AutoFem2IBL(Mephisto Double Grape, Regular)

Thanks @Brainwarp! Nobody’s complaining but if I put it off I might forget. :crazy_face: I’m going to get started on it today though… Hopefully. :man_shrugging:


(Storing my new sticker design here so I don’t lose it.)

A few weeks ago when I was done hand-picking out each and every seed, I smoked a doobie from each plant. They were all good, so I just mixed them altogether in this bag:

Last night my wife and I smoked some. My wife said it was very relaxing. I concur; I really can’t describe the effects, but it was very relaxing in the way booze is. It was euphoric and social. I was watching TV, running my mouth and not stressing about anything (I find that significant, personally). It was disappointing that it didn’t seem to last longer than an hour or so, but I only smoked a few hits. So perhaps that’s to be expected.

I had forgotten about it, but gave my granddaughter most of my stash a couple of weeks ago and ran out. So I was digging through a box and found it.


I’m very sorry for the delay, but am confident you’ll get 90% or better germination, so it should be worth it.

Those of you that were interested in seeds, cards are addressed and ready to ship. I have some international stamps, so the Canadian shipment goes out today. You know who you are. :crazy_face: USPS already picked up, so consider it shipping on Monday.

The rest of the envelopes go out as soon as I can get stamps. That might be today and might be the middle of next week.

The first few cards don’t say what they are. Sorry! :pray: They’re DG-87 F2 regulars.

I’m only sharing about half the seeds. If someone else wants their own Double Grape Regular IBL seeds, let me know because I have a few pucks left.

Edit: I found stamps, so all envelopes go out today.


Dope looking :eyes: sticker bro :sunglasses:, glad to see you sending stuff out! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::+1::facepunch::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


It’s been 16 days since my last confession, and the first F2 (DG87 F2) is a female! Happy day!

Wait - not that one. This one!

(Behind her is the one extant from the second sprout test.)

I had several days of cold nights,and moved the seedlings to the warmest part of the greenhouse and it got hot suddenly and killed two. Here’s what’s left:


I moved my first DG87 F2 to a better spot by the window and she’s in stretch and going strong!


I did some training and now I have a nice wide canopy. Double Grape is a great strain for training, and now, so is her regular sister (or brother). :fire::+1: