Autos Done Carty's Way

Autos can be very finicky and many a good grower gets turned off by them trying to grow them as they do photo periods… Like starting plants in small solo cups… this will stunt an auto every time…
Start them in 1gal plastic pots, up pot to 3gal felt pots after sexing, usually at week 3 or 4. By week 6, like I am around now, they look like this…

Pink Mango x Granddaddy Purple Auto fem

White Widow, the most finicky plant I’ve ever grown.

Bent her over a week ago well into flowering… don’t be afraid to supercrop your plants…she was bent over and all her branches pinched (supercropped).

These 2 Granddaddy Purple Autos are very impressive and have both been hit with my Beast Mode pollen… if they play well together it’s going to be quite a mix…


Unfortunately not every time :disappointed_relieved:. I guess I got lucky with my first couple samsquanch og from mephisto started in a solo still hit 32" and 2.5 oz or so, then it started :face_with_head_bandage: like 20-25 were half oz usually less producers. I got screwed by beginners luck learned to hard way to play the odds! Like both Vegas references there? Can you locate them both?

Plants are looking killer! My ww auto was finicky af as well

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Yup… this stuff is incredible and I used it for years, going back to my proven methods back when I had a huge walk in closet… planting tonight as the full moon approaches… I fill a 1gal pot with soil, then dump it out into a small tub I have for this… then I add a tablespoon of Espoma.

When I wash my 1gal plastic orchid pots, the vent holes are ALL blocked up with calcium deposits among other crap… spray the inside of the pots with this cleanser and soak in hot water for an hour… wash by hand, done.

Ready to plant later tonight…


Next up being planted tonight, 4 more feminized Autos…

Urban Legends genetics, and I hear great things about them like how big they can get. Currently I’m hitting all my grows with my Beast Mode Auto in attempt to make a nice lineup


Vinager works well but NOTHING beats clr lol sucks on gas stoves fumes from pilot light wow!

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I’m off to mix soil and plant these 4 seedlings… should be up and going by Monday… I think all of these are from you bro… pretty sure the Urban Legend fems are… should be epic from what I’ve seen researching Urban seeds.


Plants look great. I usually start auto’s in 3g pots if they are fems…after my last auto was done I inspected and found that the roots were not penetrating into the media and were on the surface spreading outwards and then going down along the side of the pot which was affecting size.


Something I learned with autos is the tap root. As long as tap root isn’t obstructed by packed soil or small pot you are good. Once tap root gets stressed or whatever plant gets stunted the roots go to the side but no lower. In my limited experience and reading autos shoot that tap root and if not disturbed to much will bottom out then spread to sides to fill in and grow. If tap root is damage/disturbed they stop reaching down and go to edges tl get as much root as possible but tap root is the important one. I just started growing in smart and air pots. Hopefully the air pruning doesn’t stunt plant but encourages smaller root growth and fill your entire pot with very small roots that fill up pot and make for healthy plant. I’ve grown/killed many autos and trying g to follow @carty to get a handle on it.

Those earlier urban legends are all crosses of Bruce banner. Bruce banner #3 was 2 of my first 3 plants ever grown where all first grow. I kept a cut for 2 years cause was :fire:. My last cut of bb#3 in flower cause I replaced my mother plant with @bobgrows 90’s kush cut. Hey bobbette so can we call this the bg cut or bobgrows cut? Since it’s just a cut of an unknown strain just kept for last 30 years lol.


You can call it whatever you like. Lol


I think the biggest challenge in starting any plant into such a large pot is controlling moisture. Tricky as you shouldn’t attempt to wet the entire medium…
1gal plastic pots allow the large roots to form giving it a stronghold… then up pot to 3gal felt pot to begin the air trimming and get the feeder roots to form…


@Carty I’m about 3 weeks from sprout. Time to top and start training. I like what I’m seeing. I think these are gonna be fun! :partying_face:
Left to right 3 Gabagoo and 1 BeastMode.


Some real fine examples right there NDN… I knew you Dad,NdNguy… hahaha.
Looks like your doing some nice LST work exposing the lower branches better… take a good look at how he is doing things, this is a fine alternative to any of my methods and I stand behind it having used it many a times…
Looks like they are a wee bit thirsty eh?

Suggestion… anyway you can increase your airflow… would make a big difference improving growth… other then that it looks like your F4 Gabagoo are showing uniformity and heavy indica traits…

p.s. Improve upward growth by removing them round cotyledon leaf and the first set of single bladed leaf’s right above them ok… plant will take off because energy will bypass this point getting to where it’s needed…


Babies are in the ground…


It is in fact time to water! :crazy_face: Tonight they’ll get cleaned up a bit, topped and possibly bent over. :+1:t3:

I can turn this little box into a wind tunnel if that’s what daddy says they like. :+1:t3::wink: If you say they like to sway in the breeze…. I will make it so. Thanks for the tips , friend. I think these are gonna be some nice plants! :fist:t3::feather::feather:


I’m going to have to run some autos soon :grin:

Looking great @Carty glad I checked out your thread I’ve been seeing mentions of Gabagoo everywhere :sunglasses:


Yes totally understand …I got 1 fog dog and 1 scarlet grapes f2 going right now after these are done I going to start in 1g pots…right now I am not wetting the whole media I built a tool to water deep into the media to direct the roots.

Try watering from the bottom and feeding from the top on those large pots you started in… when you feed from the top, keep the liquid about 3" away from the base of the plant at least. Never water right at the base. You want the roots to reach for moisture and grow. Watering from the bottom does the same thing. Forces the root mass to go downward to find moisture… water, water, feed.
See if this improves that grow…


One of the best tips I ever got from my brother waaaay up north, Pa-Nature.
If you can follow this cat on Instagram… He is the master at plant stripping too… but he told me, get them plants swaying when they are young and they will react by growing more robust in order to withstand the winds… oscillating is best but I have a 16" floor fan, one of them big metal round ones you can angle up or down only… about 4ft away from open tent flaps… hehe. these girls love it.


I found that while bottom feeding roots rush to the edge of the pot (path of least resistance) and then go straight down. I want the primary roots to go deeper into the pot which is why starting in 1g makes sense.
Thank you for the advice and tips :slightly_smiling_face: it is much appreciated :pray:


I found this by mistake and, well, being a rule breaker. Don’t tell me something cannot be done… hahaha. everything I read said to never transplant Autos… Hmm? but I didn’t have feminized seeds and needed 6 Autos… this means starting 12-15 to sex them… that’s a bunch of 3gal pots…
I’ve been using the bumpy oxypots and they leak a lot of dirt… but work awesome. after some research I found Orchid Pots with a bunch of drain holes… these have been my saving grace.

Trick of starting them in plastic pots is like you said… getting the larger establishing roots grown during veg.

I think my journey has just begun… and anyone needs Gabagoo seeds contact me or just go to Johnny Potseeds thread and he has them for sale…