Auto grow 12


Quite the collection! What are the strains? Looking very healthy and liking their spot :+1:

White widdow, and lemon , pineapple head, amnesia haze


Man I miss growing Autos… yours look great, what’s the one on n the end, the big bush… lol

I’d top the 2 tall skinny ones… it will bush out the bottoms really good… and yes, you can top

auto’s… what size pot is the bush in? them last 2 are gonna get some weight to them…

very nice

I like to grow autos myself got 7 growing at the minute ,

Those are some nice looking autos @Rcouch31!
I’m to a fan of autos. Keep us updated

Hey guys sorry been so long but been busy with my outdoor garden


There a photo of one in ground

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