Auto Scrog Pics or Advice

Mods, please move if it fits better elsewhere. I am just wondering if anyone has pics of successful auto scrogs. I am on my first ever scrog. I will never be going back. I have been truly shocked by the results. Thank you, friends! Any tips would be awesome! I am still researching and seeing many examples of why not to. Looking for a sunbeam in the clouds :sparkling_heart:

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Autos stay so small I usually just grow them as single colas. In fact, autos are more SOG friendly than ScrOG friendly IME.

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This is what I am seeing too. I have seen people using other forms of LST, like bending. The scary thing is that too much stress could trigger premature flowering because of the stress. I guess it’s a pipe dream… I am just so dang impressed with SCROG lol

You could always use the screen as a trellise to spread out or control height. You just wont be able to veg untill the screen is almost full then flip like you do with a traditional ScrOG.

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True. It would basically be to make sure all bud sites get equal light. Really though, I guess if they stay on the small side it wouldn’t matter. It has been so long since I have grown them. I used to do DWC. The things would turn into beasts! That I could see being an advantage. The thought of adding nutes and adjust PH with a screen above it all is terrifying though :crazy_face:
Now with soil organics, I am sure I wouldn’t have that height issue.

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