Autoflowering repros and crosses (non brand specific)

Did he start to collaborate with Jean-O?

I wouldn’t know sorry. I haven’t been over there in a good while …I should probably pop my head in again oneday :eyes:

@tresbundles @allotment @joheimgrohen

Hmm, the idea of just dipping a few side brances in CS~STS, waiting for them to grow balls, cutting those branches off before they release pollen, put them on water in a separate room until they release said pollen, and collect it on a paper sheet, seems way more managable and easy.

However, I am quite scared of heavy metal pollution in my weed, and while I don’t fully understand the way nutrients and water flow within the plant, I do know that if I “inject” a bunch of heavy metals in my hand, a few hours later you can also measure them in other parts of my body. If anyone can confirm this technique is “safe for use”, that would be perfect!

The main reason why I only want to reverse a part of the plant, and not the entire thing, is that the AK420 genetics contain “super-auto” phenos, that only flower after 4 weeks or so, and even then, are quite stretchy during preflower due to the sativa characteristics, but these phenos repay you 420% back, with amazing yield, a sativa dominant flower and an amazing citrus-like taste without it being overbearing…

So if I were to reverse the entire plant, I would probably have wayyy to much pollen, and no female flower left to “taste test”, which is quite important to me, as this first pollen collection will essentially be the cornerstone of my entire breeding adventures for now.

Anyhow, many thanks already for the insights, this forum has been a treasure trove.

eS :tropical_drink:


I remember I decided to use CS instead of STS and I may have made tincture of that plant, I am pretty sure I did not smoke it. Ah well the log says different, I vaped some :laughing: My info at that time was that CS would not spread around in the plant but I have not followed up on this topic. If I’d do this again it would be for seed only just to be safe. I have only one seed left of a strain I want to work with and consider doing it (seed only). With more seeds available I’d rather reverse the whole plant and freeze the excess pollen for later.

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I may be wrong.

But I’ve noticed no I’ll effects from smoking the non treated part of the plant.

Now I’ve never injected my plants, I’ve only foliar treated and from a logical point of observation, STS is not mobile within the plant. I can’t speak of CS as I’ve never used it, but if it were systemic the entire plant would flip after application anywhere, not just the treated bud sites.

I’m not a botanist and I could be wrong.


Cheers for your input, I’ll just give it a go I suppose! I’ll be reversing the side branches and I’ll protect the main cola from the STS spray. That should leave me with some bud, to taste test, and if I find a suitable place, I might even be able to send in a small sample for testing on heavy metal contents…!

That should hopefully give some evidence on whether STS is transported within the plant…

eS :tropical_drink:


Admittedly, I made most of the chaff from the seed harvests into edibles, and only smoked about a quarter oz so my experience is only anecdotal. Some testing would be awesome brother!

I’m not saying all of them will perform the same, is clearly evident, they don’t, but you should only need to treat one maybe 2 branches. Here was my last success

This branch put out like it was a natural male.

So much sneezing!
That was this plant

This is from the plant in post #4

I’ve still got pollen in the fridge if anyone wants a little.


Holy moly that is a lotta pollen! That would last for some time, hehe.

Are you in the EU? Would love to dab some of your pollen on a few branches of my Skywalker Haze (its in preflower currently, and extremely vigorous) and send you back some seeds of that.

I’m not to informed on the legal status of sharing and sending cannabis pollen, however since it contains no THC, it should be legal right?

eS :tropical_drink:

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Yes, and doing BX’s. Multiple BX are possible, but whether or not any of this is worth it is up to you.

I’ve managed to keep a clone from an autoflower growing and producing for 200+ days from the sprout of the mom. You can work out the possibilities of small batches of flower and pollen from there. Longer is possible…

As long as a plant is still throwing white stigmas it’ll still produce finished seeds if you can keep it alive for another month plus. The same goes for reversal, but pkk Kaht health is even more crucial. Autos will also reveg to a degree and reflower after initial harvest. Plant health and genetics are big factors.


Would you care to expand on this partial reveg? And how it is attained? I’ve no problem extending veg and revegging with photos but the autos seem to give up and die after a traditional harvest. Are you bucking the buds at harvest rather than drying on stalk? And leaving the fans? I’m intrigued.


Here’s more info than anyone were wanted on silver toxicity

Chances are very slim to none that smoking untreated parts of a plant treated with silver would be harmful. In fact, we’re probably freely cautious with STS in general, but better safe than sorry.

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Basically, your mileage will vary. But, each old bud or branch has potential to shoot new growth. It’s generally a lot of work for little payoff and you’re not going to get a full reveg. However, if you find that great plant and want to get some beans or pollen, you might be able to.

Feed as typical for veg, while knowing needs will be reduced until it’s actively growing. I’ve had this work under 20 and 24 hr light schedules. I generally treat it like a stage crop and cut away the most mature buds, then leave the least mature to ripen and wait for new growth. Which bear in mind, will sometimes not happen or take a long time.

These plants are not on some sort of timer like some people think.

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Ok, the partial harvest is interesting, again I’ve only done that on a photo plant. I honestly figured the stresses of losing that much biomass will trigger their healing response and they would die off before much healing. So a hard nitrogen hit might kick them back into a veg- like state?


Do you have any pictures of this?

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I don’t think so but then again when I harvest an auto I remove the branches and rip the carcass out of the medium and burn it. So mine don’t stand much chance at re-vegging.


That’s my “traditional harvest”. Cut the branches to drying size, and dispose of the skeleton.

Like I said, feed as you would normally would in veg. At least I do. I don’t flush and IME all it really does is send the plants towards death and poor health.

Here’s a Mango smile x UV that was purposely kept small and stunted. I did an op with about 50 small plants. She has mature seeds and is 120+ days old at this point.

This is another I didn’t with, but not finding the better reveg photos. This one yielded 700ish grams. The former, roughly 2 grams and 13 seeds :sunglasses::joy:


Thought some folks in here might appreciate this… This is what I’m down to from about 200 plants.

Marathon OG F6
Z x Blueberry Sativa R
Amnesia x Blueberry Sativa R
Banana Purple Punch
Blueberry Sativa IBL R
(I know they’re at least f7 likely higher, could be much higher, but loads of diversity still)
Jammy Dodgers 2 x Blueberry Sativa
Skywalker F7
Liver BX1
Pink Panama x Strawberry Nuggets
Forbidden Runtz
Amnesia Haze

Purple widow freak (WW x (Berryfreak x Duck ibl x huck soda)
90’s PNW blueberry clone
Cereal Milk S1 Limited trees
Super Silver Deez Prof P
Blueberry Muffin F8 HSC cut
Black Widow Mr. Nice
Harle V (Harle tsu x THCV/CBG I believe)

And some I’m forgetting? :joy::crazy_face: All in a 2x4 for now


My brother just called me letting me know he found the seeds he lost, The LCG auto and 3 Bears OG. So I’ll have them in my hands in the next couple days. I can start the 3Bears seed increase in a couple weeks after my outdoor seedlings are big enough to put in the yard. :star_struck: :sunglasses: