Autos Done Carty's Way

now for an update on what I have going on…

I have 4 Autos in the flowering tent anywhere from 30 days in to less… had a few not survive and therefor have plants in different stages… grrrrr.



First 2 plants shown were hit by hand with pollen painting it on with a small paint brush to 2 branches on each one… probably should of marked them huh… whooops… should be able to tell though…


That is awesome!!! If you’d like I’ll be delighted to run those :heart_eyes: - in about 3 weeks I can run them along with the ones I just harvested today, then if there’s an outstanding male(s) he can do the deed and add diversity, and that’ll cross my crosses back toward the original. I’ll buy a fresh bag of the good soil to start them in this time, and the blasted root munching beetles will be gone by then too.


Ah sweet bro… so we’ll just wait for his seeds to arrive then ok… send them all at once if that works for you…
by the sounds of things this is actually kind of perfect… lol


Getting things ready to mail out tomorrow… you should have things by Thurs…

You so much remind me of the enthusiasm I had when I started breeding back in 2008. look forward to your projects we do together… and I’m always happy to send you something for just you to work be it another Auto or one of the 360 photo periods… lol.

Things are kicking right now, just wish they were all the exact same age instead of a 2wk variance …I am discovering one thing, any Auto with the word Strawberry in it’s description needs to be grown ASAP… the size and structure is beautiful…

she was hit by hand with Gabagoo pollen… do I see Strawberry Goo in the near future… maybe.

Top Gun is the youngest and at least 2wks behind the Iced Latte’

Fook Around and Find Out
I do believe the name was a warning and seeing her grow, I’m hoping there’s a good reason why… hehehe


July 4th growth hits a week old and are doing great.

White Widow Autos

Forged x Samsquatch Auto was the only Squatch Off that survived… lol

2 Photo Periods called Ice Princess… a C99 cross.


That was lucky, I must have sent them in ‘17 at the latest

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Well, I must have been stoned and pots for gabagoo got too wet, no luck with sprouting. Back to the instructions you laid out @Carty Ha!

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He just mailed them today and says I should see them by Wed… get them out to you ASAP my brother… plus, I’m adding something very unique just for you to play with at your convenience. Remember, I have over 360 photo periods and some are old school genetics. and I’m not gonna tell you what it is… hahaha.

Thanks for all your doing for Carty’s Collective Crosses.


Do you need more, I have thousands… be glad to send you 20 more ok


Funny how things can find their way back to you when you need them most, not the first time either.
I just sent a card to Argo’s Gardens with instructions to empty the seed pucks, replace them with my Blue Vangoo strain (Beast Mode) and mail back to me in a card… hates going to the post office so was trying to make it easy on him… he is sitting on all my genetics from 2008… a box full. hahaha

Argo also made my F4 seed stock of Gabagoo… he’s been running it since 2008 and has people who ask for it specifically… we became good friends when I designed his stickers… wanted old school so…
Argo's G avatar 2


I lost the gabagoo to too much moisture in the soil I think, since no one is poking above ground and it’s been a week.

I have 12 of the GDP X BEAST MODE testers germinating as we speak, and ought to be enough I hope for a run.


I’d be more then happy to send you some more seeds just because your trying so hard to succeed… I have plenty so no worries, rather see a person happy and have a good experience with anything I send them no matter why…

Shoot me your addy again and I’ll get you a card soon bro


@argyle probably want to send that in DM bud :wink:


You can always flag a post for someone if they mess up and post info in public.they will get a flag dm but their info won’t be public anymore. Just fyi


Thanks to you both kind spirits for your help, I am appreciative, and got by with a little help from my friends!


Oh cool, ok, I wasn’t sure what the best thing to do was there, thanks man! :grin::metal:


Love the way we watch each others 6… respect.

I hate working with gloves on, but, maybe I wouldn’t keep getting bit by spiders.
All I can figure is, while removing my shutters yesterday, a Black Widow must of been hiding and got my thumb. I thought at first I’d just overworked my hand using the screw gun and spray painting… I’m disabled and for 12yrs was unable to walk… rebuilding all my muscles isn’t easy but I will not give up…


Tomorrow the babies hit 2wks old… so while watering tonight I did a few things to improve upward growth.

Removed the round (Cotyledon) leaf’s, right above these I remove the single bladed leaf and the growth beginning at the same point… this makes what I call a cradle with nothing grown below it.

Plant Energy: What this leaf removal is all about… every bit of growth below the area you want to explode, steals food and energy as it goes up the stem…
let’s see how they look in a week eh?

I think I’m done for the night, my thumb is throbbing… peace


Holy shit man, seriously!? Those spiders creep the hell out of me (ok, all do, but especially those ones).

I’m glad you’re ok and healing man, that’s insane!

A black widow… Never let a b*tch getcha down :wink::grin: