AutoFem2IBL(Mephisto Double Grape, Regular)

Waitaminnit. I’m confused. The story I just told was about Toofless Alien. I always get those confused. I’ve only grown Toof Decay once but It’s fire too.


I was checking on my ladies today, and they’re all covered with seeds. I looked at one under a scope and she’s fully cloudy everywhere but I couldn’t tell whether the ambers were damaged, or normal.

So I decided to wait a week, but picked all the ripe seeds I could see on one plant. I picked off about 35 seeds I’d guess:

See how the cover is matte? That’s actually waxy resin. I bought them transparent. But the buds were so sticky, the seeds were falling out of the pods and most of them stayed stuck to the bud. By the time I was finished, seeds were really difficult to get in the container because they were sticking to my finger.

This one’s a little older than the others (Day 82).

Terrible picture, sorry, but she’s dead now so it’ll have to do.

She’s not that big though - small pots. But she’s big enough to get the job done! :eggplant::joy:

Edit: The other mother is done, which is why chopped her. Lots of ambers.


I noticed one of my autos had seeds popping out everywhere and I hadn’t yet removed the seeds like I did with some of the others. So I brought it inside and decided to check for doneness. I checked a few and determined they’re all in the window and a couple of them are done. So I decided to chop all of them.

Here are the seeds I’ve already collected. There’s enough for 10 pucks, and I’m hopeful there are 10 people who are interested in growing them out right away.

Anyway, stay tuned for a giveaway in a couple of weeks.


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So far I’ve tried three moms and they were all good smoke. My plan is to toss seeds from any that aren’t great before making the next generation. There’s only a couple of doobies worth of smoke for each plant; barely enough to test. But plenty of seeds. I estimate I’ll get 150 or so seeds per plant.

But I’ve already collected a bunch of seeds and will post a wiki a week from today, so tell all your friends!


This seems like the best way to hunt autos. Seed all then feed the chickens with the ones not worth carrying forward. :laughing:


Exactly. :rofl::rofl: I can’t think of a better way, except that I should just pollinate a branch of each. Though this seeded bud is very good - I can imagine how much better it would be as sensimilla. :fire:


This is where you and I are the same. Can’t stop chucking. Quiet now, I’m imagining these buds as sensi…



Someday I’ll have a shitload of seeds I never popped to leave to…who? And still I chuck.


Great project! I’ve been doing something similar with my favorite auto, Ace’s female Malawi/NorthernLights. I crossed it with an auto NLights, and have since backcrossed it to the Malawi/NL. Concurrently, I am also crossing my Purple Auto Bastard(PAB) to each generation of the auto Malawi/Northern Lights. My hope is to take them both to at least 3 generations. I’d be happy to send you some PABs if you want to do something similar and make a DoubleGrape bastard line.


Thank you but I’ve got too much going on to need the temptation. :joy:


Hopefully everyone who says 'OH! I’ll take a pack and grow them right away" actually do grow them right away. Northern Cheese Haze x Double Grape could be delicious. I struggle with regular seeds because I don’t handle disappointment very well so when I have a beautiful plant growing from a reg seed and spot boy parts It makes me sad for a few days.


I hope so too, but past experience tells me there won’t be a lot right away. I can’t wait to smell the smells from the next generation for myself though.

Same, so I plant extras. But it seems like the biggest, most beautiful and smelliest pheno always turns out male. :sob:


Tell me more about this one. I think that I have a single three pack of those and been wanting to grow.


I sent you a DM as I didn’t want to hijack the thread. :grinning:


The two F2s I was starting in the greenhouse got eaten by something before they had a chance to even live, so I’m starting some more. Here’s the first one.

Hopefully it doesn’t get eaten. It’s already been out there a couple of days, so I’m optimistic. I’ve got 10 other autos about the same age, just outside of the greenhouse and only one of them was eaten.


It didn’t get eaten.

My first sprout test was dismal. 10 seeds in a shot glass on my desk. One sprout. So I pinched every single seed. It’s taken me over a week, even with this volume, because I was really bearing down on every seed and my fingers were painfully bruised.

I was about halfway through and I forgot which bowl had the unpinched seeds. So some of them got double pinched. So I dumped them together, got a square bowl to hold the seeds that passed inspection, and started over. Then I swirled up the seeds and without looking, grabbed ten.

Ten seeds in a shot glass: One sprout. I’m thinking, “WTF!” :rage::rage::rage: So I put ten more seeds in ten Root Riot pods, stuck them in a mini-cloner and put it in my flowering tent.

10/10 sprouted. One died not long after. I put some in their own pots and stuck three in a large pot with another plant in it. I’ll grow the females and kill the males. This’ll be my test of the generation.

Anyway, those of you I promised seed to, that’s what took so long. Next time I’ll test the seeds before saying anything. Here are the other F2 sprouts. Some of them haven’t unfurled yet.




:arrow_up: These being the F2 of your DG87? Looking good by the way man. Keep rocking it. :metal:


Yeah, they’re DG87 F2s- thanks for the kind words! :pray:


Relax brother you’re doing good with your project. Don’t rush. Our fellow OG’s can wait and enjoy your show.

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