Autoflowering repros and crosses (non brand specific)

So you were planning on reversing two plants and making seeds? Pretty risky unless you have plenty of space to separate the two plants so there is no unwanted cross pollination.

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If you want to have a decent amount of pollen to play with you’d be better off reversing a whole plant. When I dipped a side branch I got 7 S1 seeds out of it and nothing to store for later as far as I remember.


No sir, was going to do them separate. But I do have 4 tents in 2 different locations, so I would be able to swing it, but that’s too much fiddling for me lol :rofl:

How about this @tresbundles I have a Mephisto cross I want to reverse at some point to make a bunch of seeds. What if I sent you 4 of them to work with, you plant all four and reverse the nicest plant. The strain is Fugue State x Forum Stomper which I ran last year and loved. We split the S1 seeds 50/50

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That’s a generous offer, bud, but I’m going to decline this time. If I was going to do another auto seed run, it’d have to be 3 Bears Og. It was the best tasting auto I ever grew, right up my alley. Wanted to increase them to have more to work with and do crosses after S1.
The Lemon Cherry Gelato Auto I was going to S1, then use it to make Logcake autos down the road.
I do appreciate it, though!


7?!?, 7 seeds? Was it just resistant to the treatment? The smallest selfing harvest I’ve ever had was a couple hundred. How small was your plant? I’ve had one treated branch of sacs make almost 10,000 seeds with more than enough pollen to share. What method were you using? I promise I’m not trying to attack or belittle, that’s just an amazingly small return on your time and investment.


I made other seeds with that plant. The S1 were just a test and a bonus. And it was a micro grow with few seeded buds. I cut the reversed (tiny) branch before it released pollen and put it in water to not contaminate everything. There was very little pollen.


I have to admit I’m excited about these Old School Mango Haze have me excited. When I reverse a mostly sativa auto I like to pick out a couple of indica dominant plants to grow with it to create some hybrid crosses. I’m looking at Sour Crack and Strawberry Nuggets to run with the OSMH.

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What’s the flower time on those OSMH? Do you know?

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75-90 days so figure 90-115

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That’s actually not too bad. It would be cool when you cross to the indica dom autos if they displayed hybrid vigor like true F1s. Cool project. :sunglasses:

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Me too it’s all I can do not to break down and purchase myself

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I’m going to have to pull out one of my 7 gallon fabric pots to grow one of the OSMH in. I’ll put in the effort to get a bigger plant so I can make seeds and a fair amount of flower for my smoke testers.

I’ve also got two of my Lector seeds started I need to reproduce them for the future. Very excellent strain.


What’s the lineage on lector I wasn’t able to find anything online.

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Mephisto Pink Livers X Twenty20 Mendo Triks


I have 11 Lector left, I send you a couple if you DM me your mailing info. They’re older seeds so you need to scarify the heck out of them to try and get one to pop.

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Are those Sawney’s gen 1 Lecter?

They are, yes

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Have you grown them?

No, I just remembered the name from AFN. They looked good from what I saw/read. He was doing a gen 2 last I looked.

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