Autoflowering repros and crosses (non brand specific)

After how many doses, does it start forming male balls.
Also how much spray-able solution do u end up with (80ml+20ml)= 100ml of spray-able solution @joheimgrohen


I go 4x4, 4 treatments 4 days apart and usually have sacs by the 3rd application. Spray day is day 1, not “sprayed it and tomorrow is day 1”

Yeah 100 ml is where I end up and that’ll take care of all applications for a 2 branch partial flip.
Just be sure you use a fine mist till dripping and cover the soil. Also let them completely dry before putting them back under the lights otherwise they’ll burn.

I should mention, I’ve never done a full plant flip. So I’d think you’d need a few batches if working with a larger plant.

Yea, if by the 5th spray i don’t see anything i am going to have to double my Mix strength,Trying to make just a one bottle recipe, Here is my littel experiment i did 1/20 of of sebrings mix

I’m not an expert, but I will tell what I have read, so take this with care.
That is the formula show in Duchefa and other labs, so it is correct and the result is 0,02 M. 20mM.
It works also, but you are wasting much solution. With 0,7mM you are almost getting the same result, and much more economic.
From what I have read, between 0.2 or 3 mM is enough. But if the money not concerns you, then I said nothing.


I wish money wasn’t an issue. Would be less of an issue if my work vehicle would stop breaking.

So, thin it by 90%? Am I reading it right? I just went with a small batch recipe Google gave me and yeah it worked, but if I can stretch my stock of chems and be still effective, I’m in.

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Then, I give you my notes on this.
I also use the Duchefa formula for making the 0,1M solution, but halfing it.
So for preparing the stock solutions I use:

Stock A: For 50mL 0.1M of Sodium thiosulphate (Pentahidrated): 1,24g Na2S2O3+5H2O
(or 50mL 0.1M of Sodium thiosulphate : 0,79g Na2S2O3, if not using the Pentahidrate)

Stock B: For 50mL 0,1M of Silver Nitrate: 0,85g AgNO3.
This step is the same that you are doing, but for half the Volume.

Then, depending on the final quantity that I want, I mix in proportion 1:4 to have the 0,02M concentration: (1 Silver Nitrate:4 Sodium Thiosulfate)

1,5mL Silver Nitrate 0,1M + 6mL Sodium thiosulfate 0,1M = 7,5mL STS 0,02M
And finally: To this I add 42,5mL of water to have 50mL STS 3mM.
3ml Silver Nitrate 0,1M + 12mL Sodium thiosulphate 0,1M=15mL STS 0,02M
Adding 85mL of water to have 100ml STS 3mM.
or… (you can continue the calculus based on the final volume that you want…)

And I have a table for doing another concentrations and volumes starting from the 0,02M:

Please, double check, I have to translate in a hurry. I have my notes in spanish :grimacing:

EDIT: Anex:
For doing a single use, without need of storing:
0.18g Sodium Thiosulphate pentrahidrated. Dilute in 30mL of Water.
0.03g Silver Nitrate. Dilute in 30mL of water.
Mix Silver nitrate with sodium tiosulfate stirring with NON METAL thing.
Then add 240mL of water.
This will give you 300ml of STS with a concentration around 0,5mM ready for use.

And again, I’m not a chemist. I am an afficionado, so double check and don’t mind in correct me if I’m wrong.

You can store the stocks or the final STS in DARK plastic or glass, never METAL. Metals react and loose effectiveness of stock or STS.

I hope that this helps you save some $.


I use this formulation,I use 1/3 of all the quantities and obtain the same concentration but less Sts ready to use.


Nice, I like it

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Tell us about Scoutcicle? I’m unable to find any info online.

Thats because there isn’t any. It is my own cross, between Johnny Potseed’s GSC x BlackCream auto, and G13Labs’ Auto Fro-yo. The seeds came out tiny, the other two plants in that run seeds were double the size.

Smoke reports based off of the “chaff” (plant material left after seeds were harvested) so actual flower smoke will be different, I’d imagine.

The Fro-yo hits quick with a nice energetic buzz that left me grinning, and chatty. To me it’s a great daytime smoke. Munchies aren’t too bad.

The GSC x BlackCream is a bit slower and a bit heavier. I won’t call it a knock you down, but it definitely has a nice settle to it. The munchies are strong in this herb.

Can’t say as I was going for anything in particular with that cross, it’s one of my first crosses.


Sounds awesome. I’ll put some on to soak this Friday!

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Up next for femming is the “Mango Smile” which should start kicking into flower soon, she looking fine if I do say so myself.

I meant to ask if you knew who the breeder was, so do you?

I should start her LST…

I just re-read the whole post and it’s right there, Mephisto.


Wanna get my hands on some of those when you’re done! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Mango Smile is excellent, nice selection!


I’ve never grown an autoflower, but I live in a climate that may work for them.
I have a pack of lowryder #2 ( regs that I had bought to spray pollen on whatever clones I have.

I need to research autoflower breeding and growing before I commit to such a project, but I thought I would throw the subject out here for advice


Welcome to the Auto crew. Autos are fun but normally small. I’ve only had 1 that could compare size wise to photo. But the smoke was lacking. As far as breeding I’ve only dabbled. Normally I’m just selfing and chucking. Basically just throwing a good strain in while the femmed sacs pollinate.

That being said I’ve had some nice crosses show up. What kind of info are you hunting? Photo to Auto crosses? Just Auto crosses. What’s your target?


I’m looking for info on breeding autos.
I know that the f1 cross only a percentage of offspring will be true autoflowering.

I would love to cross with long flowering sativas and potent hybrids.
62° North lattitude
Summers are mild we get 2 months without any darkness
Our first frost is around the first of September, but our entire August is wet and cold like october in Seattle.

I would like an Auto that I could start indoors and bring outdoors by mid May and harvest by august 1


Damn! You are up there
Maybe this will help

For F1 between auto and photo will yeild absolutely 0 auto-flowering progeny. Photo sensitive flowering traits are dominant over the recessive auto-flowering traits and all of the offspring will need lighting changes to flower. If you take 2 from the F1 cross (said to be “fast flowering” never had any haven’t tested it) then their seeds will have autos in them. It’s just random. Progeny from Gen 3 should be full auto.


Sounds like I have my work cut out for me.


It can be. I haven’t even crossed auto to photo much less tried to get them to fill auto. I’m mainly selfing and chucking auto to auto or photo to photo. Space restrictions, I already invaded one room and the wife won’t let me have a other.