Autos Done Carty's Way

hahaha… only because I was still up… grrrr.

Carty’s announcement. My short adventure with Budman420 is over and done with. He’s nuts it seems. Fantasy land stuff. I don’t want to bash the poor guy because he’s actually a super nice man… but makes bad decisions I just cannot be apart of. he got a bunch of seeds, I got a bunch of cool shirts and hats…
Nobody got hurt IMHO, but I am done with him and his partner Sean…

So, if you want Carty’s genetics, hit me up. a buck a seed.


But keep it on the down low… hahaha.

Autos are taking off and I snuck in some Ice Princess… a C99 cross of a photo period I’ll be short vegging and if I run everyone at 14/10 Autos are happy and photos still flower… should be fun.


Great to know, I have to try the 14/10 schedule…:slightly_smiling_face::+1::v:


Try to get some sleep in mate


hahaha… are you watching me? I seen your comment on other sites too after I posted at like 3am, then at 6am. ok Dad, I promise. (but seriously mate, your such a good friend)…
I’ve known BushDr for years. He was the first person to attempt to get me setup with seeds… no, a butt load of seeds… Gabagoo and Miss Piggy covering a 1/2 acre… Boom, gone… Sad outcome too…


Last night was watering and feeding night… all the mature plants were supercropped (Pinched and bent) and leaf’s removed some fan leaf material to open up a line of site to the lower and inner branching. they may look a bit strange atm, but give them a week… photos to follow


Damn sorry to hear about your partnership or non partnership.
Better he showed his true colors before getting to deeply involved.
Kept forgetting every day to send you this.
Hopefully brings you back a few years to the good old days my friend :laughing:


Ah brother thanks for that… I lived at the neighborhood of Mtn Vista and Harmon between Nellis and Boulder Hwy. You had me google earthing my old house and man have they let it go… whole neighborhood is run down from when I was in HS.
Gee, only been since 81… My best buddy from that neighborhood, sent him an old shot of his house, he’s like, I was just there a month ago… it’s awful. LOL.

can never go home huh?

Hope your doing good bro…thanks again



Here are some autos I grew three years ago, it was a lot of fun. Going with Gabagoo this year, and then any casualties will be replaced with a follow up of Beast Mode, and hope they come to fruition before the cold of late fall/winter sets in, blessings to all!


Those look great… can you see why Autos were originally designed as balcony weed. you could grow it and even the next balcony over never knew.
this is Lowryder 1 influence. Lowryder 2 is what changed things, they added Santa Maria to things, some added AK47 to this and created a bigger generation of Autos.

I have a trick for you to try… I have a theory that even though these plants are Auto Flowering, an influence of Ruderalis. Usually Polish or Russian.
yet they were still created using a plant that reacts to photo period lighting.
so, try this, I do with good success.

After your plant shows sex, usually around day 20 on a good plant. if you have a plant shows sex in 10 days, cull it. this is going to be a stunted small auto.
because it had no veg time to speak of… big big autos take 21 to 30 days to sex.

Up pot her to a 3gal felt pot, give her a week to get established and over the shock. then, switch you light schedule to 12/12 for 2wks, then back to 18/6. Last 2 wks I go 20/4. I believe it triggers the photo period within the auto causing her to stretch a bit.


That’s a very cool tip @Carty! Next time I start a full new auto run, I’m going to try that :metal:

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Cool, thanks for the tips Carty! I’ll run like you say, and just put out 10 gabagoo seeds that germinated into these little orchid pots (green) that are 1/3 of a gallon maybe, today and will run them 18/6, and follow these instructions!

The hard part is finding a 1 gallon colored orchid pot on the internet.



(10 chars)

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Exactly where I found mine like 10yrs ago or more. The reason I went with Orchid pots is the extra drain holes…
I found the same pots in clear containers, but, should work just fine…

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I will look again and try different search words, Amazon was where I got the smaller ones.

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I guess a 7-8" pot would be a gallon

Pot size chart-approximate does not include height of pot

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I think your plants have powdery mildew.

those were three years ago, and they came out without powdery mildew, maybe the angle of the pic?


Anyone waiting on seeds, I just got more stamps and cards so be going out Monday, a few went out yesterday…

I’ve got some important ones yet to get ready like Rain_Today needs his Miss Piggy seeds… bro, I didn’t tell you… my buddy Budsniffer contacted me and is sending me a bunch of old seeds he has laying around. a pack of them are original Miss Piggy seeds I sent to a friend over in the UK who regifted them, he’s not much for Autos… funny how things work out huh?