Autoflowering repros and crosses (non brand specific)

Autos can do ok outdoors. If you have loads of sunshine it will certainly help as they do best indoors with long photoperiods. Low Ryder #2, while interesting, is probably not where you should start. I’d suggest finding something more modern with a better chance to yield solid smoke off the bat.


Gen 3 will not be full auto and it takes 4 gens for 99% auto traits


Do you have any documentation on this? Everything I’ve seen is 3 generations to get to full auto. Night owl releases seeds at f3 and I’ve never seen anyone report a photo in there.


F3, if full auto, is a line bred plant of an auto x auto. They may also be calling the first gen a poly hybrid, then starting the f gens? I guess the risk is minimal with an experienced breeder.

F1 is fast flower/photo, F2 25% auto, F3 50%, F4 99%. Though I’ve seen claims it’s 100% and various 90% plus numbers. But I haven’t come across any photos in F4 plus autos, so 99% feels good :joy:


This is the part of your formula that doesn’t make sense; you are correct that at f2 you will have 25% auto but then when you breed with only that 25% together the resulting f3 generation will be 100% auto.


@Dope_Heffalump, I would agree with this. You mentioned sativa and potent hybrid. There are a couple that I can recommend in this direction…Mango Smile, Super Orange Haze, Zamaldelica Express, as sativa leaners. With these, several generations removed from Low Ryder, give more modern structure and potency rivaling photos.

I have seen people wanting to start from scratch to make their own auto. I just don’t know if you’d end up with a better outcome. I do know that you’d be a bit older before you found out though. :grin:


Nailed it.


I’m starting to see the light.
Is there a good source for regular highly worked seed lines?
I keep seeing fems and would like to keep from buying seeds year after year.


Fem them out just like the breeders did. Neither STS or CS is expensive especially if you compare their cost to buying even 1 round of seeds.


Regs are more rare in the auto world. I can only think of a handful of special drops of regs. Night Owl has put some out. Tony Green put some auto regs out. Myself, and a handful of folks jumped on that auto reg train and made some crosses. Also, you can cross your fem autos with regs and bam you got some males in the mix. PM your deets and I’ll send you a few to play around with, if you want. No pressure to accept of course.

Edit, I see you say WORKED LINES, and my f1 crosses would not be that. Still happy to send a few, but no telling what you may find in f2’s.


Yes, if you isolate the auto traits, we’re saying the same thing. I was talking just going down the line.


Do you take cuttings before they flower so you can sample which plant was more powerful without smoking the STS.


I take cuttings and clone every step of the way unless I have a large run, including with full autos. It doesn’t always work, and your mmmv, but it can be a useful tool. I was shocked, but I even managed to pull it off outdoors with some full autos.


For taste testing a dry herb vape can be very useful.


Rocking a Crafty+ here, whatcha got?

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I don’t flip the whole plant. Only a couple branches. I’ve not had the rest of the plant tested because I don’t have access or funds to test for the presence of STS in non directly exposed plant material, but anecdotally, I’ve not noticed any ill effect from smoking the non treated parts of the plant. Logically, the STS is immobile within the plant, otherwise sacs would appear everywhere on the plant rather than just on the treated branches. This is not verified, proceed as you see fit. I’ve never smoked directly treated material, that sounds like testing fate.


Anyone ever use any of the “thors Hammer” line ?

"Thors Hammer F1 the original grows to 10Ft plus ! Heavy Yielding ; Frosty ; Thick and Dense ; Very High Potency ! More Sativa then Indica .

Thor’s Hammer F1-F3 series Is a Regular AutoFlowering Genetic made from some of the top breeders in the AutoFlowering industry . Created by selecting Mephestio Genetics Northern Cheeze Haze F5 Auto female and crossing it with a Male Care Bear F2 from FireBudz101 in the winter of 2019 this new autoflower was born with passion . I selected a very large female and the same breeding male FireBudz101 used in his selection to further his breeding of his genetics as well so it was a dominate male across the yard and was Selected to be very useful. "

I just bought some pollen on strainly. This guys said it was F5. I honestly dont of high hopes at all but i expended all my resources searching for anyone with pollen.


The whole point is to isolate the auto traits. And we’re not saying the same thing as far I understand it. You’re saying it take 4 generations to breed to full auto; I’m saying it takes 3.


I’ve been pondering on this f3/f4 debate, and with breeding only 2 plants from f2 that show the auto trait i feel f3 should return 99% autos, BUT if you’re doing a wide open pollination across the entire f2 generation i can see it needing a 4th generation to hit somewhere close to that 99% auto


If you did open pollination at the f2 it would be a random mix of photos, fast photos and autos.