Autoflowering repros and crosses (non brand specific)

Milk and Qookies F2- (Forum Stomper F4 x Cosmic Queen F4) X (Forum Stomper F4 x Cosmic Queen F4) will be available in Daz’s Easter drop 3/29 at 10pm Eastern :+1:

EDIT : I noticed he’s got Strawberry Cheesequake- Strawberry Milk and Qookies S1 Cheesy Fruit Pheno listed too.


Hey @joheimgrohen what ingredients went into making your Scoutcicle?


Somebody buy a couple packs of the Milk & Qookies, send them to me and I’ll make a couple thousand seeds and return 3/4 of said seeds back to the person who sent me the originals. You invest $100 and I send you enough trade material to last for a couple years.

Just throwing that offer out there.


This is what I’ve always followed, that the F1 generation has no autos. Like that chart.


Same, and then the F2 will contain a mix of photos, “stallers” and autos to further hunt.

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For two reasons I brush on my STS solution. First I’m thrifty and save a good bit of STS solution brushing it on like a missle guided by a drone. Second there is no overspray to negatively affect any other parts of the plant or the other plants in the tent.


Scoutcicle is G13Labs auto Froyo x Johnny Potseed’s (GSCauto x Black Cream auto)


I isolate the branch to be flipped by bagging up the rest of the plant. And spritz away, easier than painting. Somewhere around 50 ml will make all 4 of my treatments for 1 branch


I’m thinking it might be fun to get a small group of auto growers / seed makers together and do a joint seed run. Say like 5 or 6 guys, each one growing a different strain and reversing it to make seeds for themself and to share with the other 5 or 6 guys. So at the end of a seed run you will have fem seeds of all of the strains. I’m thinking 25 seeds of each strain would be a nice number. And we discuss the strains we’re running so everyone is excited for the other guys/gals strains.

Heck I would go so far as to put up a list of 6 or 8 strains I’m wanting to repro and ya’ll can pick the winner.

You up for something like this @repins12 , @ReikoX , @Carty , @Going2fast , @Mad_Barry , @Cbizzle , @joheimgrohen , @pharmerfil , @Mr.Sparkle just to name a few.


Aw man, I like where this thread is going.


Just need 5 more growers to join and we can get this started. The strains below I have in hand are the next strains I will be growing. I really have no room to grow one but will make room as all it takes is a small light over top of the plant pretty much anywhere! Let’s have some fun and comradery.

These are all brand new unopened breeders packs.

#52 Double Smile
Northern Cheese Haze
Fugue State
Walter White
Sour Livers

Night Owl
Head Cheeze Auto
The Mandela Effect

World of Seeds
Neville’s Haze Ryder


I can’t commit to growing others stuff, though I may jump in there, and I can certainly offer up additional strains if people would like. Or breeder packs (Mephisto, night owl, Barney’s, etc) for anyone wanting to do a reproduction, and I need testers badly :crazy_face:

In fact, I have a lot of regs that I’d like to feminize, or move forward a gen, but never will, if anyone wants to play around with making fems from regs…

I’ve also have a Silver Sunshine x auto project I started if anyone wants them make some autos in two gens :wink:


Have you got by chance Night Owl Milk and Qookies fem autos?


No, I passed on everything from that and those releases

Lots of Mango isle, blue microverse, Zamal stuff from them and some I need to find my decoder light for :unamused:

They’ve got the M & Q back in their shop again but I’m not buying seeds till January first at the earliest and I guarantee the first seeds I buy won’t be a 3pk of Night Owl anything for $50 + $10 shipping.


If my health was better right now, I would be all over this. I don’t mind fucking up my own shit but would feel terrible if I fucked up someone else’s, due to a sudden health issue


For me, I don’t need testers to grow them in perfect conditions, I need them to be put through their paces by an average grower. Feel better my friend, but I find seedlings make everyone feel better :green_heart:

Hell, I even have some small reproductions of random autos from here… Like LRUV stuff :crazy_face::joy: Also have Cherry bourbon, and low ryder #2 left in small quantities


That’s what I’m already doing! Still need you to drop me your addy @LoveDaAutos, I’ve got a pack with your name on it ready to fly!

I’ve been trying to repro the stash @rasterman sent me but the last round failed. My next rescue is a bit away as I’ve got 2 selfs and a pheno hunt lined up after the seed run I’m currently in.

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By the way, if anyone comes across anvil regs I will reward you nicely in exchange


(Head Hung Low) This idea has never panned out for me. Came close once but no commitments.

Hell I’ll do a group of just 3 of us, me and two other people.

I’ll do a group of 2 just me and someone else!!! :rofl: :rofl: :us: :crazy_face: :crazy_face: