Autoflowering repros and crosses (non brand specific)

I want to make sure something is understood about this small reproduction group. The seeds used need to come from an original sealed breeders pack that you purchased from a legitimate site. And yes I know most breeders don’t seal their packs (Mephisto <—sheesh) but if you bought them directly yourself you know whatt’s in there. It’s just real important when investing the time and effort making seeds you know for certain what you’re starting with.

I will reverse Walter White and produce some S1 fem autos

I will also grow two other strains which I will do a limited pollination on with the Walter White pollen. These strains are #56- Girl Scout Monkeys auto from Mephisto and from RocBud Inc will be Grape Dosi Breath auto.


Now we just need to decide when we’re going to start this project. I will have space in about 7-10 days to kick this off. How are things looking for ya’ll?


I would definitely like to be involved in this little group sometime in the near future. I don’t grow autos as much as I did when I started four years ago but I do still like growing them.

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@LoveDaAutos You wanna make some S2’s? I’ve got a couple extra seeds of this but no STS nor experience with reversals.


@Dog the guys and/or gals in this small group will all have experience reversing autos and making S1 seeds. We’ll all put in the time and effort to create the seeds we’ll share with the other members in the group.

Maybe pick up some STS and do a run on your own with the Cosmic Queen? I’ve been looking for a pack of them to cross to Mephistos Forum Stomper to see if I can make my own Milk and Qookies seeds.


Depending on when I get the seeds in my hand, I could start any time needed. Hopefully in the next week he’ll locate where he set them. Would be nice to get a couple other people on the train.

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Well my time is else where this year otherwise id be fully in, saying that i do have some seeds forming for some Mephisto Forum Stomper and Fastbuds Strawberry Banana that i would be willing to share like normal though i did a light pollination so i don’t really expect more than a hundred or two seeds from the two but i could hit another branch on both plants just to get a bit more, also believe i have enough already reversed Ogreberry from Twenty20 Mendocino that i could share right now, that only a couple people got when i did that just cause i didn’t openly offer.


@Mr.Sparkle what was your take on the Ogreberry? A friend grew a couple and said the weed was pretty decent as far as effect but that he thought the terps were lacking and the high did not last very long. Always curious to see how different opinions vary.


was fine for me effect wise, my cup of tea smell and such not really but i always kinda flavor the fruity floral stuff, and honestly i can’t really remember how it was thinking light funk with earth tones and some fruity acidicness to it but yeah wasn’t strong.

Nice thread, very helpful! Since I’m surrounded by expertise on this topic, has anyone had success cloning an autofem before flowering, and reversing the clone to get some pollen while still being able to smoke the mommy plant?



It’s do-able, but the timing would be a bit off. Your reversed clone would be a bit behind in maturity. AFAIK, it’s better to reverse a branch or two on your plant that’ll be the seed carrier. Or pop two seeds, and reverse one.


Ah nice, cheers, I’m not really worried about the timing as I’m mostly looking to collect and store pollen, for running a photo generation after that and polinating that for an F1 fast cross :smiley: ! So that will be perfect!


That should work for you just fine, then! Good luck, bud. :sunglasses:


I doubt you will manage it in time. What I have successfully done is dip just one side branch in CS a few times to get a few male flowers and make a few seeds while not getting CS on the rest of the plant.


If he took the cut at around day 18 or 20ish, he could start spraying it while it roots. It might stress the cut enough to kill it, maybe not lol. I think he’s just wanting to gather pollen for a later pollination, not hit the donor plant with it.
It’s risky, and I would just reverse a separate plant altogether, but it could work with determination and a little luck.
You may not have the nicest branches to cut before it starts to flower, but would be fun to watch.


Read this too late. I just started a Northern Lights Auto and was contemplating running another to reverse but have other seeds soaking now.

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I agree with you @tresbundles I wouldn’t mess around with trying to get an auto cut to take root so it can be reversed for pollen. Treat a couple bottom branches that you left on the plant for just that purpose. If you brush it on carefully the only part of the plant that is not usable are the treated branches.


Yes I only read that after I posted.

I am sceptical but only one way to find out :upside_down_face:

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:rage:My brother still hasn’t found the seeds he bought for me, put them aside to give them to me and lost em. I was looking forward to repro-ing the 3 Bears and Lemon Cherry Gelato. Hopefully they’ll show themselves or he’ll remember what he did with them.


I’m a weak man and folded on my no seed purchases till January 2025. I purchased a pack of the Old School Mango Haze which I will start next week whenever they arrive. I’ll journal the whole grow I expect in my thread if anyone wanted to join in or follow along.