Autoflower creampie

First attempt at making fem seeds maybe lol . I have 7 little autos going at about 2 weeks . 2 of them are actually about a week behind the others . I have a plant in mind to spray with CS but wondering about timing . It doesn’t really matter this first time I just want to have a successful attempt at crossing anything in the tent . Anyway would it be best to use one of the older plants and pollinate the two younger ones or just the other way around to get them close to the " pollen window " ? Thanks


welcome to OG enjoy


Definitely spray the older plants to pollinate the younger ones. I tend to start my donor plants 3 weeks after the plants I plan to reverse. I start to spray CS when I first see pre-flowers and continue, daily, until I notice male flowers starting to form.


Thank you that’s what makes sense but I thought I better consult with someone lol

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Welcome to OG and best of luck with your grow.

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Isn’t it best to pollinate in the first couple weeks of flower ?


You want a good 5-6 weeks in general for the seeds to mature, so plan accordingly per the variety your working. Usually when I make seeds I just let the plants senesce and the seeds are ready to fall out.


Yes, spraying with CS tends to slow down the plant, hence the three week spacing.

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