Autos Done Carty's Way




Thank you very much Carty! That helps a lot.
They’re on 15/9.
I’ve got 4 more weeks before I’m thinking to flip the lights to 12/12.

Darn things heard me talking about them, :wink: so one of them has teeny flowers of some sort coming in the next leaf set, and the other had teeny pistils in the ones unfolded today.
I know that still doesn’t mean they couldn’t be photos though.

Better notes and better pollen tracking is certainly the answer. Heartless culling would probably be good too if I could manage it, but they’re so gorgeous! :rofl:


Theres some pics I found . Lost most of them when my phone broke. Easy to grow very fast growing.


Hey my ww auto I ran was a hungry bitch. Once I started full nutes same as photos and she stood up tall brother! Good luck

Those are all Bruce banner crosses Im retiring my bb#3 after 2 years from my first grow. Kept clones has been replaced by a better cut but that Bruce banner packs a punch bro!


Really nice looking plants there BB… very impressive, excellent colors.
I’ve noticed since going back to 3gal felt pots vs 2gal I’m having healthier plants and looks like a nicer yield.
So jazzed about getting back to only Autos and a 30 day rotation. nothing blows more then running out of nuggies and having to hit up friends…


Too funny, heard you talking about them… your now one of my crazy friends… because we don’t allow normies in here, as we call them… muwahahaha.
Most photo periods will not show sex without changing the light schedule, but with only 15hrs of light it’s possible to confuse it into doing so… only way to be sure is to start them on 18/6… after 6wks almost all autos will have shown sex, most sooner…
maybe you need better seeds so you know what your starting off with… ever heard of Gabagoo Auto… this guy Carty created it and sometimes just gives it away… I’d hit him up… lmao


Lived across the street from Pat for 6yrs now, smoked many a buds, swapped many a buds when he or I run low… recently he gifted me about a half oz… looking at the buddage I tell my wife, looks like he grew this himself… so a week later I’m talking to him in his driveway and told him this jokingly… he laughs and actually invites me in… shows me a humongous jar, like for big pretzels, full of buds… I was like, what’s that bright light coming from the back room bro. invites me back to see his 2 plants 5ft bushes…LED lights fill his ceiling… Duuude.
Immediately I want to help him improve his grow… room was to hot, no air flow and he lets the plants get way to big before flipping them… who veg’s for 6mos anymore… his weed gives you that real heady dizzy high, chopped way to soon… buzz goes away fast but this awrful dizzy feeling lingers… more then heady, psychoactive… side affect of chopping at clear to milky trichs…

How cool is this though… my 66yr old neighbor shares my hobby… kept our secret all these years from each other… too funny.


:rofl::rofl::rofl: For sure! I hear he’s even managed to keep track of all his pollen. :wink:

For real though, I’d be utterly delighted to grow any of yours. PM headed your way. :green_heart:


I still have been trying for the elusive Gabagoo myself… :frowning_face: :frowning_face: :frowning_face:


I have some to share if @carty doesn’t jump in before you dm me first lol.


Thks 420 I was breaking his chops a bit, he knows me too well.


Perfectly exceptable behavior imo.

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Have you tried a side by side with the biotome starter?

Who says they need seeds… I have plenty of Gabagoo… sent my bro 420 a bunch to share around… he knows I’ll restock him… I’ve got your phone reset again dude… you can reset the code when you get it… 1111 hahaha. kept it simple…
Stiggy I thought for sure I sent you a card… man if I missed you my brother I apologize. and will send you my last pack of Beast Mode if you want it…


Bro that is some great art work… look at the definition you can see on such a small subject… epic… love the robot hands… hehe. wonder if he has bionic hips like I do… muwahahaha.
Been working on a few projects myself… a red crested stork or something, bird. lol. a wicked looking owl and a kitty kitty for my brother Argo @ Argo’s Gardens… he was my very 1st paying customer over 8yrs ago… did all his stickers… LS tent jacket b


Big update tomorrow… photos of these 4 ladies, starting the next 4 ladies…
See if we cannot keep this lesson going of Autos Done Carty’s Way…

I picked up new foods for this grow, an old favorite back when I was sponsored by FoxFarm’s… did you know you can use up to 5x’s the strength using their Big Bud… it’s full of goodies and, the NPK is so low making this possible. He kept telling me, we cannot use to much, plants never burn…

Miracle Grow soil for containers
Chunky Perlite
Espoma’s Plant Starter Plus 4-3-3… loaded with mycorrhizae fungi … smells like a farm… hehe. this is a product I used to use religiously… lost my way looking for the next best thing when I had it all along…

The seeds were put into water last night and are floating… I used to stir them to get them to sink… then I read about floating seeds until the tails popped out, it freaken works too… but don’t bump them, seeds sink…

Plant them Sunday maybe right before the Ravens destroy my wife’s Chiefs


All into auto’s…hoping to learn lot’s here so pls keep the thread alive :slightly_smiling_face::v::green_heart:


This one?

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