical, fruity, and citrus notes. Here’s how sulfur enhances thiol production:

1. Sulfur in Amino Acid Synthesis

Sulfur is an essential element in the synthesis of certain amino acids, such as cysteine and methionine, which are important for thiol production. Cysteine, in particular, contains a thiol (-SH) group, and this sulfur-containing functional group is central to the formation of thiol compounds.

2. Glutathione Pathway

Glutathione, a tripeptide that includes sulfur-containing cysteine, is involved in cellular antioxidant processes and is a precursor for many thiols in hops. It helps protect the hop plant from oxidative stress and can also lead to the formation of thiol-related aroma compounds through enzymatic reactions during the brewing process.

3. Sulfur Metabolism and Thiol Precursor Development

Sulfur is actively involved in metabolic pathways that produce volatile sulfur compounds. Enzymatic reactions during the hop growth phase, particularly in the presence of sufficient sulfur, lead to the formation of thiol precursors, such as S-cysteine conjugates. These precursors are then broken down during the brewing process (fermentation or during dry hopping) to release free thiols, contributing to the final aroma in beer.

4. Activation of Thiol Precursors During Fermentation

Many thiol compounds in hops exist in bound forms, such as S-cysteine or S-glutathione conjugates, which are not aromatic until they are cleaved during fermentation. Yeast strains can break these sulfur bonds during fermentation, releasing volatile thiols that produce strong, desirable aromas in beer. Ensuring adequate sulfur in the soil helps in the creation of these precursors during the hop’s growth.

5. Impact on Aroma Profile

Sulfur’s contribution to thiol production enhances the complexity of hop aromas. Thiols, even in very low concentrations, can significantly impact the sensory profile, giving hops their tropical fruit, citrus, and sometimes even “catty” or “garlicky” aromas. High levels of sulfur in soil or fertilizers can increase thiol production, making hops more aromatic and flavorful.


Sulfur aids in the biosynthesis of thiol precursors and directly influences the metabolic processes that produce these sulfur-containing compounds. By providing the necessary building blocks and pathways for thiol formation, sulfur enhances the release of these aromatic compounds in hops during the brewing process, contributing to the overall aroma and flavor complexity of beer.


Thanks for the info @ToddMcC. I remember reading that article a few months back. I’ve honestly been trying to back off my S levels as the elemental ppm of S in my mix is over 160. I also recall reading an article by Dr. Daniel Fernandez where he states S isn’t typically available in the media unless the pH is over 6. I usually don’t feed anything over 5.8 pH in my coco grows but maybe running soil next will allow more S to be available to the plants since the media pH will be higher? Just a thought though. Thanks again.


Thank you for this. Your work is much appreciated.


Good response i dont have an opinion one way or another, but i like your mentality. Wish more seedmakers had your thinking. Never tried authentic genetics myself, maybe one day. You come off as a genuine cannabis lover. :v:


Usually businesses raise their prices after the demand increases and its proven they can sell.People complain . AG has done the opposite and people complain. Lol.


I gotta pack of sfv og x nl5.

Seeing my photo again tell’s me o gotta get more ag packs anyway. Really want a stock pile of the purest, skunk 1 and nl2 , like 10 pack each.

If you got what’ i need id trade, they’re Open though, in centrifuge tubes in my fridge with silica packs

They’re stored like this


Nice collection you got going. Cant beat a good seed stash, ill take good seeds over clones anyday.


Might be down for a trade. Pretty sure I still got the Sk#1.

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Id be looking for stuff that’s not available like the Sensi star stuff, or even from other breeders using Sensi Star


I just saw this.

Stop spreading lies about me.

I take a photo of every order I ship just to ensure that I do not miss a single seed in any pack and that if I make a mistake that I can easily correct it. Quality control is always on point as I am OCD about organization.

I have never white labeled seeds and resold them and never would I, nor do I have to.

I am proud to be the only guy in Mel Frank’s 80 years of living that he has let sell his seeds. I do so because I admire him so much, and because we have been such good friends since we met in the 90’s

Other than Mel Frank’s seeds, I have made every single seed that I have sold.

Of course I have help, my girlfriend loves cutting clones and replanting as gardening is a fun team effort. I have friends who sometimes help pack the seeds as I have been employing my friends to help around the grow since the 90’s, as it is a lot of work on a larger scale.

And then there is the “we” that is Skunkman, Mel Frank, Seattle Greg and his friends who are all responsible for the different varieties that I am able to carry into the future.

Your reported results do not at all reflect the overwhelming positive results that thousands of other growers report from these tried and true genetics, so maybe your garden is just lame or you work for another seed company, and your just here with your own agenda spreading a false narrative.

The genetics that I have are all amazing and if they were not, I would not have growers in all 50 states and 23 countries repeatedly coming back to try more varieties.

You are probably Raymond Cogo, the guy who turned in Nevil or Matt Riot off ya meds and hiding behind a screen name.


You gotta back it up with pictures bro, anybody can say anything online at this point. Hard to tell whos full of shit and whos not. I take everything with a grain of salt here unless i see pictutes or a long history of posting here. If you talk shit show at least be more specific on what you didnt like.

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Dony let that troll get to you. I think i speak for most of us when I say the community is happy to see you back

Whenever a new grower asks where to get beans or someone is looking for old school funk, or just quality for a fair price, I put your company up there with Bohdi and Fluer du mal. Youre up there with the best man, and you have my respect.


hey i cant comment on your insta, but it would be so dope if you could post or share more history / stories about jack herer. he my favorite cannabis legend. i have soo many questions about stuff ive heard lol. anyways, i do want to try something some time. maybe a purple kush hybrid if u ever do one? or the trainwreck x nl 5 damn thats a good one.


Doing some random window shopping and came across this…

Obviously, the PI stuck out to me… And if we go look up what M10 is in the 87-88 SSSC catalog…

I get that’s AKBB and not AGSC and it’s just some words on the internet but… is there a possibility the Purest Indica is Afghani #1?


That would surprise me since Neville disliked Sam’s afghani #1, I doubt he would have not spotted it in a hybrid.


I don’t think any of the Affie no1 I’ve grown or smoked over the years are like Purest Indica at all. Sam bred it so you can maybe PM over on ICMag for it’s background.

I think it’s more AKBB clutching at straws trying to push a narrative for sales. I would love to see AKs reasoning on why he feels this is the case? But I doubt he actually has any.

Pinch of salt and all of that.


Yeah but nothing here comes from Nevil, save for Todd’s ONHaze that used Nevil’s Haze. The Purest Indica came from Mel Frank, and the other NL’s from Greg. Skunk and Haze are from Sam.

This is kinda my thought too but figured this would be good for a discussion at the very least :grin: