Automatic Summer of ‘23

It’s so weird seeing you have plants in soil. :rofl:
My little pile of Scarlet Grape pollen.


Noice! :+1:t3:
I’ve really only been growing in hydro since legalization. For us, medical passed in 2010 and I went hydro. Before that any and all growing I did was soil or plain old dirt. Hydro is without a doubt my preference - but soil is easy without many of the required environmental conditions that accompany hydro - Temp being a big one and this is my summer to accomplish ‘something’ while doing as little as possible. The plan is to hit at least one female AHP with Doug’s Blue Kush Pollen and collect some AHP Pollen for future endeavors to help create a kushier bushier more full and dense flower with some added Blue Kush genetics. :v:


Hey @Habitt congrats on the new ‘lil buddy’ :+1:t3:🫶🏽
I’m not really a cat person but this much I’ve found out - tabbies; regardless of their color are the best imho. I don’t know what it is about the coloring but tabbies are more like dogs - they play more like dogs, they follow you around like a puppy. IF we were ever to have another cat it would be a tabby. :v::cat2:


The Aftermath
I picked up the blade
And shaved my beard
And I walked back into town
With nothing to fear

I picked up my mess
And put it in the ground
And I watered it down
Waited for the seed to sprout

Well I took my last rose
And threw it in the fire
And I gathered all the ashes
Started my empire

I took a bath
In a constellation aftermath
When I jumped off that star
I looked upon this plastic place
Saved it with all of my grace

Silence fills the air when its raining
But I don’t see anyone complaining
Truth pokes its head out


Semi- Automatic


Welcome to the Concentrates Holiday! Happy 710
Screenshot 2023-07-09 225942
Screenshot 2023-07-09 225942


The girls (and hopefully a boy or two) on 710 with a little shade from the summer sun.


Good Morning OG! :wave:t2:
I’m signed up for a conference by the national fatty liver foundation this morning So… I’m getting in my good morning early.

The conference is on AI and its use to treat, diagnose and assist liver patients. AI she don’t scare me UNLESS it appears in humans - AI IS US, combined - ironic, eh? Lol together we are ‘artificial’ intelligence :confetti_ball::sunglasses::smiley::flushed: but alone we’re the real thing? Sounds like a set-up to me.

Limited, corporate or gubment AI - now that’s scary. It’s the filters and the gleaning one should look out for.


I’d love a link, actually. I teach high school health and try to stay current. This topic would be very interesting to my students.

1 Like

I am sorry you missed it - my fault. It was recorded and I will gladly post a link once it has been posted.

Here’s my comment posted after …

Thoughts on the AI Webinar

Hopefully a few of you were able to make it to todays Webinar on AI:Helpful or Harmful and how it is and will be used specifically for NAFLD/NASH diagnosis, treatment and patient care.

Like Wayne, I’m pretty excited about the future of AI and Machine learning and how it will be used to benefit all our lives in yet unknown ways. The boogie man of of the SkyNet/Mr.Jones AI created by Hollywood & the media has some folks scared but THIS is real life - those are entertainment pieces for those who don’t own roller coasters.

We humans often mess up - but since history pretty clearly shows - as a species (not always as a government or authority) but as individuals - human intentions are far more noble than not. If one person is good and intelligent - why? Exactly is aggregating and deciphering the actions of multiple individuals Artificial and bad??!? It’s a set up folks :joy: You can’t trust truth!?!?? Uh :roll_eyes:

Data = good. Filtered data for the public & data mining of the masses to fill pockets & different data for the elite = bad.

The future is looking both amazing and awe inspiring and is unfolding right in front of our feet. Pretty cool actually. The ONLY thing that has me a bit frustrated and concerned is the overpowering amount of talk on how this will improve Dr. & medical workloads and allow for data aggregation & modeling never dreamed of in the past with very little talk of how this advancing technology can or will be used to actually help and improve the lives of those with NAFLD/NASH/cirrhosis & patient advocacy other than the joy of having access to all of your medical data in one place. Which at this point you’re going to have to use something like the woefully inadequate Bing AI to decipher - as the fact is most dr.s do not talk with their patients but instead talk at them once every six months or so. Though Dr. Mistry did mention useful things like where would be the best place for an MRI IRL it’s a choice of local, 5 hour round trip or 10 hour round trip - MY choice in real life NOT statistically is the closest one that can do it - the same people are gonna read it Go AI?

The potential is through the roof - the results of how this is going to affect your life and health have yet to be tabulated, aggregated & modeled.

Keep your eyes on this one and your mouth open for patient advocacy. This train is coming into the station.

Written by

BU2B profile image

EDIT: Below is a link to the Webinar on YouTube
Fatty Liver Foundation and Array Insights discuss the future of artificial intelligence (AI) in healthcare.


Time for a litte Tie Dye on the Highway!

Edit - I just smoked a bowl as I attempt to wrap my brain around this wonder. Gosh I remember this… I stayed up all night for this Concert and it was a live broadcast from Knebworth on my son’s birthday. 33 - THIRTY THREE!!! Years ago! Holy wow! Not only is it freaking mind blowing to think that I have traveled around the sun at over 1000 miles per second 33 times since I first heard this show but even freakier … it’s cells and living tissue that have somewhat preserved in memory a very specific moment in time. Just amazing - damn it’s a cool cool universe. “We Must be in Heaven Man!”

It’s not perfect … but it’s mine :smiley:

LOL we are so funny … I’m not sure who I’m writing this for ? The one or two other monkey ape bear pig things reading this? IF you are reading this… Thanks for putting up with my goofy butt :v:





Double Grape landed today! Thank you! @Smoklahoma for sending these to me to try! A couple are getting dirty this evening! If I can get some pictures in the process worthy of this thread they’ll be here! If somehow I forget to post here they’ll definitely be seen on my thread! Thanks again Smoke!


Glad they made it.:+1: Hope you get that flavor everyone raves about. Between me killing the first 2. Something ate the next 2.
Next try will be inside where I seem to do better. :grin::green_heart:


Its FRIDAY!!! (for all practical purposes)
So, you should know well by now
Whoever been round this town
They always like to get down :worried:
They always like to get down :sob:
So if you gonna come this way
I’m calling you just to say
We sing in a different way
We’re taking it day by day
But love it don’t go astray :heartpulse:
We got a new holy water
Shake it out, shake
Shake it out :dancing_women:

New Song Released Thursday/Friday 12:00pm 12:01am EDT 7/13-14)
Have a GREAT Weekend - I hope you get a chance to get out and shake some of that NEW old holy water of the wonder of life on someone. Give it try - go Shake It Out (automatically of course) :v:


After this … one week till the next photo update. It’s starting to look an awful lot like a lonely little auto-ish grow journal and that really wasn’t the point. I’ll post a pic of the plants once a week or so but it’s lookin like I’m just gonna have to break down and go on a beauty hunt … dang, I was hoping they’d just show up at the door if I asked :joy: :rofl:


Kevs’ BLACK CREAM in the sun (by @ReikoX)


Ha! Just popped up in - on this day. It appears that 3 years ago on this day I was growing something… I don’t recall what it is/was but it looks like cannabis to me :wink:


Well I finally got 2 that have made it to this point. Looking good so far.:grin::green_heart:


I love your tags. I’m garbage at labeling plants and it’s always biting me in the ass