Autos Done Carty's Way

Iv been doing dwc 3.5 gal buckets. I usually start in a rooter plug then go into the bucket. Some definitely do better then others. Would you think I should put the plug directly into the bucket, instead of the tray pictured.


Well ive grown them one time and already broke rule #1. Lol
Technically i had to for the solo cup challenge. First time trying them its been fun.
Im in the middle of trying to get some GG4 RIL going for outdoor deck plants. I have 2 starts out of 13 seeds. Its been a challenge.


Wisdom! I did it anyway because I’m obstinate and cry when I’m around dirt and this happend

I’d like to see what you do too. I’m struggling with the transition from popping seed to net pot. I think the answer is top watering and I just don’t want a water pump.


Don’t “like” my shame @RainToday. Look at what I did to your beautiful seeds! You sent plenty more so they will get a proper run. The tiny nuggies smell really nice.


What strain of hers is that? I got a few of her beans aswell. Very generous lady.:+1::v:


I “liked” it because your comment made me laugh. I’m obstinate a lot too. And I’m happy you grew them, and don’t care that they got stuck in the cups. It’s nice to know it didn’t make them herm. :smiley:

Here’s what I did to about half a dozen of them so far - in big pots, but I’ve lwarnes they’re not at all tolerant of sketchy nutrients, competing plants, or low light. I didn’t try tiny pots but you did, and I’d classify them as doing decently as solo cup autos with that result. It’s all good data! :green_heart:


That’s right, all for science.


Freepromo is the code.i got part A and B 400g each for $8 shipping in the USA from the Greenleaf site. If you want the 1 part or the sea kelp I think it adds more. @crownpoodle this is how I got my 3lb 1 part and 200g sea kelp for $12 all in last year with shipping.


Heheh - this is my favorite song for plant torture science :rofl:




Someone is not reading the thread… lol. hey, we all do that, but yeah, it’s in the beginning of this thread.
I leave them in 1gal orchid pots until they sex… I started this when I ran regular seeds and needed to sex 10 plants to up pot just females… found out Autos don’t mind being transplanted at all… just never start in solo cups…Rule 1.

Depending on how many plants I’m running… if I run 6 I up pot into 2gal felt pots, if only 4, I go up a gallon to 3… all about room.


I was going to start mine in Solos, then transplant to 5s or 7s. Now I’m starting in 5x5", then to the 7s. Got lots of 7 smart pots.
I’m guilty of picking up at the end of a thread. But if it’s info I’m looking for I try and read back before speaking. Looking back I see you use FF Strawberry Fields. Not available here anymore. What’s your alternative @Carty ? Right now I’m in peat and Perlite for indoor. Got FFOF and Happy Frog on hand. Thanks.


Good job man… the info is there at the beginning of this thread…

I too had issues coping some FF soils around here anymore. or some raised their prices to $40 when it used to be 18… no way. I’d mix the Happy Frog with the FFOF for flowering, plain Happy Frog for veg. when you up pot, put the FFOF in the bottom 1/3rd, fill top remainder with HFrog. as the plant gets established and begins to root downward, it finds the foods it needs for flowering and shouldn’t burn…

After you use that soil up… get this my friend. I’ve had some of my best grows lately using simple Miracle Grow “container” soil… at Sams Club I can get a huge almost double the soil for $13. say what. All I do and recommend is, adding extra perlite to each pot mix… 3 to1 ratio. makes it easier for the roots to move around.

Cautions: These will cause autos to stunt seriously…
Over feeding and feeding to soon… no foods week 1, half strength week 2 then feed weekly.
Over watering… most growers think more watering, more foods, makes for bigger buds and bigger plants… NOT. I dry stress almost every time between waterings… my plants are not wilting yet, but the soil is completely dry… I water at lights on, this is when they need the energy… I can get 2" overnight.

Peat and Perlite are proven… just absolutely no foods in it.

Calmag, get ya some. week 2 to week 8 on a 10wk plant. 1tsp a week and you’ll get rid of a lot of deficiencies you usually face… I never believed my buddy who kept telling me this… now… FoxFarm 3 part and Bushmaster for calmag.

good luck to ya, got questions just ask ok bro


Thanks buddy. Got a lot of this stuff around.


Ah nice…I’d say the main thing to take caution with is running the FFOF pure as it’s a bit hot food wise. Also, learn to read your plants needs… the soil above has lots of foods in it… if leaf tips are burning back off on your liquid feeds ok.

No Autos in solo cups… you’ll wind up hating autos if you do.
1gal, up pot after sexing… works perfectly.


Some of the seeds I have are fems. They’re from 20Twentymendocino. More from a member I’m not sure about. I appreciate all the solid info.
These will mostly be outside plants. Should be fun.


Thanks for the all these pointers!


hmmmm wish i read this before I planted all my autos LOL
I started all mine in solo cups.
Whatever, it’s just an experiment anyways. I’ve only ever ran autos once before and that was back in 2016 or 17 I think. Only got one female and while she didn’t yield much more than an ounce the flower was killer and tasted/smelled spot on like Schmuckers strawberry jam. That was an Azure Rocket from Afterthought autos. I soaked 8 of those this seed pop and 5 popped so far. The others are iffy but they are 8 or 9 year old beans.
Guess I will be learning lots this run and hopefully I haven’t totally doomed myself by starting in Solos. They will go into 7g pots in the greenhouse in a week or so.


That’s 2 of us in Auto school. Different Auto shop than 1975.


I’ve also read that if the tap root hits the bottom it stunns an auto… No clue if this is true or not. I haven’t run enough autos to verify.
Any truth to that Carty?